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Found 13 results

  1. Three's A CrowdFL.mp3 This is a short work in progress I thought I would throw up here. It's less than half done, but I thought I might try to get some feedback:)
  2. Another remix I did on my phone during breaks. Comments welcome. Remix Original
  3. Something I put together on my phone using Caustic. I'm working 25 plus hours of OT a week, so breaks at work are the most time I have to do anything like this. Feedback please. Remix Original
  4. This is a wip remix of Mara and Nara's theme from DW4. I only have a minute or so of it done, I'm looking for feedback on what I have so far. Thanks! Twisted Sisterz2.wav
  5. My remix https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_XdxrFYU2koMloBxSJ87NkWr5Y-McoLg/view?usp=drivesdk Original I believe this is ready for mod review. Thanks for ALL constructive criticism ahead of time!
  6. So I'm sharing this again;) I've been fooling around with Cakewalk, FL Mobile, Caustic...and FL Studio Producer edition. I did all of the arranging for this tune in Caustic for Android. I tweaked the final sound (with my limited knowledge) with FL Studio 20. I have been fooling around with the different DAWS I just mentioned, and for some reason, so far, this is my favorite product. I don't get much time these days to fool with music. I like how this sounds, it reminds me of MOD files from back in the day. I wonder if this remix sounding this way would ever pass the panel...I believe chip tunes have made it through, I wonder if this style would ever pass, as an artistic choice. I would appreciate some constructive feedback! EpicFootStepsCaustic.wav
  7. So yeah, this is something that has gone through quite a few permutations, and this is my latest attempt:) This was completely done on my phone, mostly during breaks at work, as I have very little time to do anything musical at all at home...I have a toddler;) Most of this was done with Fruit Loops Mobile, with an excerpt from Caustic...the vocoder part. I did a quick and dirty master with the Caustic mastering app. I appreciate the feedback the judges have given through this process...and I have tried to apply their critiques. High pass filter set low frequency, so cool. I appreciate and wish for feedback, Thanks!:) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CNSnJLjYjUOpeKlf0TUSajeFjPxAmrRd/view?usp=drivesdk
  8. So this is something I just started. It's made using Caustic, an Android app on my phone. This is just the beginning of it. The sound of it is a little inspired by Raiden's Mortal Kombat theme, so I made a cheeky name up for the tune. Thanks for the listen! Latest version of WIP 6-8-20 https://drive.google.com/file/d/148kPjhfqtzco3JqPa-vD9YZqH-h5M3cN/view?usp=drivesdk Original
  9. This is something I put together during breaks at work. I have a toddler, so time for doing anything musical is pretty much nonexistent. It was made using an app called Caustic on my cell phone. It's a redo of something I have posted on the forums before under a different name. When I first heard the app, I immediately thought of the sound of mod music on an Amiga computer, so I went with it. I used every machine the app has to try them all out, instead of just using the ones I think work/sound better. Tell me what you think:) https://drive.google.com/file/d/12maAZAic9CGEE7uxC204r5BkOk9omcGu/view?usp=drivesdk
  10. This is different than what I have tried before:) It's supposed to be a rock band playing the tune. I don't know guitar worth a damn, but I tried adding some automation to some guitar parts to make them sound more "human", but I didn't want to overdo it. Remix then original are posted. Thanks for feedback!:) Remix Original Remix https://drive.google.com/file/d/18_SHAPTKIAORVq0P6YcpNAGUcVwHPwlo/view?usp=sharing
  11. I've made many changes since my first posting:) Version submitted first https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nHURd09pcMxso4k32o9CuwqUvuTeNww- Latest version 11-7-2019, second submission https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Bv8PRVMqUlDu1CxRpIjNQtLMXxhfbq5/view?usp=sharing Latest Latest version 12-24-2019 This is pretty much completely different, it's something I have been working on under a different name for a short while. The original idea of this tune has gone through the grinder a couple of times, and it was gently suggested that perhaps a different tack might help. My VERY first attempt at Epic FootSteps actually incorporated both walkabout themes from Dragon Warrior 2, and this new version is the second walkabout theme, as opposed to the first. I also add that this is obviously not close to completion, I'm looking for some feedback;) I haven't fiddled with EQ/Mastering yet. I also ask that it be listened to with something that uses ASIO for playback. On my pc, for reasons I have not been able to fathom, playback done with any normal media player sounds MARKEDLY different, in EQ and stereo image/spectrum...and I have tried all solutions googled and asked about here on these forums:) This version is not done with LMMS, as the previous version, and I have installed a few different VST's Original Second Walkabout theme Latest version 12-24-2019 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TMV-pYLpCklO0ZdRx99wiVb8HdT5tAvS/view?usp=sharing
  12. So this is my latest WIP. This one is the first attempt without soundfonts, and done with VST's and Cakewalk. It's rough, not close to being done, just looking for feedback for work done so far. Thanks:) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K6bENeWlr67w2fE0-eJ0O80hcuhUuz7d
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