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  1. So, I am interested in submitting a track to the OCRemix database, but considering the quality of submissions I decided that it might be a good idea to first get some feedback on the track I'm considering. Any constructive criticism is welcome.
  2. First post ever - be gentle. http://tindeck.com/listen/gpdc Here's some specific feedback I'm interested in: Arrangement: -Do you like the eight melody theme from Mother 1 being brought in during the minor portion, or does that take you out of the moment? I'm especially curious to hear answers from fans of the series. -Does the first variation, with the 16th notes in the right hand, keep your interest? I was toying with the idea of making it 16th note triplets instead wondering if that would "keep it moving" so to speak, but I also worry maybe that would err in the other direction - too busy. -I had an idea for another variation...it'd be another simple one, but I could modulate to the dominant key to keep it fresh on the ears hopefully, but I also don't want the arrangement to end up being too long to keep interest. -I was also thinking maybe I could add the new variation after the 16th note portion, then have a 16th note triplet variation after THAT. If I decide to remove the Mother 1 theme this is more likely, because I want to make sure there is enough of an aural journey for the romantic octave section to feel like a dramatic arrival, which was a problem in my earlier drafts. Mastering: -I'm very, very new at mastering. All advice welcome. How is the reverb? How is the quality of the instrument? I can change it to a "softer" attack, but then that took away from the impact I wanted in the big romantic octaves section. Thoughts? Looking forward to your insights - thanks!
  3. Hi guys. I have been working on this for about a week or so. It is not nearly done, I am still considering adding another section to it and I also need to make an ending for it too. Tell me what you think. Any feedback is greatly appreciated https://soundcloud.com/kammo64/dry-trail-remix-wip
  4. Hi guys, it's been a while since I posted here, but I've been getting to grips with new and old software and experimenting with different instruments for a while and it's about time I started a new project, so here it is so far: High Spirits W.I.P (Soundcloud) Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated and any other feedback too, thanks! P.S. I'll be active much more now that I have free time too.
  5. I'm excited to say that this is my first post in the OCRemix forums. I have been appreciating all the good work the people on this site have done for several years now. I know... ANOTHER Megaman Remix. If you can bear listening to just one more of these, I would appreciate some feedback on how this project is going so far. http://snd.sc/nvdjMt I put it on SoundCloud. I'm not familiar with the hosting site suggestions on the "sticky" in this section. If you guys think they are preferrable to SoundCloud, I can use that from now on. Thanks!
  6. It's bin a while, But I finally decided I should work on another project, Instead of just testing an messing around. I'v learned a bit since last time, So hopefully it goes a bit better. This time, I'm going to try and get it done on my own though, To help advance my skills. Figured a decent track to pick for a project would be one that wasn't too long, But long enough to alter it a bit from the original. Enough for now anyway. Palmtree Panic was one of the tracks I have bin screwing around with since last time, and it seemed like a decent enough track to go with. Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/xumtosis/palmtree-panic-bad-future-dead I thought a more direct theme would be better to help work on certain skills at a time. Instead of a mixed, It's just Metal. I'm not really used to this new plugin I got, So the guitars may sound a bit off. All I can say for sure is that it sounds better then FL Slayer. Let me know what you think. Any advise and critique is welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read and listen. Now, Before I start rambling like usual, I better go.
  7. Hi. This my new proper, epic uplifting trance track. Take a listen! https://soundcloud.com/hanefuri/feather-sword-art-original-mix
  8. https://soundcloud.com/aires/air3s-blue-eyce-preview sounds like utututut, just a fair warning before you listen.
  9. Hey guys, I've been working on this for a couple of days now. I have always been a fan of this Original Soundtrack so i wanted to give a try to remix/arrange it my way. Hope you enjoy it! https://soundcloud.com/intrinsicremix/caspers-lullaby-remix P.S. Since this is still a work in progress, any feedback on anything (Volumes,EQs,etc.) regarding the mix would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!
  10. I took the feedback I got from one of my other songs and tried to apply it here. The first time through is more or less a straight cover until the drums kick in and I start adding some of my own stuff. But I would also like to to hear what more I can work on! http://soundcloud.com/imspidermen/ellinia-dungeon New version (better mixing i think)
  11. This is intended to be a more up-to-date and orchestral interpretation of the theme. Any advice is absolutely welcome. I need some fresh ears to listen and critique this. Thanks so much! Soundcloud link: https://soundcloud.com/nine-ball/chrono-trigger-world Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojQAmkL2NXc
  12. Hi all, It's been a LONG time I did not post something here. Sorry for that... Anyway here is a piece I consider almost finished, but I am still not quite sure if it is good enough to be submitted. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. It is a piece from the Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio/Jet Grind Radio: Electric Toothbrush by Toronto. As a reminder, here is a link to the original: And here is my version: Hope you enjoy. Looking forward to your feedback. Thank you.
