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  1. So I'm planning on submitting this on the first on January, kicking off my 1 mix a month plan. I'm pretty much finished with this mix, but I want to make sure that everything is in good shape and nothing is too wack. So if you have any feedback/crit to give please do (Edit: Nevermind. I submitted it. :3)
  2. I've been lurking this place for 5 years, and I thought it's the perfect time to get a bit involved with the OCremix community. I love nearly all arranges and the sheer talent on this website always amazed me. Now I won't say I can boast with talent or musical experience, but I have been trying to teach myself how to arrange and I hope it's been paying off. In musical terms, I'm an amateur and I'd love to hear some critique on a song I've been working on for a couple of hours per week for months now. No longer have this online, I will finish this song in the future and republish it. Original song: (the arrange made by Alstroemeria Records is not the original)
  3. Hello! I am working on this piece as a sort of remix/tribute to Zelda Twilight Princess and Zelda in general. I used the opening melody heard in the demo at the start of TP and the zelda theme itself. As of 12/19/10 it is still a work in progress and I would appreciate some feedback on what I can do with it. The original cutscene can be found here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74e9QJVeMQY And here's the remix.
  4. So this is a remix from Anamanaguchi's brilliant soundtrack to the Scott Pilgrim Vs The World game. My take on it is called 'New World Moroder' Source is 'Rock Club' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2RuEBM7A1A) WIP 1: http://www.box.net/shared/s7b0j21pho WIP 2: http://www.box.net/shared/886eou8933 So, if you haven't yet guessed from the title of the track, this is a total ode to my biggest influences, New Order and Giorgio Moroder... with a bit of Human League in there too. I wanted to create a track that sounded like all those LP's I used to listen to when I was younger... records with awesome 12" extended mixes of classic 80's dance stuff. I want you to think you've just pulled out your favourite 45' to shake your groove thang to. It's pretty basic at the moment, but there's plenty of potential here I think for plenty of awesomeness. Enjoy guys... expect an update real soon!!!
  5. Okay this is my first WIP thread ever posted here, another thing is that I'm here to learn about many aspects of remixing and such so obviously I'm NOT looking for this to be something sent to judges as obviously learning comes first. But anyways, I'm just looking to improve my 'skills' if you will, by getting help and feedback and what not from you guys. Oh and I use FL Studio 9.0 for this and some VSTs such as Nexus. Oh and feel free to help come up with a name for this remix seeing as how I'm not creative at them, thank-you! There are some things I know I want to do to this mix seeing how this is basically all build-up on this 1st preview. I want to: Add original lead Change the key Add various 'breakdowns' of sorts Original Song (HQ Video): Version 1.0
  6. Yo. I'm pretty new here (as well as to making music in general), so please bear with me if I seem like a complete n00b. Been working on a few songs that are intended to be used on a game I may or may not ever finish. Here's the one I think is closest to "completion" right now. Anyway, it's my first real work, so I'd like any kind of comments and criticism I can get (as well as any suggestions as to what to do if there's something that needs to be added/changed.) Thanks in advance!
  7. While awaiting mod review for my Halflife mix, I thought I would post this project that I started working on a couple weeks ago. This one has a very different sound from my other mix, though it does take a pretty sinister turn towards the end. I think it's pretty close to being finished. Heres a link to it: http://tindeck.com/listen/pmqv Source: P.S. I'm not sure what the rules are on posting more than one mix at a time. I'm only doing it because my last one is very close to submission (I hope so anyway).
  8. Hi everyone! Back again with attempt number 3 This time, it's the Grunty's Lair theme from Banjo-Kazooie (also containing bits of Klungo's Theme from Banjo-Tooie, and the final boss music and Bridge To Grunty's Lair theme from B-K as well). I've been working on it for so long that I've lost all objectivity, so some feedback would be nice. Does anybody think it's got promise? DECEMBER 23RD UPDATE: http://chaffcitycomic.com/trs/The_Radical_Sifu_-_The_Beauty_Machine_%28Banjo-Kazooie_WIP_2%29.mp3 This still isn't very good, but I don't know why. Would very much appreciate pointers. (I've played with the mixing a LOT. Don't know what y'all will make of it now). Original source tune: Responding to criticism of past mixes that my arrangements have been too faithful to the source, I've tried to be more creative this time. Don't know if I'm anywhere near fulfilling OCR's demands, though. Above all I hope you enjoy it and PLEASE CRITIQUE. I want to improve on this. Me and this game go waaaay back, and if I'm going to make a submission, I want this to be it. Thank you!
  9. This is just a little ditty I whipped up today, it's a lo-fi psychedelic/minimal wave(ish) kinda rendition of Brinstar (red soil). It wasn't easy making super metroid even darker and lonelier but I gave it a pretty good shot. I sincerely doubt there are very many remixes like it on this site and therefore I doubt many of you will like or get it but any feedback is welcome. http://soundcloud.com/annelid/annelid-brinstar-tripping I kinda imagine it'd be what it was like if Samus stopped shooting all them metroids for a while and just sat down and ate some brinstar mushies with those animal friends that teach her how to shinepark. Oh yeah and I should mention a bit about the recording process, Recorded on an 8 track cassette tape machine, had to turn dbx noise cancellation on so it does some weird compressing things with the drum sounds sometimes. I put delay on literally everything some things got extreme delay others subtle. The drums are a briefcase and a plastic toolbox covered with a beach towel and they actually sound amazing dry without any effects (recorded with an sm57) Synth is a roland RS-09
  10. Here's a new Manowar type track i wrote entitled Burning Sky. I hope its kinda catchy. I played the guitars in drop C. I'm also looking for anyone who wants to add some vocals to it. Any particular style will do, although i would love some suggestions. I should probably post this also in the Collab forums for that. Let me know what ya think!
