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  1. This is my first thread, and wanted to post my first remix here(have to think of a name for it =) I was playing some vgm on my violin the other week and somehow ended up playing a lot of Xenogears so I decided to make it into a remix. Some bits from guitar/violin need tweaking, but most of the ideas are there. Violin/acoustic guitar was done by me, although I don't know how much better I can make the guitar sound atm since I've been learning for under a year, need more practice T_T Feedback is welcomed =) Edit: -Updated 'Final' version, would love some feedback before changing it to mod review =) (Still need a name, if anyone has a stellar one, hit me =D) -Tindeck seems to make the mp3 I uploaded really loud, not too sure why Source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIF2crvBSDU Remix http://tindeck.com/listen/nddc
  2. So I made a ReMix of the X Men theme today. I know it's not a video game song but it is a remix. So this section of the forums is the right place? Right? Right!? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTteIaHDsWI If you don't want to give feedback here on ocremix, feel free to leave your hatemail in the youtube comments!
  3. I've a bunch of Amiga-Style Remix productions which I only offered in our community yet until I was asked by some people to upload it here (see help forum for that issues). I want to preview it here so that you can listen them in advance, even with some informations how I can upload them here for everyone. The remixes are edicated to some games and tunes from the Demoscene. Danger Freak: http://www.radio-paralax.de/board/thread.php?threadid=2975 7 Gates of Jambala: http://www.radio-paralax.de/board/thread.php?threadid=3000 SWIV - Highscore: http://www.radio-paralax.de/board/thread.php?threadid=2987 Compulsion to obey: http://www.radio-paralax.de/board/thread.php?threadid=3024 Resonance II: http://www.radio-paralax.de/board/thread.php?threadid=3016 Enjoy!
  4. Hi, this is an original tune I just finished. Power metal mixed with J-Rock inspiration in there, hope you dig it! A bit comic book super hero inspired. Thus the title. I posted it up on newgrounds: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/388923 Vote on it if you like! ROCK ON!
  5. ok, I did this for a comp Nintendude is doing, there is still lots of songs up for grabs. come on irc for deets if you're up for it. judging by the criteria here, i dont think it will do well hehe, but i like progressive music a lot thanks for feedback http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaP8Jc51nGo -tyskie
  6. This is my take on Morrigan Aensland's victory theme from Vampire Savior/Darkstalkers 3. The original pretty much was a 4 sec long jingle looped for 20 sec. I took that 4 sec and turned it into 2:21 min...by adding some composition to it. Tried to go somewhat Bossa Nova with it...without going all the way in that direction. Organ solo starts :54 seconds in. I hope you all enjoy and feel free to leave constructive critisim or what not. - A Emcee Muzik.
  7. Its been a LONG time since I posted anything here, so here I am again. This is an complete (Pocket Fighter inspired) revamp to one of my original un-video game related instrumentals from 2008. I tryed to give the composition a 90's summertime block party feeling...if that makes sense. While at the same time fitting the fun chibi anime style of the game. In short, what I wanted this to be is "feel good music". I decided to post the 1080p video instead of the soundcloud link for the presentation value of the video (although thats not the main point here). I tried to emulate that arcade machine feeling in the intro, with pocket fighter sprite animations mixed with real photos and text. Sorry for the lengthy description, I hope you all enjoy. - A Emcee Muzik.
  8. http://www.speedyshare.com/files/26039822/Meeting_the_Maker.mp3 And yep, I'm using the Sound Stretch. I love it and I think I know how to use it now. Post production in FL, like always. I used a very slow phaser effect to get the track to "move" like that.
  9. Hi folks, Not a regular, myself, but felt like posting something since my OCR submission seems to have vanished from the face of the Earth. http://soundcloud.com/nashx/nash-platformer Feedback much appreciated!
  10. Nothing special, but I just recorded another improv video. This time, based on Mabe village from Link's Awakening, inspired by our own Benjamin "chth" Briggs. Sorry bout the clipping EDIT: MY BAD this is pre-sword koholint!
