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  1. Just a hard rock cover that I submitted like 2 days ago. It picks up heavy around 38 seconds. I'd love to get some feedback on it, because I've never submitted before. I think it's decent though. I guess I'll find out soon enough...
  2. This is a very early build and I'm a bit confused. I could definitely use some advise on the direction. Is this idea worth finishing? Remix Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/SunsetRiders.mp3 source:
  3. So this is a 99% done remix of "The cove" from Puggsy. I just want to run it by you guys and see if it sounds legit enough before I submit it. :] Source: My Mix : http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=852 Any feedback appreciated thanks.
  4. This was done about a year ago for a game called "Indie Brawl" which features remixes and rearrangements of indie-game themes. The source here is "Best of Times" from World of Goo. There are a LOT of things I'd do differently, but I'm pretty happy with it all said and done. Besides the sub-par production in this track, WoG material isn't eligible for OCR as it wasn't originally written for the game. Just a heads up. (longer version here: http://www.syntesis.org/bank/fsod/JW-08212009-GooRevolt.mp3)
  5. Hey guys, I'm thinking of pursuing techno as my main genre I released a little 3 song EP and put it on itunes and youtube, but so far, no feedback =/ so I thought I would come to the musically inclined and ask them what they think of it My youtube page is http://www.youtube.com/sagekasai and the three songs with the black and blue album cover are mine anyways, please give me feedback, I've been dying for more in-depth responses than "I like it" XD (I'm sure you all know the feeling) thank you muchly, and please enjoy the music =) - Sage
  6. Finished this like 2 days ago. Please leave feedback. Also, I'm new here, i look forward to hearing some video game music. http://www.divshare.com/download/12126561-708
  7. http://soundtempest.net/soc/single/oc-hue.mp3
  8. So this is my latest creation, used without any MIDI (or sheet music, as i couldn't get any anyways) assistance. it was made entirely from my ear, and my own interpretations. Some of the inaccuracies were due to the style i wanted it to have. i thought it sounded cool. anyways, here's the link! (i may put it in a different place besides youtube soon)
  9. I've had this mix kicking around for a few months and after seeing a thread with a Song of Storms remix in, I remembered I should probably post it! I'm not going to sub this to OCR, I'm just posting it to get it "out there" in case anyone fancies a listen. I have actually taken the source and mixed it with an old folk song called the "Skye boat song", inspired as I was whilst watching Dexter and hearing it played on a Spanish guitar in the background. I believe this would probably disqualify me from posting based on OCR's guidelines (borrowing extensively from non-game source), but it might be interesting to know if this would be allowed should I decide to update it. There's also a bit of embellishment on my part to extend the length a bit. A disclaimer of sorts - it was made in Garageband, so the production isn't great (although GB does have a pretty good set of tools built in if you really want to spend time with it), and all the samples are from GB as well. So, hope you enjoy it
  10. These 3 mixes were originally made back in late 2008 / early 2009. They were early experiments created as I was teaching myself Komplete 5 and Omnisphere at the time. I'm sure these could be a lot better if they were reworked more, but I've moved on to other things. These particular tracks aren't in any way intended to be submitted to the site, I just posted them for fun. Thanks for taking the time to listen, I hope you find something you like. Bloody Tears: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EDgo2s33zs - This piece was inspired from the Castlevania 2 NES version. The first half is fan service to the original with extended content on the back half. It's meant to be a speedier boss-battle-like version of the song. Heart of Fire: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kamasenin#p/u/6/WVhlzbiYSXk - This piece was inspired from the Castlevania 1 NES version. Dubbed "Aura of Holy Might", I intended this track to be the heroic Simon Belmont version as you fight your way through the castle to face Death. Stalker: http://www.youtube.com/user/Kamasenin#p/u/12/C1RV_cKB2ZI - When I first played Castlevania 1 for the NES as a little kid, this track was the first time I noticed how awesome video game music could be. In the interest of being a purest for once, I didn't remix much of this song. I instead chose to modernize it and insert different drums with rock elements. I get that this is sacrilege as a remixer, but this track is meant to be purely fan service.
  11. It's a bit easy remix. Theres no electronic or synth here. Guitars and Drums only. http://fairtilizer.com/track/135155
  12. The reason this is called what it is is because this is something I threw together relatively quickly. After reviewing my finished product, it bears a striking resemblance (at least in my opinion) to this: Now, I wouldn't call it a remix... But here's something like "Hearts". http://tindeck.com/listen/oflz The reason I marked it finished is because it's a short sort of "single" version. I could expand it, put some more breaks, melodies, or something else into it, but... What's here is here. Enjoy. P.S. - I thought about naming it with a synonym of hearts (like Corazones) but that would probably be misleading (you'd expect a Spanish sort of feel to it, huh?) I should stop rambling.