  11. http://soundcloud.com/aires/hiphop-sample this is a sample i made for some one ;D
  12. I posted some stuff earlier this year, now I'm just posting my most recent stuff. I write mostly video game/soundtrack-ish instrumentals with orchestral, brass, guitar. and similar instruments transcendent trouble: Just started this song today... still a draft wanted to see what people thought of it. Restfulness: also just started this today Melody of Chaos: first song I wrote, undergoes changes quite frequently I know this song needs work. Secret Stroll: The most unique of any song I've written, completely different style from the above title working: I'm really bad a naming things, this is one of the earlier things I've written. It's more or less an idea I was playing around with... I'll have to go back to it.
  13. I working to a remix of the victory Jingle On Starfox SNES. This is a Sample of my work, Tell me what you like and dislike, enjoy ! = ) http://soundcloud.com/dirtydelay/dirty-delay-the-victory-of-starfox-team http://www58.zippyshare.com/v/67652885/file.html
  14. http://soundcloud.com/rapidkirby3k/rk3-beyond-circuitry-wip Yep, it's another RK3mix from yours truly, but this time I used Renoise! However, it's not complete just yet and I may have to tweak or change some instruments before doing so, if necessary from the OCremix crowd. Enjoy listening and critique away! EDIT: Replaced the WIP file with a more recent revision.
  15. Hey guys, Here is a remix I'm considering as my first sumbit. It's a remix of the song "Wilderness" in "Golden Axe" from the Sega Genesis. I tried to give it a bit of a dramatic/heroic sound. Let me know what you think of it
  16. So yeah, here is so far. There's still a long way to go but I think it's shaping up pretty good. I'm doing it in the same style as my Wesker Theme remix (http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32431) in that I'm picking all the notes out by ear on the FL Studio piano roll. I also used the same to lead samples for this so they sound fairly similar. The main reason for this is that I want to establish a kind of trademark sound, so that if I ever get any remix requests people know what to expect from the end result. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14014916/thawk.mp3
  17. So OCRemix told me to get some help from all you and re-submit because it holds some promises. So my remix is called Club Wily and this is the first remix I've actually ever fully made, so I thought it was great for the skill level I was at when I submitted it. I was told the mixing is poor, so all recommendations are greatly appreciated! Enjoy and thanks!
  18. As if there hasn't been any remixes of this song, including several from the original makers of it. That being said it seems intimidating - yet I still had a small project out of it. I've already sent in a submission for it, but this is actually a more recent version, I hope everyone enjoys it!
  19. http://www.box.net/shared/iqpjk5c5fk So I adore Kamelot. My favourite band in the history of ever. The great thing about their songs is that they are just plain and simple GOOD SONGS. Taken out of a metal context, they work. So this is a start on a house mix of 'The Human Stain' from the Ghost Opera album. Such a gorgeous song, completely beautiful in it's bleak depiction of the tough times that humanity is facing at the moment, yet it retains an underlying sense of hope underneath all the darkness. EDIT: Shit, totally forgot to put the source in here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFP1hn2W2hU I can't sing like Roy Khan... nobody can. So instead of even attempting to emulate his vocal stylings, I've gone off on my own tangent. Melodically, it will be the same basic stuff that went on in the original, but I think my vocals are unique enough to make it not sound like a total carbon copy. This is the first WIP, so there;s way more yet to do. The lyrics I have in there so far are a mix of the first and second choruses... it's an intro chorus, and I think it works in relaying the initial motivations of Roy's fantastic lyrics. Lyrics so far: So it hurts to be alive my friend. In this silent tide we're driftwood passing by. Don't you wish you were unborn again. Just for a minute just for a minute more. I hope you guys enjoy this
  20. Hey, so I've been working on a remix of the theme from Tengu Man's level on the Sega Saturn version of Mega Man 8 for the past 5 hours or so, thought I'd get your guys opinions and find out what I'm doing right/wrong before I go any further. Any feedbac kis greatly appreciated. (Link to Original) (Link to WIP)
  21. thinking it might remind too much about an area88 song? =) general feedback much appreciated http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1003]http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/img.php?fid=1003
  22. Been asking for a lot of feedback on this track...as I think it sounds kinda cool. Influenced by a lot of video game composers hopefully this you guys like this track as much as I had fun composing/producing it. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3253668/UPath.mp3 Any feedback is welcomed. Edit: If that link can't be viewed...I'll put up a Tindeck link.
  23. my inspiration for this piece was to evoke the actual act of travelling in the epoch and make the listener perceive the experience in a first-person sort of way. i wanted to illustrate their actual journey into the fabric of time. this is opposed to associating the song with its original context, the overworld map, and challenging the listener to look deeper. the final version will feature chris|amaterasu on violin! edit 12/9, submitted:
  24. Definitely wanted to go for something like...old school Square Enix, and try to get something in the style of Uematsu or Mitsuda...in any case, here's a work in progress of what I have so far. Forest of Life (WIP): P.S. Treat yourself to 1080p.
  25. So this is my first attempt at producing a song with only live instruments. Originally, I was gonna record this with my band, but we never got around to doing it before we parted ways for college, so I figured I'd go ahead and do it on my own to practice production and what not. My drummer-friend helped me out with the drums and I did everything else. Let me know what you think! My main focus here was production so any tips would be much appreciated. It's "The Storm": http://www.myspace.com/dillonhutyra
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