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  1. Hi all, first post here. It seems like this is the place to go for this sort of thing. I've had FL Studio for some time now but never really done much with it besides thrown together some neat sounding little clips from time to time. Honestly I don't know a lot about the program, I've been trying to watch some tutorials and pick up some things here and there but mostly I just fiddle with stuff and hope it doesn't sound awful. If you have any helpful FL Studio tips besides your critique of the song, I'd be glad to hear them. In any case, I decided to sit down and do something a few days ago and managed to put this together in that time. Soundbutt If I could describe what sort of genre I was going for I'd have to say 'chill.' Kind of a nice laid back remix with some nice electronic elements sort of thing. I know right off the bat one of the issues is that it is pretty close to the source (besides some added harmonies). I have some ideas for some sort of bridge in the middle but everything I tried either seemed to not fit with the rest of it, sound wrong since I couldn't find the right instrument, and seem like a detraction from the beauty of the piece. I want to add something to it, I really do, but I just can't seem to bring myself to 'mess with' how it sounded originally. I don't know if there are any ideas you all have for how to change a beloved song. Anyway, I've gone on long enough. Hope to be around here more in the future, and look forward to your critiques and comments. -Moog
  2. So I refound one half finished track I started 3 years ago, got inspired by it and decided to work some more on it. It's a medley of 2 tracks from Konamis' puzzle/shooter/tetris-like game Quarth that was released in 1989 on various platforms such as the arcade, the PC98, X86000, Famicom and Game Boy. This song is based on the MSX version and it turned out to become a quite happy mix. Overall I'm pretty happy with how it sounds so far, apart from it needing an ending and more work on the mix. Anyways, here it is: https://soundcloud.com/jorito/quarth-medley-preview-wip-20140627 Any thoughts?
  3. Hey guys, been a while since I've posted something here. I feel pretty good about how this remix has turned out so far, so I'm intent on submitting it. Just looking for general feedback, any comments are welcome. It feels almost finished, but more feedback doesn't hurt one bit. Thanks so much in advance for taking any time to listen/respond, I appreciate it immensely.
  4. At least two years ago I posted a work in progress on a Brinstair Red remix. Unfortunately, soon after posting my computer harddrive crashed and I lost all my work. I decided I wanted to try for a different direction with the remix and started over. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE SO FAR One day I'll be competent in dubstep production and I'll finally be able to finish this remix.
  5. Hi to all, recently i have been very devoted to make the best out of my DAW, so i am practicing making some remixes,. I am currently working on a Aquatic Ambiance remix from DKC 1, any feedback is greatly appreciated. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93823550/%5BWIP%5D%20Aquatic%20Ambiance.mp3
  6. Remix: https://soundcloud.com/celerinajackrabbit/amongst-the-heavens-sky-road Original: So first submitted remix for review and advice. Exciting and nervous. Anyways, while I certainly feel that this mix is done, I'm not absolutely positive it's up to the standards of OCR. Soooooo... yeah. I'm happy with it, but any advice and such would be appriciated.
  7. Originals: Remix: https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/wip-ppttyd-doopliss-battle-remix A Paper Mario the thousand year door boss battle theme, with added mini-boss battle music at the beginning. This is very early in development and I would love any feedback to help drive this to completion!
  8. I confess my love - I love taking music and turning the creepy up to 10. Last October I wanted to make a halloween-ish remix, so I took Lavender Town and re-interpreted it. While it was finished as it was, it still is not up to my standard of quality and I want to see what critique I can get here while I'm at it. Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dragonfox-studios/that-white-hand-on-your-shoulder-isnt-real-wip-mix Original (Youtube): There's something extra I want to add though that I can't easily voice on my own. At the end a final violin pizzicato part comes in...I want to have some vocals sung to it that sounds like a child being innocently creepy. Lyrics: "I just want to play, won't you come and play with me? I just want to play, friends for all eternity!" Random thought really.
