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  1. Hey All! Been a while since I was around the forums here, but just noticed they posted a mix (Take My Hand) that gave me partial creds for the arrangement. Thought now might be a perfect time for me to advertise a little. Got a new original album coming out November 1- mostly electronic stuff, some soundtrack-y tunes, and it'll be available for FREE! Yay for free music! Anyway, I'd appreciate if you guys would maybe give it a download when it comes out and let me know what you think. For now, there's a short preview available at the site: http://www.noisetrade.com/notme/piddlefits-demo Awesome. And, if somehow i posted this in the wrong forum, would somebody please re-direct me? Thanks so much in advance!
  2. Just finished up the second instalment of my medley series. Really pleased with how this one came out - many improvements to the composition and quality of the song which I can only attribute to the experience I gained from making the first one. Hope you guys get as nostalgic as I do! Track Listing: 0:03 Mega Man 3 - Title Screen 0:33 Mega Man 2 - Metal Man 1:11 Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Robotnik Theme / Aquatic Ruins Zone 2:29 Kirby's Dream Land - Green Greens 3:00 Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars - Still The Road is Full of Dangers! 3:51 Zelda - Majora's Mask - Boss Battle Theme 4:49 Chrono Trigger - Frog's Theme 5:35 Phantasy Star Online - Pioneer 2 Ambiance 6:45 Knights of the Old Republic - Main Theme 7:15 Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater - Main Theme 8:29 Portal - Still Alive 9:24 World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King - Dalaran Ambiance / The Wrathgate Suite MP3 on Soundcloud! ---- https://soundcloud.com/kugothemighty/tgvgm2
  3. i wish to no longer be affiliated with OC remix. i joined the chatroom and got attacked, then when i try to respond to it, i got rediculed. i am already sad and i cannot take this aswell. if a moderator would talk to me it would feel better so i can show what persons did what. i have screenshot of everything.
  4. It's been quite a while OCR - made a little something I wanted to share with the group however. Hope it's enjoyable. Calmly (SOUNDCLOUD)
  5. Hey there, guys! I recently finished up a track with a mate of mine and we were thinking about releasing it. I wanted to come over here and get a little feedback on it, if you guys would be so kind. It's a bit of a pop track with rock-y roots, but it reminds me more of the 90's style of pop. IAmJ3richoholic - M00nlight 5ky (Produced By Casey Venn) The vocals were done by J3r, and the rest of the production was taken care of by myself. I hope you guys like it, but if not, I'm eager to hear your constructive criticism. Edit: Originally I had credited the vocalist as Travis McQueen, but he asked that I credit him under his handle instead. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks, ~CV
  6. Greetings all, I'm an amateur composer and I wanted to share 25 minutes of music that I composed for an unreleased indie cRPG. The project was canceled, we were all over our heads, but I was perhaps too optimistic about it and managed to compose a lot of drafts for the game. I used an older VST orchestra, so the music might sound dated in technical terms, but I hope u all like it. Below is the streaming link and the download link. Thanks for listening! (I selected "finished" as the prefix, but it's more like "abandoned"... But 25 minutes of music could be its own EP, I guess...) https://soundcloud.com/project-wanderlust/sets/echo-of-neghen-salle https://www.dropbox.com/s/naxqo8g8x02383g/2010%20-%20EoNS.zip
  7. that is the 3rd mix of this tune... love the solar fields version enjoy my new mix cheerz
  8. hey guys here is a something new remix from my fav game unreal i remember this.. walking out of that prison.. seeing the birds circling overhead.. enjoy cheerz
  9. Hey Guys, Here another Composing, tell me what u think: Click the Pic to hear!
  10. Hey everyone! I just recently finished my third full vocal album, and I'd be honored if you'd check it out! http://music.soundoftheaviators.com/album/mirrors-deluxe-version You know, just take a listen or two, tell me what you think. One of the best parts of releasing an album is the critique that comes with it. I'm always looking to improve!
