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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. I find the cut to be potentially disheartening. It could be any of our favorite characters. Though I think everyone can agree to give Pichu the boot. Edit: As for wavedashing... wavedashing doesn't automatically make you good. For some characters, it's completely useless; for others it opens up many different ways of playing. If used correctly, wavedashing opens up different combo setups, counters, escapes, speed changes, mindgames, and edge guarding techniques. It becomes a whole new ball game. For advanced play like in actual hardcore tournaments it's almost a necessity. If you can't see how wavedashing can be helpful, I recommend checking it out to see how potentially deep the rabbit hole goes in Smash.
  2. The flag comparison is uncomprehensibly terrible. They're not even close to each other.
  3. J U S T I N B A I L E Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  4. OMG PS3 LVL GRAFIX MASSIVE DAMAGE Edit: Just played with TheLeviathan. Fun times. He loves my Falco and Ice Climbers lol
  6. Man. We need some OCR Smash Meetup.
  7. Fourth year living out in I.V. I'm not graduating this year though due to changing majors three times. PM me if you want to hang out or whatever. Play Smash.
  8. Does that answer your question? Ahahaha. Fair enough. Tiers exist. Ask any tournament players like Ken and he'll tell you the same thing. Smash Related Story: I was working last night as campus security and I meander into a dorm lounge where people were playing Smash Melee. I play with them a little and do a 1v1 with one of the guys. A friend of his was there watching and he was telling him what to do to beat me. He had a super arrogant attitude. He was saying how he could counter everything I did with Falco because of my "bad combos" which is a sweet mix up of short-hop fast fall lasering while moving across the stage at dashing speeds with drill kick/down+B shine combos and all that wavedashing fakeout stuff. He took his friend's controller after a match saying "Here, I'll play you" thinking he was so much better than me. We play a 5-stock match. I win with 4 remaining lives. Deflating Egos
  9. Are we at the part where we pretentiously post about how we can beat everyone else on the boards or did I miss that already?
  10. Woohoo. I just obtained a press kit for Super Smash Bros Brawl with a lot of nice artwork! <3 E3 access.
  11. I wouldn't boast the wonders of Rest...you have to be inside your enemy for it to have an effect and if it misses (which it almost invariably does) it leaves her open for getting KO'd (which, let's be honest, you could do by giving her a slightly suspicious glare)Young Link's additional speed isn't really handy unless you're playing keep-away...though considering it's an open warfare game I can't see why you would. I don't throw characters given how ineffective it is. It's much better to do attacks that do more damage. Like anything but a throw. Ganon does do more damage, but considering you can go and get a sammich between the time he starts an attack and the time he does it, that's not so hot. Luigi's...just a tool and I hate him. Another example, Pichu. Did we really need a worse version of Pikachu? I could understand if Pichu dealt more damage with the more damage he took (kinda like ABA from guilty gear) but...he doesnt. He's just a self-destructive poor second choice for self-imposed "No clone" rules. Is...that even possible? Rest is really easy to pull off, really easy. Downward spiral into a rest, works every time. Yea... maybe if you're incapable of blocking. Even if you nail the downward spiral, anyone can block inbetween the spiral and the rest... even if you L-Cancel. Downward spiral to rest works everytime only in SSB64. As for Ganondorf being better than Captain Falcon, I have never seen a comment more wrong concerning Melee ever since I heard people say Jigglypuff was bad. Edit: Changed SSBM to SSB64. Edit: Pichu's only advantage is a boost in speed. Nothing else really. I'd stay away from Pichu altogether.
  12. Lots of double jumps and shield rolls only get you killed easily with really good people. They'll just wait to kill your second jump or wait for you to finish rolling where you are unable to block. I know from first hand experience. Short hop and wavedash for the win.
  13. Ground dodge is usually called side-step, I think. It's something I do instinctively but I slip up sometimes. When I play by myself I usually do the 2-3 level 9s against a team of Marths with no team-attack. I do well but geez, it's pretty damn hard. I use Falco, Dr. Mario, G&W, Jigglypuff, and sometimes random, Falco and Jigglypuff as my tops.
  14. Is that three level nines on a team against you without team attack on? Cuz if it's free for all, three level nines are still just a joke. It also depends on what characters they are... and what they have learned from you (it seems that the cpu has an AI that sorta starts picking up stuff you do, but will never be as good)
  15. I'll let you guys know if the new Smash is at E3 this week. I'll play some of it for you guys.
  16. Freya from Star Ocean 3. 20,000,000 HP and an instant kill move that covers about 80% of the battlefield that she spams with immense prejudice. Most of the bosses I'm seeing here in this thread are chump-change compared to Freya.
  17. Lots of bickering I see. I'm an elitist DJ, but come on, I thought that was fun for what it was. I thought it was cute.
  18. Well... I'm out of the running for the finals round of the poster contest. Thanks to those that voted for me anyways.
  19. Bump for Mono. Well with a sudden twist of fate, they've reduced the spots for finalist of the poster contest I think... Apparently there's only going to be 5 by Friday.
  20. Welp... the first stage of voting ends next Tuesday. If you haven't been supporting me with them daily votes, please do so. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/silenthill/postercontest/vote/vote_popup.php?imgId=1887
  21. VOTE FOR MINE PLEASE. EVERYDAY. http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/silenthill/postercontest/vote/vote_popup.php?imgId=1887 Edit: Thanks Kate
  22. Voting was supposed to have started already... guess they're delayed... check the link throughout the day. Again please vote for me http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/silenthill/postercontest/
  23. New episode plz.
  24. Hey that's a possibility. I gave away a video game in UnMod and mailed it out to my expense. SO VOTE FOR ME PLEASE! (Thanks for all the support )
  25. K. You're better at this than I am though, so be gentle. I was just sayin... if we both wanted to work on it, we might as well team up to lighten the work load on both our backs. We'll just wait and see what them peoples in this project want.
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