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Everything posted by Mr.Roboto

  1. Well..thats obvious.Most people who are getting Pearl/Diamnd only played Red/Blue,I only went up to Gold/Silver.
  2. It's satanic!
  3. Wait a fuckin second here. Pearl gets a Walrus pokemon? ...Thats so fucking AWESOME.
  4. I wonder if that hats worth 300 gil?
  5. Aww..Fuck it. Sadness lost its Punlishing Partner..its now officially Vaporware..I truly wanted to see where it was going too.
  6. Release Date: 6/25 Price: $29.99 Features: * Wii-mote Action! – Moving the Wii-mote allows players to aim weapons, slash with the knife, control action sequences and much more. * Award-winning gameplay –RE4 has won multiple Game of the Year awards. * Unsurpassed Visuals – Resident Evil 4 features breathtaking 3D graphics and effects! * Behind the Camera View – Camera follows you from behind and allows for intuitive movement. * Advanced AI – Enemies use their cunning abilities to team up and attack the player en mass. * “Separate Ways” – Play as Ada Wong in five new chapters that reveal startling insight into the original storyline! * Supports true 16:9 widescreen and Dolby Pro Logic II. Hmm..I want to purchase simply because of the action sequences.Knife fight with Krauser.Yessss...Could be quite epic.
  7. The server wouldn't be down,Would it? Cause..I can't connect.
  8. Bump. So..is this thing still active?I've been bored of Guild Wars as of late and I need something different to play.
  9. As much as I doubt it,some Metal Slug characters would be awesome.I mean all they have to do is do exactly what they did with Snake,take away any actual fire arms and simply replace them with explosive weapons.(Rocket Launcher,Grenades,Iron Lizard,Etc.) Perhaps I hope too much..but boy,that would be a literal fuckton of awesome.
  10. RIGHT NOW! ...Sadly no.But this RPG from Koei certainly has a Earthboundish vibe to it.I think it my simply be from the Title Screen and the monsters though.
  11. Breath of Fire:Dragon Quarter. It truly saddens me to always go into my local EB and see a rack of 3+ copies just sit there.They're only worth $9 canadian too..It's truly depressing.
  12. And how coinicidental.. The fan site is also down. Weird.
  13. It seems to have done well in general.1UP gave it a 7.5 as well. Perhaps i'll rent it.
  14. Hopefully the other characters will stay in the Multiplayer portion. Hopefully.
  15. GeeGee Childhood.
  16. A new terrorist tactic,disgusing bombs as light bright figures using obscene gestures!
  17. Personally I prefer it that way. The Hero/Princess lovelife is quite Cliche and overused.Alot.
  18. I ,too,hoped for more in TP as regarding this.."branch" of the Zelda story.
  19. The thing about that is, Link has Pink/Purple hair.
  20. The only timeline I know of that is the Link(har har.) between Ocarina of Time,Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.Since the evidence is quite obvious. As for Twilight Princess I really can't find any obvious connections.
  21. Worst week for PS3 in Japan(And most consoles in general too.)
  22. Yes.And its got the excitement of a classy place. Which is none.
  23. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. That pretty well sums it up.I mean,yes there were a couple of closable threads like Sahs "Rape Time" and Poiso's multiple threads.. But the rest is fucking ridiculous.
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