  9. A remix of Yoko Shimomura 'Ryu's Theme' from Street Fighter 2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ldv4av64xsqcwj6/Ryu%27s%20Theme%20Remix%201.2.wav https://soundcloud.com/matthewdear-1/ryus-theme-sf2-remix The middle section needs some work and the whole track could do with a little cleaning up. But please leave some feedback! Cheers, Matt
  10. https://soundcloud.com/synapsii/gaia-grandioso-v14 Been working on this for a while, first time using Reason. I'm reasonably happy with how it sounds so far. I want to make the drum loops better and I'm not totally satisfied with the piano samples I'm using. Tell me what you guys think. Source material: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFMc40qxJK4 Source can be heard starting at ~0:55, main theme ~1:10
  11. Good day, I know that medleys aren´t preferred, but I just couldn´t help myself this time. Every rainbow road is in it´s one key, except for the first version of MKDS. However, when it´s repeated at the end it is in it´s own key. I tried to keep the arrangement interesting by a couple of harmonisations, and a a signature change. My pianoplaying isn´t virtuosic so there are a couple of wrong notes and slight unnatural tempo changes, but since this isn´t the final version, I can always get a perfect recording when I´m fully done with this remix. https://soundcloud.com/jorik-bergman/the-epic-rainbow-road-piano-medleymp3 Sources:
  12. Here is a demo of the string (4), flute, oboe and piano arrangement I have worked on. https://soundcloud.com/codychavezmusic/street-fighter-2-guile-stage-theme-for-strings-winds-and-piano
  13. Hello, I originally submitted a version of this mix to the judges panel in 2009. Here is the original version that I submitted 2009 Version MP3. The original was rejected for a few reasons. The piano sounded too muddy and far away, the strings didn't sound realistic enough, and the cymbal crashes were out of place. In general though, the judges liked the track. Five years later (hey, family life gets in the way ), I'm posting a new version for review. In addition to fixing the problems cited by the judges, I re wrote a lot of parts (adding a few new counter melodies), remixed, and remastered. Wanted to get everyone's thoughts on the new version before I submit it again. The new version to be reviewed can be found as an MP3 at soundcloud. Below is some of the text from my 2009 submission, to give you an idea of my thought process: After what seemed like months of trying to beat Bubble Bobble with my siblings, we finally defeated the humongous boss and watched the credits roll. I remember hearing music play over the credit and thinking that the prettiness of the melody was masked by the limitations of the NES' sound capabilities. Many years later, that thought surfaced again and I decided to see if I couldn't come up with a remix to do the music justice. I truly believe that video games should have a good payoff with memorable end game music. This piece has ambient, new age, and dance influences. One of the major changes I’ve introduced is an extended “chorus section.” The original piece of music had a chorus section that seemed to end a bit abruptly. To remedy that, I use a deceptive cadence (i.e. V -> VI) in order to extend the passage for a few more measures. I think this makes the melody flow better. I also organized the music in a pop-friendly format: intro, verse, verse, chorus, interlude, verse, chorus, outro. I really enjoyed playing with different patches within my soft synths (Omnisphere and Stylus) to recreate that Bubble Bobble experience. There’s crystal like sounds as well a waterdrop arpeggio during the interlude. The end product is a little bit of cheer-you-up new age/dance, my very own take on what a happy ending should be. I hope you enjoy. Looking forward to everyone's feedback. Relevant Submission Information: Name of Mp3 submission: Bubble Bobble Waterfall Ending Name of Game Arranged: Bubble Bobble (NES Version) Name of Individual Song Arranged from Game: Happy Ending (Note. The song is not specifically named on the OC Remix Bubble Bobble page, but can be found in the chiptunes as track 11. VGM Music identifies track 11 as "Happy Ending". More specifically, I'm arranging the music that plays over the credits. See . )
  14. Hello, this is the next thing I am working on - requested by Xarnax42 in this thread - is a piece from Legacy of the Wizard, also known as Dragon Slayer IV in Japan. I think this game has an awesome soundtrack and one of those awesome songs I wanted to give credit to - Meyna's Level Theme which has been in my head over all those years. Here is a link to the original: So yeah, after messing around you can listen to what it sounds like at the moment here: http://www.darksoulproject.com/music/Meyna.mp3 This is work in progress, which you might hear. (aka: I really need to get this guitar intonated, tried several times myself, it does not work in the higher regions) If you have any comments, suggestions or constructive critism it would be greatly appreciated as always. I hope you enjoy listening. Take care, Luhny
  15. remix: https://soundcloud.com/killing-pepsi/lavender-town-mix Original: I made a lavender town remix using only a Tim Allen grunt soundfile a while back, so I thought I make a more serious one. The main form of the track is done (except the ending), but all the blank/empty spaces will be filled in later (most obvious around 50 seconds in).