  11. A Piano Remix from the second ending theme of Legend of the Legendary Heroes. I wanted to make it as minimalistic as possible. It was pretty hard to figure out by ear due to alot of of keychanges within the Original Song. Have Fun Listening
  12. :pretzel:http://soundcloud.com/aires/target-beat-old-old-ssbm-beat super old
  13. Hey! Reunion Netlabel is where you find free electronic music, released at a steady pace, with HQ music from many people from this community, but also from the net label/demo scene/music scene in general. Check us out, OK!? http://reuniverse.org (160+ FREE tracks!) -.------------------------------------------------------------ Meteo Xavier is back for a second try at the Reunion Craze ? Good for me Chipage pwnage tuneage awesome! http://reuniverse.org or DDL: http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/171%20-%20Meteo%20Xavier%20-%20Five%20Is%20Average.mp3 ENJOY!!!!
  14. Here's a video I made of a drum performance along with Gradius III's Cosmo Plant. I hope you'll check it out, as it is sort of a demo I made in hopes of generating collaboration interest with musicians online. I welcome all criticism.
  15. The sequel to "Mother World." This is the Orchestrated arrangement of Earthbound, telling the story through music similar to the old Symphony days. For people who never played the Mother series, this is a great way to hear of its astounding soundtrack. To people who have played the series, I promise you will receive a Nostalgic attack. Original Composers: Hiroshi Kanazu, Keiichi Suzuki, and Hirokazu Tanaka. Enjoy ;}
  16. Hey guys, here's my cover of "Once Upon a December" from the 1997 movie Anastasia. This is my winter/holiday song for 2010, and I thought it would be nice for me to post it here on OCR. I sung, arranged, and played all the instruments (harp, piano, glockenspiel) except for the tambourine, which my husband did. I managed to get this online in time for Christmas - being a perfectionist I still think it could be even better, but I'm relatively satisfied. Maybe the sound quality could be better. I dunno. In any case, I hope you like it! You can either watch the accompanying video with the description on Youtube or stream it on MySpace. I prefer the Youtube, personally. http://www.myspace.com/natalyazarraga I will greatly appreciate feedback. Gracias, and enjoy!
  17. I don't come here a lot but occasionally I do video game remixes. Here is one of them.
  18. http://tindeck.com/listen/kzuo A piano mix of Aquatic Ambience; took me 3 hours to put together these six minutes. All feedback, good and bad, is very welcome. Thanks!
  19. Okay, so this is gonna as much of my intro as it is a song I'm gonna show off. When I started out making mixes, I won't lie saying that I was just redoing the original songs, following them by sheet. At that point, the only thing original I was doing was percussion at the time. It's actually been only recently that I've been remixing certain tracks (case in point for this song, the bassline and drumline). At this rate, I'm not gonna keep you guys waiting any longer to see what I've done, so here is where I put it. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/375818 It's kinda finished, but I wouldn't mind going back on it and really going nuts on it. It's under a different title here only so people can find it easier. So yeah, this is what I feel is alright enough to give a first impression of what I can do. Let's see what you guys think.
  20. Hi everybody! I brought you a new song! It's a electro-house soung but sounds kind of sci-fi. Hope you like it. http://soundcloud.com/charlie-atom/charlie-atom-spaceship You can also watch a draft to the video I'm going to make for the song here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu256mTLVpA I'm looking forward to work with other people making music, so if you like my work, contact me!
  21. Hey! Reunion Netlabel is where you find free electronic music, released at a steady pace, with HQ music from many people from this community, but also from the net label/demo scene/music scene in general. Check us out, OK!? http://reuniverse.org (160+ FREE tracks!) -.------------------------------------------------------------ MERRY CHRISTMAS OVERCLOCKED! ON THIS DAY I BRING TO YOU! BINSTER AKA MPEGASUS! IN "I'M TURNING THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS ON IN DIS" WOW. EPIC TITLE.. ok stop it with the caps. thanks. uhm. Have a nice christmas day! http://reunverse.org http://reunion.sgxmusic.com/170%20-%20mpegasus%20-%20I%27m%20Turning%20The%20Christmas%20Lights%20On%20In%20Dis.mp3
  22. hello everyone! http://soundcloud.com/ironblue/titan just posted another track to my beefcloud, and as always i appreciate your opinions and feedback! just a bit of electro inspired by the likes of reading marvel's infinity gauntlet. Hope yall like it
  23. Since Christmas time is here I thought I should remix one of my favorite holiday songs annnnnd here it is. http://soundcloud.com/silent-ice/greensleeves
  24. This is one that I thought up in a day, just continuously fiddling around on the keyboard, followed by a day of orchestrating it. Inspired by the works of Elliot Goldenthal. I would really love to get an actual orchestra to play.
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