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I've recently plummeted into troubleshooting hell trying to get Digital Performer 5.13 to run smoothly on my brand new MacBook Pro running OS X 10.5.2.

I've downloaded all the updates and all that, but I'm still running into totally ridiculous problems.

DP has crashed several times when I attempted to--get this--plug my headphones in. On one memorable occasion, once I got the headphones successfully plugged in, I found that I could hear faint beeping noises in the headphones as the computer made its calculations.

This is but one of several baffling malfunctions I've experienced. Is anyone else out there having trouble with this setup? Can anyone point me to a tutorial or something that could help me get this program running smoothly? Any help would be much appreciated.


Yes, we DP users are a dying breed (and, it would seem, for good reason, given the inhumane glitches this program has subjected me to lately).

Thanks a lot for the links--I'll definitely check them out.

And zircon, I'm doing quite well, thanks! I'm writing and recording a new EP over the summer that I'm really excited about. But before that, I'll be doing my first proper video game remix. It's quite possible that I'll be coming to you for mastering in both cases, so... there's that.

Anyhow, thanks again!


Oh, analoq beat me to it. I was going to also recommend bigbluelounge.com. There's a nice size DP sub forum over there, and a whole lot of information on anything and everything concerning music on Macs.

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