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  1. hey guys its been a while im still here i jus wanted to share this before it gets posted in 2012 lol but yeah this is a Trance remix to the opening stage of mega man 8 here is the finished product i will be posting a club mix here soon of this mix i had to do an OCR edit enjoy lemme know what ya'll think Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch_videos?more_url=%2Fmy_favorites&video_ids=bLUwCW3dm5U%2CkKsLqbjXCfE%2CP08vNoptls8%2C2Qfck99QqEE%2CiY8Cg8C9urU%2Cy1vc9uTK8ME%2Ccy1P6WNsBKQ%2CmPpKQ033ajc%2CEuhASKuXI-U%2C1lG06m_NDbM%2CL_HcgwTAVKQ%2CphV5K80TuNY%2C494ckj_fn4U%2CXsBbdsbDaAY%2CRZKXt4_3MRg%2CJ-T-c99mx4U%2C7IRo-Ydyy84%2CM2JdhcZQT3I%2Czji3j7LV4yY%2C4WcuYafh1ek&type=7&index=1&no_autoplay=1 Remix (FINAL): http://tindeck.com/listen/jzzk
  2. Made this song yesterday while my brother was playing the first God of War game on his PS2. Not sure exactly which tracks from the OST i got it from since i just listened while he played and composed accordingly. Anyway, nuff said. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/350100
  3. The reason this is called what it is is because this is something I threw together relatively quickly. After reviewing my finished product, it bears a striking resemblance (at least in my opinion) to this: Now, I wouldn't call it a remix... But here's something like "Hearts". http://tindeck.com/listen/oflz The reason I marked it finished is because it's a short sort of "single" version. I could expand it, put some more breaks, melodies, or something else into it, but... What's here is here. Enjoy. P.S. - I thought about naming it with a synonym of hearts (like Corazones) but that would probably be misleading (you'd expect a Spanish sort of feel to it, huh?) I should stop rambling.
  4. So I made a "housey" song on a 20 hour roadtrip from Phoenix to Portland on my friend's laptop in Ableton Live. http://soundcloud.com/ross-kmet/maury-lipshitz-lost-his-marbles enjoy.
  5. When Starcraft 2 was announced several years back, I made short concept tracks for each of the races just for fun. With the impending release of the game in a few days, I just felt like posting these for your random entertainment. I know they could be polished and worked on a lot more, but I've lost interest and moved on. Thank you for listening, and I hope you find something you like. Zerg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Th6M9IEzgQ Protoss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbGaXG1KmM4 Terran: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_8iQ7sQ_6k
  6. It's a bit easy remix. Theres no electronic or synth here. Guitars and Drums only. http://fairtilizer.com/track/135155
  7. So this is a 99% done remix of "The cove" from Puggsy. I just want to run it by you guys and see if it sounds legit enough before I submit it. :] Source: My Mix : http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=852 Any feedback appreciated thanks.
  8. This is a remix of Merlee's Mansion, which was one of those songs that just stuck in my head months after playing Super Paper Mario. It's a strange take on the theme, incorporating electronic elements with a cinematic twist. It is tentatively finished at this point, and I'm just looking for critiques and opinions before I consider submitting it. Thanks for your time! Bad Manors v1
  9. Well this game seriously needs remixing, so I thought I'd give one of the more badass tunes on it a try (also has a little bit of this in it at the beginning). I've been working on this ReMix bit by bit over the course of a few days, figuring out each section by ear (very hard - especially that piano!), so if I've got some notes wrong I apologise. EDIT: Finished version up here http://www.tindeck.com/listen/chyt with a little help from my brother. Changed almost everything, comments always welcome!
  10. Final version with better EQ, 7-21-11: Thanks to Stevo for the EQ suggestions! UPDATE! 6-20-11: I resubmitted the song on June 14th. Here's the version that was submitted: 6-2-11: My song was judged in May (here's the thread). It got rejected, but there were a number of positive comments, and the consensus was that I should resubmit it. So, definitely an encouraging result. The two main complaints were that the left-hand piano part was too simple/rigid and that the overall soundscape was a bit muddy. I've been working on it a ton more since then and made some pretty significant changes/additions. Here's the latest version: Note that the volume is low compared to other tracks, so you'll want to turn it up. I'm still having problems getting my tracks loud. So far when I've tried compressing it I feel like it's made the song sound worse. Any comments/feedback/suggestions are greatly appreciated. I feel like I'm really close with this one. ---ORIGINAL POST--- Hi! I've been a member here for a little while but haven't posted much or attempted a remix until now. This song is a very loose, mainly-piano interpretation of the main level theme + the credits theme of Hebereke / Ufouria, an NES game made by Sunsoft. It starts off with the source material then kind of flows from there, with phrases from Hebereke's music mixed in throughout. There's a phrase from the title screen at the end as well. UPDATED 10/6: Latest (hopefully final) version: Download link Zophar's Domain link to NSF source (tracks 1 and 11, also the end of 5) Youtube link to source ("Overworld", also the end of "Main Theme") Youtube link to source #2 ("Ending Theme") Comments appreciated! I'm thinking the split between arrangement and original might be a problem, as the arrangement might be too loose / there might be too much original content. Version 2 (much less piano reverb): http://tindeck.com/listen/ojcy Version 1 (for posterity's sake): http://tindeck.com/listen/qdgg
  11. This is the second Song i made together with janny. Due to a huge delay of 2 years because of time issues and short Equipment it is finaly finished. - Instrumental made with Fruity Loops 9 - Recorded in FL with a T-Bone SC440 Have fun listening ^^
  12. Just submitted this one, but figured I'd post it in here as well since I'm not sure how long it will take to be reviewed. (I decided I was impatient after waiting 8 years to make my second submission to the site) http://sadku.com/music/Prisoners_Of_Fate.mp3 Hope you guys like it.
