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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. 107 stars here. Spent far too much time on Toy Galaxy Purple Coin run. O M G Disgusting.
  2. Sounds like something worth checking out.
  3. Some know me as notorious for having high standards for quality in music and I have to say this music update fails. I can see what they were trying to do, but it just sounds plain half-assed.
  4. I'm pretty much in love with this game. I'm sure most of you are too. <3
  5. Didn't hear about this. What a bummer.
  6. So... any bored Melee players in the Bay Area of CA want to play with me?
  7. I want to get this game on release, but my friend is hooking me up for only $40 instead of $49.99 plus tax. I guess I am willing to wait for this a day or two. I am very anxious for this game. It was my absolute favorite thing to play at E3 2006!
  8. look at that douchey face of his
  9. Oh Dammit! I could have swore Ness learned at least the Alpha stage of it. Nope. Not even. ;___; ... Here's to hoping Poo is in this and rapes with Starstorm.
  10. If they do rework Ness, here's to hoping for PSI Starstorm to ruin everyone's shit.
  11. I wonder if you make him come out on the Shadow Moses Island stage will cause REX will step on him.
  12. AHHHHHHHHH I was calling him to be playable... but just missed it by that much...
  13. SNES-ish sounding. Totally not Chrono. Who makes up this stuff anyways?
  14. "And, yes, Diddy... it's over 9000. Just letting you know."
  15. Wait... that's a CONDOR?! I always thought it was a pterodactyl.
  16. Happy Birthday Mr. Piracha.
  17. I don't know if Smash is anywhere close to being a traditional fighter, but that just might be me being picky. Regardless, Smash Brawl has been hyped up quite a bit through indirect means. Look at what these updates are doing to everyone.
  18. Yea it doesn't necessarily mean Balloon Fighter will be in it. Though I did hear Balloon Fighter was a candidate for Smash 64... unless I heard wrong.
  19. This might be true... remember in Melee if you played the Icicle Mountain stage enough you'd hear the alternate music? The alternate music was from Balloon Fighter...
  20. We kinda got this with Fourside, but as much as I love Earthbound, that stage is pretty much garbage for the most part, IMO.
  21. Probably the best post I've ever seen you make.
  22. What an incredibly appropriate name you have.
  23. Build Your Own Stages? :o
  24. As fun as it is to pick mains ahead of time, I think it's kind of silly. Consider the fact how many people said that they were going to main Bowser before Melee came out. Look how poorly that turned out. Unless you're Gimpyfish.
  25. Yea it's definitely a good one. Sorry but I have to try to be hip and trendy and be on top of everything.
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