  16. Just learnt how to use output buses (what the hell was I doing before?!) and decided to test some stuff out. Everything's a little rough (still have no idea how to effectively use brass) but I like how everything's gone so far.
  17. This is my WIP custom soundtrack for Sonic Boom. It follows in the direction Sonic Adventure 2's OST. Mostly are rock-ish for now but I will feature jazzy one and other ones, etc. Here's the playlist so far: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeujgDM_LRPdc0psTSHAlVfPuw3ewW0e9
  18. Hi, this is 1 of 2 remixes from Rez that I have made recently, this one is originally done by Ken Ishii. I have not mastered it yet so you might have to turn it up a bit compared to commercial tracks, but I think it is finished otherwise, unless anyone has any criticisms/suggestions of anything to change? https://soundcloud.com/stateofcreation/creation-the-state-of-art - My Remix I am new here and a bit unsure of how to name it if anyone could help with that? It says to choose an original name, so would 'Creation the State of Art (SoC Remix)' or similar not be correct either? 'Creation the State of Art' being the original title. If not then some suggestions for a title would be appreciated too Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and any feedback is appreciated!
  19. Hey, so I looked around and I didn't see any mention of covers not being allowed, so I figured I'd post this anyway... if it's against the rules, I apologize whole-heartedly and won't do it again. Anyway... a long time ago, I was gifted an a capella vocal track of Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence. Initially, I had an extremely down-tempo, sad strings version... and everyone who heard it said it was too much like all of my other stuff. So in 5 minutes, I decided to make it into a harder dance song instead... but in all actuality it was just as a joke... and thus the song isn't actually finished. That said... I actually like my version. It's weird to be sure. http://totalaccessdatarecovery.com/hazamusic/Hazama-ets_alternate.mp3 Enjoy the (NOT) Silence. -- Haz
  20. Here is a remix I just completed from Ecco the Dolphin the Tides of Time, Tube of Medusa (genesis) https://soundcloud.com/foxde/tube-of-medanca This is actually my first time using FL studios, so I really have no idea what I am doing with the effects. I do like the convolver, though. I know at least one spot where the reverb is way too high on an instrument that echoes (irony, I know), but I can't fix it until I get the full version of FL studios. I also used UgoAudio's metallurgy, which is a great instrument for making a pseudo electric guitar sound. Yes, that animal sound in there is a dolphin Just curious on feedback and what people think, I do plan to fix it up one day and submit it into OC remix. Also, is it too bare for an OC remix? Should I try to add more supporting instruments? I've gotten lots of feedback that my music is too crowded so I tried a simpler approach. Also, how are the transitions? I had to piece a bunch of MP3s together so I don't know if they transition well or not.
  21. https://app.box.com/s/s8iid64fqtwzz8mxetlf jazzy mix i made back in November the original song: i was pretty liberal with the arrangement. instead of taking the structure of the song and remixing from within, i incorporated bits from the original in a totally different and progressive structure. sorta took it in a totally different direction, a more winter-y direction. like Petalburg City in the winter ya know
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