  13. Now with ear-shattering FM guitar wankery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my1vSVle7gs
  14. Hey guys, this is my entry for the Linkin Park "The Catalyst" remix contest. My version The thing about this contest was that they gave you "assets" from the song and a minute of vocals which you had to turn into a 2 minute or higher song, but not higher than 6 mins. "Assets" ranging from an electronic drum loop or rock drums and some other stuff. On a plus, this was my first finished piece of work, using Zircon's shreddage and I was pleased with what I did with it bein as how I'm a complete nub with guitar stuff lol. But yeah enough explanation. Please vote for me and let me know what you thought about this piece good or bad it doesn't matter =7).
  15. I've been working on my album and made this.. It was an accident.. So there is .. Comix Zone Experiment http://fairtilizer.com/track/132916 Thanks for listen! Any comment or something will be nice. Thanks!
  16. Alright, so this is my cover of Ai no Uta (Song of Love, if my Japanese is worth anything?) from Pikmin. I'm not going to submit, as it's not a remix. I'm playing Acoustic Guitar on this track, with friends on bass and flute. Strings are added on computer. Also, I can't find an accordian or decent VST, so the flute covers the accordian part as well. Enjoy! Edit: OOPS! I forgot the link! Sorry, here it is: http://www.box.net/shared/l6t8ts5i9n
  17. Hello this is my first post here so i thought id drop some tracks and introduce myself at the same time you can find the remix at http://soundcloud.com/blooandwhite/ironblue-dubspace-exploration-red-brinstar-remix i do a lot (or used to) of youtube stuff, my account is www.youtube.com/user/blooandwhite i sampled the actual mp3 of the song because i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the color of the original sooo much, hope someone digs it. you can find a storm eagle remix i submitted for review on my profile page too http://soundcloud.com/blooandwhite <3 edit: woopsy heres the source!
  18. Just Downloaded SunVox yesterday and bled this out a few hours later. I am in love with the program and think that the sounds it produces are incredible. More people should use it it's free for Christ's sake!
  19. Just finished up my next entry for the conceptual music competition here at OCR. I started writing and couldn't stop... the cue ended up right around 6 minutes. You can hear it via MP3 here: http://www.richdouglas.net/ocr/RichDouglas_-_TheStranger_CMC35.mp3 I also took a couple of photos that really help to nail down the vibe I'm going here. It's definitely more The Road than The Road Warrior: Here's the background: The Stranger is a FICTIONAL film that doesn't exist. I created the idea to compose music around for a music competition. The basic idea behind the film is that it is a post apocalyptic western in which a stranger comes to the rescue of a small town being raided by "enforcers" (raiders). Think The Road Warrior with a western twist . I utilized Project Sam Symphobia for nearly all of my orchestration, a german monochord, heavyocity evolve and EWQL gold for a handful of other instrumentation. Rich
  20. If you guys are familiar with the 4 other remixes which are officially posted here on OCR, you'll know that I have a certain epic flare. If you haven't heard my remixes which have made it through the judging process and are a fan of film scores... look em up, and check em out. So far I've re-orchestrated Flashback, Super Metroid, Splatterhouse 3, Wolfenstein 3D, and now Rush N' Attack and Shadowgate. My version of the Rush N' Attack menu and level 1 cues didn't make it through the judging process, but I figured I'd post it here anyhow: http://www.richdouglas.net/ocr/RushNAttack_Invasion_RichDouglas.mp3 As for my shadowgate cues, I haven't submitted those yet, but figured I'd give you guys a taste of what I may be submitting. I orchestrated the menu and "the great hall". Honestly, it's amazing just how James Hornerish / Willowish the shadowgate material can sound when played by an orchestra: http://www.richdouglas.net/ocr/shadowgate/Shadowgate_1_JourneyToShadowgate_RD.mp3 http://www.richdouglas.net/ocr/shadowgate/Shadowgate_2_TheSearchBegins_RD.mp3 Enjoy! Rich
  21. This is something I did ages ago, just thought some of you might like it, it's very basic but I think it holds it's own charm
  22. Alright, here's a funky little remix I did of SMT III's town battle theme. "Hitohura's Groove" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcTfkUQoUGE
  23. http://mordi.ziphoid.com/data/music/work_in_progress/Similar%20Faces%20wip.mp3 It's an 80's version of this: http://mordi.ziphoid.com/data/stuff/malmen-similar_faces.xm A nice little xm-tune by swedish feller Malmen.
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