  11. This is the Battle Theme in the kitche level of my upcoming game called Toybox. Feedback would be appreciated. https://www.facebook.com/toyboxgame
  12. So this happened the first time I met him And I went to the Con and I told him I didn't have any more raps for him but I would make him a song This is what transpired I have a bad power rangers obsession.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fwz7bt1muXc This is a dubstep remix of Lavender Town I made a while ago. I'm unsure how this community views Dubstep, but I hope that it's still welcomed. A friend of mine said that the remix was "OCR worthy" though I don't share the same feelings but I figured it wouldn't hurt anything to see what the community thinks of it. I have a small history with OC Remix, but I used to have a bunch of OC Remix MGS tracks on my PSP that I used to listen to all the time. It was good stuff ! If I've broken any rules by posting this (anything I might've said), please let me know!
  14. Here is my orchestral arrangement of Sky Sanctuary Zone performed by orchestra. It was originally one part of a medley but due to unforseen circumstances we were unable to complete the entire recording but luckily Sky Sanctuary and the Sonic 3 Final Boss theme were recorded in such a way I could released them as individual tracks looped.
  15. http://youtu.be/fTfeX6A93Y0 First time posting here, yadda yadda. I apologize in advance for the low quality instrument samples -- they're from GarageBand's Symphony Orchestra Jam Pack. The source is Route 10 from Pokémon Black and White: http://youtu.be/465uaHc-r6A
  16. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/551657 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/551845 Hope you guys like it! i had a blast making them! =D
  17. Hello there, OCRemix! This is my first time posting after working through quite a bit of anxiety regarding potential feedback and whatnot; I've been producing as a hobby since early 2012-ish, and am looking to make it my "passion in life." Anyway, enough of that boring 'getting to know me' jabber; I'm here to post my work! So here's what I would consider one of my best remixes to date, a "Sonic Generations (Classic)" rendition of Sonic Unleashed's Windmill Isle (Day) track. It draws much inspiration from Hideki Naganuma's style of arrangement, specifically sampling from this track (Boarder 70 - Something Jazzy For Your Mind mix) on his Ollie King OST. It's also partially inspired from one DJ EAR's remix of Windmill Isle. The remix is considered complete at this point in time, but I have no qualms with revising it in any necessary way. I'm honestly very nervous about posting here for the first time as I said before, but I hope that any feedback gathered will help me grow and improve my skills. Please enjoy!
  18. Just posted this to my YouTube channel the other day and I thought this might be a good place to share it as well! Had a blast doing it. Hope you guys enjoy. Track Listing: 0:02 - Super Mario 3 - Overworld 0:37 - Mega Man X - Storm Eagle Stage 1:14 - Star Fox 64 - Victory March 2:04 - Pokemon Red / Blue - Wild Pokemon Battle 3:00 - Final Fantasy IX - The Place I'll Return To Someday 3:43 - Final Fantasy IX (Bonus) - Song of Memory 4:29 - Halo - Combat Evolved - Main Theme 5:05 - Tales of Symphonia - Fighting the Spirit 6:29 - Shadow of the Colossus - The Opened Way 7:10 - Mass Effect - Reaper Theme 8:10 - Guild Wars 2 - Fanfare Theme / Charr Theme MP3 on Soundcloud! ---- https://soundcloud.com/kugothemighty/the-great-video-game-medley
  19. This one took me a while, and I'm rather proud to share it around. Hope you dig it! https://soundcloud.com/flexstyle/policy-of-truth-flexstyle-vs
  20. Original Titel: Brinstar- Underground Depth from Super Metroid ( you know that game xd ) Its more a remake than a remix but anyway enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/videogamemaniac/silent-atmosphere
  21. This is an electronic track I did for my Cat Girl Without Salad! Soundtrack. http://blaz1222.bandcamp.com/track/stage-1-meow-were-ready-to-go You can check out the rest of the OST within the given link, too!
  22. This is the next song I composed for the concept. It's been awhile since I've worked on it. It's an orchestral piece with keyboard/keytar solos and stuff. Hope anyone listens and enjoys.
  23. Hey this is my first post here let me know what you think https://soundcloud.com/averymitchell/action-song
  24. Hello guys, give this a listen! Really chilled and emotional. http://youtu.be/ImxbUISSpJw
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