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  1. Super Metroid 'Maridia (Drowned in Exile)' If you have an appreciation for deep and moody ambiance, this is where its at. The only sound that doesn't appeal to me in this one is the lead melody which plays through most of the song. It sounds off key and lacks the ability to convey what I would call, audio pleasure. It's also a little sharp. Take away that, however, and in my opinion you have one hell of an interesting piece of ambiance. Not for everyone, but try it out just too see. Great work, Children of the Monkey Machine.
  2. Friday the 13th 'Panic at Camp Crystal' Creepy! Absolutely perfect for Halloween. The use of orchestral string instruments in this song is amazing. I should have had this playing in a stereo sitting outside my front door just to freak out the kids. And then the whole song turns right around into this goofy electronic bit. Which is really amazingly well done, but what the hell?! I was really getting off on those orchestral strings. I think it would have been nicer as two different full length songs, but ah well. Excellent work Ghetto Lee Lewis.
  3. Final Fantasy VI 'Phantom Midnight' I personally really liked this piece. The arrangement is straightforward, yes, but it's strength lies more in the emotion it lends the song rather than in showing it in a new light. Not the greatest FF mix here, but worth a download unless you have something against the game.
  4. 7th Guest 'Fat Dance' Well, can I even begin to say anything bad about this track, what with it being the original composer's own remix? Hell no! And would I want to? See previous answer. Very well produced, very professional sounding (I should hope!), and all around very, very cool. I enjoyed it even though I'm not familiar at all with the 7th Guest soundtrack. So overall, I would highly recommend this. BTW, when I get to be a major figure in the videogame industry </wishful thinking>, rest assured I'll be doing the same thing!
  5. Rez 'Fear (Arrakis: GIGA)' I have a confession to make: I've never seen Dune. Or played Rez *stunned silence* Now on to the mix... it's very interesting, but not my cup of tea. I'm never fond of mixes where the voice samples seem to take center stage as they do in here (unless it's Daknit finding some great innuendo in innocent StarCraft lines. ^^) but maybe I'm biased cause I'm not familiar with any of the source material. Once the music takes center stage it gets a tad better, but it plays the same short theme over and over and over... I'll be humming it in my sleep now. So I guess there's not much stuff here that I really enjoyed. But if you're into Dune or Rez, you might.
  6. Bubble Bobble 'This Is Not a True Ending (Asphyxiation)' Personally, I think this mix is great especially that part that starts at about 0:54. Throughout the rest of the mix, the distortion makes it sound like really heavy guitars or something. And the best part about this mix is that if you don’t like this one, there is even another version with the same title without the Asphyxiation. Awesome work, Children of the Monkey Machine, keep it up.
  7. Metroid 'Metaltroid' It's Ailsean. I shouldn't have to review this for you to already want to download it. While not as refined as some of his other mixes, this hard-edged Metroid track has some great trash moments in it.
  8. Chrono Trigger 'Ruined World (Eternal Derelict)' This is, in my opinion. one of CotMM's best tracks. Definitely sounds like it's from the soundtrack of a CT movie. Sets up some GREAT ambiance, then builds a slow-moving (in a good way) melody on top of it. Then just as it starts to get boring, CotMM changes it up, first shifting out the melody and adding in some de-tuned bells, then bringing in a new melody (this one from The Day the World Revived). I would LOVE to know what CotMM had in mind with this, as it sounds like there was definitely a concept behind it that goes beyond the music. Highly recommended.
  9. Super Mario Bros. 2 'The DarK Underground' This really ain't my cup of tea. The background chord is really annoying, and it takes far too long to develop (almost three minutes!) And I'm sorry, you can't make a repetitive theme stretch 6 minutes just by adding and subtracting elements! So unfortunately, this mix really doesn't do it for me, and I can't recommend it.
  10. Resident Evil 2 'Lost Sanctuary' This is smooth, very smooth. Not a lot of instruments here, but a very clean mix. Not sure if it belongs in a Jazz mix, but I like the sitar. Of course, I’m not sure if I’d classify this as Jazz at all, but then I’m no master of genre’s and saying which song belongs where. This is a nice collaboration, although maybe a tad long considering the amount of movement in the tune.
  11. Jurassic Park 'Raptor Waltz' There are parts of this song that make me wonder if Trace got a hold of a time machine to grab some Dinosaur sound samples. Get ready for your own personal ride through the jungles of Jurassic Park when you listen to this one. I only have one complaint with this one. There is a lead instrument that starts about 1:25 that I think we could have really done with out. The rest of the song makes me not want to close my eyes in fear of what I might dream up. I liked this one much more then the 3rd Jurassic Park movie. I think we could have lived without that as well.
  12. Suikoden II 'Reminiscence (Deep Sleep)' Nice soft mix from Hazama. This is my personal favorite of his stuff, (I'm not overly fond of the Pop-Up mix). If you like pianos you'll love this mix. A very underwatery sounding mix also. It's a pretty tune.
  13. Ghosts'n Goblins 'Trance Version' This is from the Commodore 64 version of Ghosts 'n Goblins, which had far superior music to the arcade, even if it wasn't the most appropriate for the game. This ReMix takes that music and basically makes it sound ten times better. Has bell sounds throughout to add a bit of a haunting feeling to it. I like that. Makes it seem to fit into the G&G world a little better. I like what Instant Remedy has done here.
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