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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. Thanks! And here's more stuff... Remember, these are all CLICKABLE THUMBNAILS. Texturing and Rendering Studies (Textured in Maya, rendered with Mental Ray, models supplied by Digital Tutors) Product Visualization Prototype for a Headset (Modeled and textured in Maya, rendered with Mental Ray) I'm also an animation student so I gotta learn some basic rigging. Rigging is the construction of the skeleton and controls that are used to animate a 3D model. (Maya) Surprise! (Keyframe screenshots in Maya) Basic Sit-to-Stand (Keyframe screenshots in Maya) I still have to draw sometimes so here's some drawing stuff I did with charcoal. Russian Figure Drawing/Study Portraits Still Life
  2. A lot of people know me more as a DJ that does seamless harmonic mixes (which can be found at http://www.global-trance.com and more recently https://soundcloud.com/hi-im-gt) but on the side I do visual art stuff! Due to the sheer size of some of these images and the fact that I will be dumping a lot of stuff here now and will continue to do so, I'm going to go through with CREATING CLICKABLE THUMBNAILS. I'm mostly a digital artist but I'll be throwing in some drawing from time to time... hopefully. I'll start with the 3D stuff. Facial Anatomy Studies (Modeled and textured in ZBrush) My Version of the Creature from "The Creature from the Black Lagoon". (Modeled in ZBrush) Basic Armor Suit (Modeled and quickly painted in ZBrush) Skin and Polypaint Test (Edited model and painted in ZBrush) Chain Armor Modeling (Modeled in ZBrush - yes all of that is actual geometry) Punching Mech Suit (Modeled in ZBrush) Prototype Bike (Modeled and rendered in Maya with Mental Ray) Subsurface Scattering Study (Textured in Maya, rendered in with Mental Ray, model supplied by Digital Tutors)
  3. I think for me it was FFMusicDJ / Haroon's remixes on Kazaa or something. Also like the one DJ set he posted in Unmoderated ages ago is one of the things that pushed me to DJing as well. He didn't really continue with that but I guess I did!
  4. Super cool stuff here . What tools do you use primarily?
  5. I haven't been much for reading things like this lately but I'll bookmark and check it out soon.
  6. Cool spritework. Those are always fun. Which platform are you using "Colors! 3D" on and how do you like it?
  7. I had a feeling it was Slenderman. Just like the Slender game. I might be wrong here but I think the overlay stuff takes up too much space. Otherwise I think it's a nice start. Good luck!
  8. Hi Txai, Always liked your work. Please post more and best of luck in your program!
  9. Hip Tanaka's tribute to Yamauchi in the form of remixes Super Mario Land: https://soundcloud.com/hip_tanaka/dedicated-to-hiroshi-yamauchi Metroid: https://soundcloud.com/hip_tanaka/dedicated-to-hiroshi
  10. Almost to Disc 3 now. Sequence breaking via map breaking almost wasn't even worth it since she never gets any new gear and she sometimes breaks some of the cutscenes and causes the game to hang.
  11. Also I need to go back to my low level FFVII run. I'm on Disc 2. Something's amiss with that screenshot though...
  12. I recently just finished Dark Souls with a level 1 character.
  13. I ain't even mad. Also "Look Ma, No Spats!" achievement was kind of annoying but I managed it finally. Almost 100% the game. And then I'll do it all again.
  14. I have no issues with the cutscenes as you can easily skip them. The little cutscenes make the levels feel like an episode of DuckTales. I liked the added tweaks to the levels and the bosses. I already passed Extreme Mode. All I gotta do is get the rest of the art and an achievement or two and I'll be done. Great game overall and I do like virt slipping the melody of the Moon theme in as many places as he could.
  15. Lexxy used to come around these parts eons ago. She's doing a cool comic thing now. She's super talented http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lexxercise/life-beyond-the-clouds-kickstarting-the-cloud-fact?ref=activity
  16. He's the voice of the sword. Awesome.
  17. Night at the Inventory 2, probably. Considering who's in it, this just looks like what they're all betting at the poker table.
  18. For some reason when Necrotic quoted me, all the capital letters in the video IDs became lowercase which is why it didn't work.
  19. Wait. DmC is now playable. *END SPOILERS*
  20. Yeah that's the biggest turnoff for me in the new DmC. You can literally bring all the bosses in this game to their knees in mere moments with the same tactic. A last second dodge into full charge Drive. There I just ruined every boss fight in this game. Seriously, the damage for that is off the charts even on the hardest difficulty. It looks and sounds nice and even some of the camera work done in some of the cutscenes are impressive in terms of photography but that's all the credit I'm giving it. I love Ninja Theory for their artistic direction but they missed the mark on a lot of other aspects. I played it on PC and as far as I know the same problems persist on all versions. And now it's uninstalled. It's worth checking out as a hardcore Devil May Cry fan but it can't hold my attention like the rest of the series. It IS better than DMC2 at least though. Now that was a shitpile.
  21. DmC: Devil May Cry looks great and it has some really nice set pieces and the music fits with visuals but its difficulty is a total snoozefest. And really the idea of cool they were going for is such a juvenile one. The writing is also really cliche' and takes itself too seriously even all the way through the Vergil DLC. Getting SSS in one simple combo? Lame.
  22. 29 and super single and stuck at home for now while I pay off my bills and all of grad school but getting to the point where my financial situation is going to radically change and I'll probably be off living a charmed life soon enough. While I'm okay with being single, I do definitely think fondly of someone awesome. Not too pressured to be in any relationship or anything related to that yet.
  23. I think that's fine honestly since he's getting old. It's a nice progression to the voice he had at the end of MGS4.
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