  13. When Starcraft 2 was announced several years back, I made short concept tracks for each of the races just for fun. With the impending release of the game in a few days, I just felt like posting these for your random entertainment. I know they could be polished and worked on a lot more, but I've lost interest and moved on. Thank you for listening, and I hope you find something you like. Zerg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Th6M9IEzgQ Protoss: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbGaXG1KmM4 Terran: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_8iQ7sQ_6k
  14. (Final)(Mastered) http://soundcloud.com/souliarc/a-cinematic-heaven Removed all previous links for the sake of finality. If anybody actually wants to hear the progression of the song I can make the other tracks available on my SoundCloud account page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (newest post) Major update to ReMix: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (newer post) Entirely, NEW ReMix (still unfinished): The new website I'm using to host (SoundCloud) seems to lower the volume about 10-15%. Along with not wanting to squash the dynamics during mixing to squeeze out more dB's, the volume overall is typically lower, so make sure you all turn it up to get the full effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (oldest post) Here's a ReMix that I started working on WAAAYY back in the day. It was actually created on an older workstation and the Reason project file is forever gone. My goal is to get your opinions on whether or not you think the ReMix is worth revitalizing. It would be a little bit of a pain seeing as though I'd pretty much have to figure it out all over again based on this file , but if the majority of ya's thinks it has potential, I'll go for it! I do realize the poor quality, but bear with me please and look more towards the arrangement part of it Thanks in advance ladies and gents. Unfinished, abruptly stopped ReMix: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Q3GMCPJQM
  15. Just submitted this one, but figured I'd post it in here as well since I'm not sure how long it will take to be reviewed. (I decided I was impatient after waiting 8 years to make my second submission to the site) http://sadku.com/music/Prisoners_Of_Fate.mp3 Hope you guys like it.
  16. This is the second Song i made together with janny. Due to a huge delay of 2 years because of time issues and short Equipment it is finaly finished. - Instrumental made with Fruity Loops 9 - Recorded in FL with a T-Bone SC440 Have fun listening ^^
  17. Hello this is my first post here so i thought id drop some tracks and introduce myself at the same time you can find the remix at http://soundcloud.com/blooandwhite/ironblue-dubspace-exploration-red-brinstar-remix i do a lot (or used to) of youtube stuff, my account is www.youtube.com/user/blooandwhite i sampled the actual mp3 of the song because i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the color of the original sooo much, hope someone digs it. you can find a storm eagle remix i submitted for review on my profile page too http://soundcloud.com/blooandwhite <3 edit: woopsy heres the source!
  18. Hi guys. It has been quite a while since I posted a completed project. Here is my latest work. Feedback is appreciated. If you know any record labels that might take this one, please tell me! (or maybe that is still a far away dream?) http://soundcloud.com/feather/killer-instinct-original-mix
  19. Hi everyones ! I have made a Progressive House remix of my favourite track in Donkey Kong Country. Yeah i'm talking about Fear Factory. http://www47.zippyshare.com/v/88855628/file.html I wondering what the Oc Remix community think about my work. I Producing music with Fl Studio since 3 year ago. Have a good listen and sorry for my bad english. = )
  20. Just Downloaded SunVox yesterday and bled this out a few hours later. I am in love with the program and think that the sounds it produces are incredible. More people should use it it's free for Christ's sake!
  21. I've been working on my album and made this.. It was an accident.. So there is .. Comix Zone Experiment http://fairtilizer.com/track/132916 Thanks for listen! Any comment or something will be nice. Thanks!
  22. Now with ear-shattering FM guitar wankery http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my1vSVle7gs
  23. Hey guys, this is my entry for the Linkin Park "The Catalyst" remix contest. My version The thing about this contest was that they gave you "assets" from the song and a minute of vocals which you had to turn into a 2 minute or higher song, but not higher than 6 mins. "Assets" ranging from an electronic drum loop or rock drums and some other stuff. On a plus, this was my first finished piece of work, using Zircon's shreddage and I was pleased with what I did with it bein as how I'm a complete nub with guitar stuff lol. But yeah enough explanation. Please vote for me and let me know what you thought about this piece good or bad it doesn't matter =7).
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