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Well, I posted a thread like four years ago requesting UT remixes, but a forum search doesn't find anything so I guess it's all right to bring it up again.

Upon returning from the peace corps a few months ago, I was overjoyed to see that someone had actually posted a UT remix, although unfortunately of one of my least favorite tracks (primarily because it's on too many maps, especially Deck 16, which was overplayed in the first place). But that's neither here nor there. BigGiantCircles, if you ever need a willing partner to bear your manbabies I'd be happy to oblige.

So moving on to the present, I was looking forward to some good official classic track remixes with UT3, but other than in the menus, the game has a "dynamic" music function that changes things according to what's going on in the match, and for me that cocks everything up. I want to just listen to a great track as I frag, not hear it change every goddamn time I get a kill or pick up the flag or a powerup.

On the bright side, there are still gobs of awesome tracks from the original UT that are begging to be remixed. I am not a remixer and don't pretend to understand the mechanics of how it works, but UT's tracks strike me as being perfect candidates for it; such as the menu theme, Phantom, Cannonade, Into the Darkness, Razorback, Colossus, and others.

So anyways, for what it's worth, I'd be best friends forever with anyone that makes some more UT remixes. Or even just one. :>


Pineconeboy, you do not know HOW much i've looked on the internet for some good unreal tournament soundtrack remixes, its good to finally know im not the only one whos totally gay for the unreal tournament soundtrack =D. I'd be glad to be your saviour IF I could find some midi files of the soundtrack. Unreal tournament shaped my musical interest into what it is today. My favourite track was "Forgone Destruction". Not only was Facing Worlds a good map but half the time I only played it to listen to that awesome track.

Anyways, I'm not good at additive remixing, or making a remix without any sort of building blocks from the song itself, but if you could find me midi files for some of the songs, i'd spend hours on end making a remix for you :P


I don't recall GoDown (my remix source tune) being on any maps other than Xan's stage and the credits. Weird. I wonder if different versions of the game played different themes.

Phantom is a good theme, so is Superfist. And Razorback was probably the theme that got me so pumped about the soundtrack to begin with. I would never touch that one, though. It's like, trying to take something perfect and make it better. There's no way the outcome will be better than the original.

Also, there was a remix of Foregone Destruction on the panel a while back, and it was actually rejected three times. I believe I YES'd the last two, but the other judges felt it still needed some work. Maybe it'll get resubbed again. I dug it, so if it does, it'll (more than likely) definitely have my vote.


I would really like to see a metal remix of the trophy room music. I don't think the song had a name (I have the unreal gold soundtrack and the unreal tournament soundtrack in MP3) but I personally would love to hear a remix of that song in the style of Snappleman. Course I love foregone destruction too, and just about every song in the soundtrack.


I don't really see how you'd remix any of the music in UT. Besides, it's so kick-ass already that it's hardly necessary. Also, you'll never get that particular sound you get from mod files without it being a mod file, and then you are really wasting your time... because mods don't get better than this.

I don't recall GoDown (my remix source tune) being on any maps other than Xan's stage and the credits. Weird. I wonder if different versions of the game played different themes.

Maybe they changed it in the GOTY edition. It's totally the Deck 16 music in mine. GoDown really is a good track, but after spending months on Deck-only servers I got kind of tired of it. ;)

I'm remembering having this same technical conversation before, now that you guys are mentioning it - how it's difficult to remix mod files. So if you had the files in midi, it would be workable? I mean obviously they wouldn't sound the same, but you're just going to remix it anyways...

It seems like there must be somebody around here who knows how to convert a mod file to midi.


Swoot! (Phantom, Phantom!!)

Also, for the edification of other potential remixers here, how did you personally deal with the format issue? Did you do your remix entirely in a mod format and then just convert it to mp3?

It seems like there must be somebody around here who knows how to convert a mod file to midi.

A lot of the samples in professional mods, anything done by Brandon or Michiel especially, consists of loops, not just notes. Specifically, UT's BOTMCA#10 by Michiel Van Den Bos is almost entirely drum/organ loops. Great song, but it won't withstand any mod to midi conversions without manual transcription.

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