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  1. What did you think? I obviously thought it kicked plentiful ass... post YOUR opinions of this ReMix
  2. Ok... this is... yeah. Ok, really neat. Nothing really "wrong" with the notation or instrumentation here. Just solid work really. The only thing I might have changed was the attack on the strings. A lot of times they seemed to be behind the beat (maybe the intention, though I can't imagine why), especially the strings with slow attack, and then the staccato (not to be confused with pizzicato) strings seemed to be just a tad behind, which might be fixed by simply moving the notes back a fraction of a step. But anyway, other than that and the fact that it didn't seem loud enough (could be my speakers), this was one solid piece of work. Nice mix of orchestral and electronic elements and to be quite honest, it reminded me of the music from "The Saint" a bit. Anyway, don't miss this one. It's a keeper (like one of those wives that you don't want to cheat on... do those exist?). DC
  3. Punch-Out!! 'Little Mac's Confession' I'll just start by saying this: I'm generally opposed to adding lyrics to instrumental video game music, since I think the music should be able to speak for its self. Nevertheless, this song is VERY well done, and the lyrics add a lot to it (except for the "Punch out!", which I found more than a little cheesy). This is definitely something I would listen to again, so give it a try regardless of your stance on lyrics. And if you like your VG music with lyrics, then there shouldn't be any doubt, should there?
  4. Xenogears '7 Years Broken' Wheeeeee! Mr. Lloyd sings! Again… although this was the first time I’d heard him sing. Personally, I enjoy this mix. There’s quite a different take than the original in this mix. The background is much different, and the way he has of singing is better, in my opinion, than the original. I really enjoyed this track the first time I heard it, and the second, third, fourth, and all the times afterwards. I thought that whatever effect he used on his voice during the chorus was used well. The echo, which can be heard well in the quieter part at ~2:40, was also timed perfectly I felt. This is one of my favourite tunes on OC. 5/5
  5. Final Fantasy VII 'Fighting (7/8 Jazz Spiritual)' This is a really nice piece of work, although I can’t say I’d like to listen to a lot of this genre, this mix is well done. Except, what gets at my nerves at the back of my spin, is when people put vocals in a mix, spoken word, lyrical, sung, or otherwise, and they are not audible enough to understand. I’m repeating this mix over and over trying to get what is being said, but I can’t make sense of it. Either make it audible, or leave it out, because it’s a major annoyance. Good stuff, Lau, just pump up the volume on your mic some.
  6. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past 'Town Music (Busy Life)' Oh Hazama, Hazama, Hazama. What am I ever going to do with you? Hazama really puts the quark in music. This mix is a real smooth soft drum beat with a cute little piano tune, but that’s not the real treat here. It's Hazama’s adorable (sorry, that’s the only word I could come up with to describe it) little voice as he rhymes to describe the life of a Hyrulian. And in response to Hazama’s comment on this mix , "I don’t think we can do anything but love you, Hazama. Keep on rhyming."
  7. Lunar: The Silver Star 'Singing Pretzel' Just.. .. DJP.. You know we all love you right? The remix is awesome, but please, don't sing.. I really like this remix.. I really really do, but it just makes me feel dirty to know it's you singing. When I do a remix that I sing in, and I do plan on doing that, THEN I'll quit bitching. (:
  8. Chrono Trigger 'Team Gato' One of the more fun mixes on OC. This mix has some really good music throughout, in varying styles, but the focus is on the dialog going on. It's quite humourous, I suggest it if you want a laugh and not a serious song. That would be my only qualm actually, while the mix is great for the humour aspect, I really liked the first variation of the theme and would have loved to hear a full mix of that style, sans vocals. Definitely suggested.
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