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Everything posted by Mr.Roboto

  1. Is Wiiware a part of VC?If so,a Mother 3 released through WiiWare with an English translation,Pretty much trumps all. Though it will never happen. : (
  2. Is snaking a part of it?
  3. I think there were two story's for the Game in question,EVE. One was where a player and his buddy created a false corporation to create a high class war ship,while the second is a player would created a false bank system in which he stole several billion or more of Isk with said bank scheme. I had a link to the first one but its dead now. Edit:Looks like Zircon has the first one,but heres the second one,he stole over 700 Billion Isk,which at the time had a total resale value of over 100000 dollars on Ebay. http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060828-7605.html Truly epic.
  4. It's still pretty lame that Falco,Fox and Wolf all share the exact same Final Smash.Pretty lame.
  5. *Sigh* And I was really looking forward to it.
  6. January 22nd.
  7. ....The alloys are somewhat related to Meteos. The Red Alloy:Dawndus. The Blue Alloy:Cavious. The Yellow Alloy(The one that really struck me to this theory.):Geolite. The Green Alloy:Megadom. The resemblances are far too striking to be merely coincidence.
  8. Let's hope it doesn't suffer the same fate as Final Fantasy:Spirits Within.
  9. Don't forget about Big Blue,thats a pretty awesome stage too.
  10. Uhhhh...Isn't this stage a blatant rip-off of Mute City?One stage that follows a course of vehicles that hit you can cause damage? Captain Falcon not in SSBB confirmed?
  11. Pokemon Snap on the Wii.Hopefully they'll get out some other titles that will interest me.
  12. OSHIT Yeah.Obviously something like a firing over the fact that a company's game got a bad review could spark such a notion as this.
  13. Boy Eidos,you're really really terrible at this aren't you? Yeah...fired for bad review confirmed?
  14. Pokefloats Pee Ell Zee.
  15. Speaking of VC titles,Man.I want more N64 titles. I want Mischief Makers god damn it.
  16. Really,in the team games I played there really wasn't any conversation at all. I mean,it's not that hard to keep track of whats going on anyway.
  17. Nintendo.What the fuck have you done. You gave Fox a scouter..You fucking bastards.DO YOU REALIZE THE HELL YOU'VE BROUGHT UPON US!
  18. Poke-floats was awesome. You're just terrible. Anyway,Yeah,A Planet-Gravity like stage would be awesome.The ability to propel yourself using the gravity and attack opponents that way.
  19. They have yet to release Captain Falcon. It's still imperfect.
  20. I would have expected them to have commited suicide over the fact that theres no Wavedashing in brawl. WHERES MAH CAPTAIN FALCON!? Also:Pictochat level is pretty awesome.
  21. Little Mac would have been an awesome surprise. Damn it Nintendo,confirm Captain Falcon already.Then I can ignore all of your releases until the game is out.
  22. Sonic before Captain Falcon. Fuck you Nintendo.Fuck you. Hopefully he's playable at E 4 All. *Sigh*Sonic would have been a nice surprise to know without reading about it.
  23. Capcom needs to remake the Megaman Legend's games with the Wii.Or make a third. God,I would totally buy that on release.
  24. I just wish Nintendo would gives us Captain Falcon.Then I'll stop reading the page.
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