  13. https://www.box.com/s/h0pczjt9mixcydlhahw8 So I've got this piece and I don't know where to go with it. There are some parts that I've moved on from that sound unfinished (the piano interlude in particular bugs me) with which I just can't seem to figure out what's wrong. And I also feel like the drive is lost in the song. The beginning is so different from the end. Beyond that, I just don't know where to go after this. The mix is undoubtedly too short, and I want to revisit the ending theme again, but I just can't think of a nice way to keep the song going. Any and all thoughts are appreciated, either for extending the mix, or improving what's already made.
  14. It's not long or anything, but I threw it together over the past few days as a test idea for mixing a few genres of metal. Might just do some more work on it. 'Ave a listen. If you like, I'll give you free biscuits! https://soundcloud.com/woodmaister/apocalypse-metal
  15. Lots of the mixes I put up here in the past have been relatively unpolished, in terms of how much time I put into them. Realizing that was a problem, I put a lot more work (at least one month) into this one. At any rate, enjoy it! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/jurassic-park-eastern-forest Version 2: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/jurrasic-park-snes-eastern
  16. I know what you're thinking. "VERSION 7?!?!?" Well, I wanted in on the last two, but my procrastination made it so I didn't get anything done for either. So, I decided to get a jump on next years album, to prevent this from happening again. So here's my in-progress remix of the Zelda Overworld, with a snow-covered sunny day vibe to it. http://tindeck.com/listen/qbjr
  17. Hey guys, i'm working on a soundtrack for a retro/kinda kiddy platformer: Main Theme Shop Theme I'm conscious of the pieces right now lacking coherence as a whole. I think the main thing will be toning down the bass and drums on the earth level and also making sure all of the drums are from the same kit throughout the soundtrack. Any feedback on coherence or anything else would be greatly appreciated as these are very much WIPs! PLAY THE EARLY DEMO HERE (At the moment it's using mostly mario sounds but this is just for some visual stimulation)
  18. I'm making an electronic/orchestral hybrid version of the Ganondorf battle theme. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Original : My remix : https://soundcloud.com/skyriderx/battle-with-the-nightmare-wip
  19. Source: Remix: Dracula's Servants I made a somewhat glitch-hop remix of Inner Quarters, which is one of my most favorite BGM from the game. It's almost done, from start to end, gotta sprinkle on some counter melodies here and there. So if 3:16 sounds a tad empty, that's why.
  20. https://soundcloud.com/faytxstay/colony-of-hatred Just enjoy it.
  21. Soundcloud Link This is an a arrangement of the Final Boss from Sonic 2 and the first remix I've felt I've done well enough to post as a WIP. The synths used in this are default with the program and I'll probably try finding better ones later. I got a bit lazy towards the end of this and it might sound a bit odd. I'm also not that good at mixing things together, so it'll probably sound very muddy. All forms of criticism are accepted and will be much appreciated.
  22. I was originally planning to add vocals to this, but now I'm not sure; I feel like it stands so well on its own that I don't want to add anything else. http://stuff.kingtigermusic.com/music/wip/Crystal%20Clear%20%28WiP%202.1%29.mp3 It's pretty much synthpop. It's a bit funky and very groovy.
  23. So here's a remix from a pretty obscure game, thought it's one attached to me personally because as a kid I always used to play it! It had some cool music, and I thought, why not give it a swing for a remix? This is the result! Hope you enjoy! ReMix: https://www.box.com/s/e6dx3kr8plfbzbnwnuiy Source:
  24. Here's a remix of the first boss theme from Cabal on NES. I saw it over in the Requests section and thought it sounded pretty cool. Remix on SoundCloud Being unfamiliar with the game myself, I just went with the first direction I imagined when I heard it, keeping in mind "boss theme," and "NES shooter". This was a fun exercise in winging it and making up stuff. Critiques are welcome, and enjoy.
  25. This is what happens when I try to remix something without first checking the source... some kind of sappy sounding 50's thing... It was actually really fun to do, and I was kind of pleased with how drastically my imagination changed the bassline and overall tone of it. Remix on SoundCloud I'm not sure what to call the source, since I unfortunately can't find it on the interwebs right now. I know it only as "track 30 on KRTD's sound test."
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