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Found 8 results

  1. Here is my remix for Rundas so far! I just need to add some guitar and some other things. This may change quite a bit. So far I have almost everything finished! The voice may not stay as it is. I may use a vocoder. Let me know what you Metroid Prime lovers think about it so far. August 3 Update Added guitars! August 4 Update Added Rundas' Voice! August 5 Update New Guitar parts
  2. Hey all. Here is a continuation of my piece called "Lethal Light". This is more like the boss's cavernous lair.
  3. Hello everyone! If you like rockin' music in the style of Kelly Bailey, Kenji Yamamoto (Metroid Prime), or Metallica, check this out
  4. Hello everyone! It's me, and I am once again up to no good. Here is my latest work in progress. My goal is to recreate the original track closely and then add new elements on top!
  5. Hello all. I just recently posted some remixes in the remixes subforum. I am new here and would like to share some WIP pieces for feedback. Here are some tracks to check out and critique. They should give you an impression of the extent to which Metroid, especially Prime, has affected my creative life. I hope you enjoy these and become immersed into the world of Metroid
  6. Hey guys! I am new to this forum. I have been a fan of Metroid since I first started playing Metroid Prime around 2003. Here are some tracks I made. Hopefully you can judge from the tracks how much Metroid Prime has affected my creative life. Listen to Metroid Prime Prologue Remake - {WIP 2} by Trevor Baker on #SoundCloud Listen to Metroid Prime Prologue Remake - {WIP 2} by Trevor Baker on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/trevor-baker-26/metroid-prime-prologue-remake-wip-2 Listen to Metroid Prime Main Menu Remake [WIP 7] by Trevor Baker on #SoundCloud
  7. Hello! Since I have only seen journal articles and threads related to Metroid Prime 4 consisting of discussion about when it will release, I have decided to create a thread where people can discuss what the overarching story may be. The main concerns here are the introduction of Sylux into the Metroid Prime series, the possibility that Sylux is Samus's brother, and how the word "Prime" even relates to the series now that Metroid Prime has been defeated and Phazon extinguished from the universe. These are just a few of my own personal questions concerning the series, but of course, the discussion can be as expanded as you want it to be.
  8. Hello, I am creating my very first song. It's a remix of Chozo ruins with some Nightmare thrown in there. I was thinking of putting the "Metroid Prime Bell" As I like to call it, into the song. The sound I'm talking about can be prominently heard at the beginning of the Parasite queen boss battle at 0:07 to 0:08.https://youtu.be/6DCcCBOmOo0?t=6. This sound really interests me as I remember it being used in other prime tracks. I think the bell would fit my remix rather well but I have had trouble reverse engineering it. I do know the basics of synthesis but I haven't been making music as long as most of you guys have so I thought I would ask for some tips in recreating this sound. I'm working on a strict budget as I have no income at the moment and I can't spare money on super expensive VSTs. I have FL studio producer edition so anything that comes with it, I have.
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