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Everything posted by Global-Trance
I just tried it. On several items such as the beam saber, lipstick, star wand, a forward smash results Captain Falcon just doing a stab and then retracting without bringing the item up. As for the bat, he does a full fledged baseball swing.
Thanks for this. SAUSAGES CONFIRMED. DK was always at least decent and amazing in the hands of someone good wtf are you talking about
We should have had another SO CAL MEET UP for this sort of thing. Also, happy birthday.
I can also post pictures of what's coming out of his pan for you if you would like to point out where the bacon is.
S-Shaped Sausage: When they are chained, which is the case in Brawl. Pancake: Take one off the plate and bend it into an S. Not very hard is it? It's not like they are hard to shape, especially in the air.
What? G&W NEVER tossed bacon. The shape of whatever comes out of the pan is clearly NOT bacon. It was always debated as pancakes or sausages. I have Brawl on right now and closing examining all the different things coming out of his pan, I noticed chained sausages, fish (not chicken drumsticks though I can see how one could think them as chicken drumsticks), and pancakes (too oddly shaped to be one big sausage... could just be large slabs of meat). Also, yes G&W has been improved significantly. His improvements + the new balancing makes him a force to be reckoned with. The improvements mentioned barely scratch the surface. His Up+B recovery does have a parachute now which allows him to float to the ground. What's insane about this is that after the insane height he gets from Up+B, he gets to cover horizontal ground with the float from the parachute. Also he can cancel out of the parachute and attack on the way down. Most great Up+B moves don't allow you to attack afterwards. G&W's allows you to have this advantage. I didn't notice his priority changing much from Melee. He already had high priority then. What G&W got beefed up in mostly was range and knock back. Fishbowl neutral air is a good move. Not effective for killing like the parachute in Melee but it covers a lot of room and gives multiple hits. If you want a move that hits a lot with nice knockback on the last hit, his back air attack, the turtle, is a good bet. It eats up shields. As for the down tilt A manhole move it's still just as good. It's not used for pop-ups now, but in Brawl I see that as a positive. In Brawl, don't even count on doing air juggles so the lack of pop up is good. What makes down tilt A a good move now is it's mostly a lagless horizontal knock back move. They also made the manhole even BIGGER. The range on it is just nuts. And my favorite thing about G&W is now is that his up air move, the one where he blows air upwards, actually blows people upward. You can delay someone's aerial drop attack with this thing. It's hilarious. There are a couple other finer points to G&W but I won't get into it or you all might turn into ridiculously good G&W players.
Everybody loves Luigi.
Damn straight. Also I did not realize how well Bowser can stay in a match. He does not suffer from knockback nearly as much as everyone else. All the moves that send all the characters flying done on Bowser won't push him that far. Unexpected tank.
Long tournaments bore the hell out of me. Even biweeklies in the Bay and biweeklies at Ken's house down south get on my nerves sometimes because the tournaments are like 12 hours long. I'll see how I feel about it when it gets closer.
Yea SSE's last level wasn't necessary. It's like they crammed in all of All-Star Mode into a Zelda-like Dungeon and adding ALL the NPC Bosses as well. It just wasn't necessary. I loved SSE... but seriously they didn't need the last level to be SO LONG.
It doesn't matter about the glitches. Three quarters of them are useless and the other quarter aren't even glitches. lmao SO GUYS WHO IS UP WITH SOME WIFI? LIKE, WITH BRAWL. BECAUSE WE HAVE BRAWL OR SOMETHING. :3
Don't get dramatic. We're having fun. Also: ATMUH MAKE MORE MAPS :3
One word: Ganondorf Sucks to lose to my randoms huh guys? I wonder when my main will come out to play. :] But really, that was fun though guys. Whenever you want to get Ganon stomped, just IM me. XD Wuhoo2 (10:02:02 PM): thank God my stomps all hit Wuhoo2 (10:02:07 PM): ff3atmaweapon (10:02:09 PM): we can have INTENSE matches if the lag is gone ff3atmaweapon (10:02:12 PM): yeah srsly ff3atmaweapon (10:02:18 PM): HOW DID YOU PULL ALL THOSE OFF ff3atmaweapon (10:02:26 PM): every time it hit ff3atmaweapon (10:02:29 PM): I said ff3atmaweapon (10:02:32 PM): are you kidding Wuhoo2 (10:02:40 PM): I capitalize on your aerial attack lag Wuhoo2 (10:02:42 PM): or Wuhoo2 (10:02:50 PM): I know when you're going to attack ff3atmaweapon (10:02:59 PM): YOU KNOW
Wuhoo2 (4:17:41 PM): I wailed on Arek last night Wuhoo2 (4:17:45 PM): WITH GANONDORF ff3atmaweapon (4:17:48 PM): um ff3atmaweapon (4:17:49 PM): HOW ff3atmaweapon (4:17:53 PM): he sucks [After I fight Atma on wifi with Ganondorf] Wuhoo2 (8:20:18 PM): SO GANON SUCKS HUH ff3atmaweapon (8:20:25 PM): OK FINE SHUT UP
Epic Global-Trance vs. Arek the Absolute battles ensued just now on wifi. My Ganondorf is a tricky bastard. :3
Had some online matches with Arek. Wins and losses on both sides. Lag made it less fun. Hope that's fixed soon.
No Board the Platform either.
He's almost decent now.
Well I pre-ordered it as well... which I'll just pick up on midnight I guess!
Clocked in about 10 hours on this so far. Unlocked Ness, Marth, Luigi, Falco, Snake, Captain Falcon, Sonic, and Lucario so far. THIS GAME IS RIDICULOUSLY FUN. You all better stand in line the night before March 9th. I know I am for the state-side release.
He's been playing the same rip that any of the people on the inside have. DVD9 rip still TBD.
Hah. Maybe if I had a DVR or something. Also I dunno if there will be lag between me and Atma. We'll see.
Atma, I'll be joining you guys this week. We should get some wifi going on.
The clones everyone has been worried about are less clone-ish than they were in Melee. At least this is what I'm hearing about/reading about at Smash Boards.