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yo peeps (you know those little marshmallow birds.)

this is a mix i did all in one sitting. sux that i took a break cause now i wont wanna work on it lolz.

its a trance version of a rock song lolz.

if link dosent work, right click, copy link location, then paste in browser :P









It's like vgmusic, it blocks the link but not the url. Copy-pasta!

Source is clear and not verbatim in the intro, but I had trouble hearing it further on. The hihats need to sound less sharp and ticky, so work on their EQ. That's what I got so far.

Not bad.


Still ticky hihats, and the piano used as a lead really kills some of the intensity of the track. The pitch bends and whatever else you've done to it (except the annoying pan thing) sounds great, but even so, it lacks the intensity the rest of the tracks eems to be building up to. I'm not saying you can't use the piano (considering how cool the bends and all that sounds, you _should_), just thawt you need a more intense lead for some of the parts.

I suggest you also incorporate more of the backing bits from source in the parts where you don't have a lead. I've tried a few MMX tracks, they're pretty elaborate, so there's lots to take from source. See what else you can use for those transitional/buildup parts.

Summed up: More from source, more intense lead. Still not bad. :D


ok here i added quite a bit,

changed the lead and a couple other things.

recorded the verse with guitar rig 3 and buried it in the mix so if you can hear the guitar you win a cookie. the guitar is mostly audible during the break.

also changed the piano sound to something more realistic, even though i havent got it sounding optimal yet.

i still need to write the outro and do some variation on the drums, but so far i think i made some good untz. lol. untz. oh well.

tell me what you think so far.

and rozovian, thank you for leaving feedback, your the only one who does! lol.




I see Sapph set you up with some hosting.

Glass noise crash thing... great effect, great soundscaping that follows. Also, kick and snare are both good. Hihats.... tickety tickety tritickety tickety, guess what I think of the hihats. They are better but still...

About half way through, the second section of source - faster synth stuff, more notes, more lead action. Lead is pretty soft, too, needs to be sharper, methinks.

Bass in the area that follows - really cool. Lead in the following section isn't quite as good, but it's more audible than the 2ndsection one. More lead action, bigger ending, and consider tweaking the soft lead and using other hihats. That's what I think.

And now you owe me two cents.


hey RD, havent seen you in a while, prolly my lack of observation, you're always here. but good to see you anyway.

I am entranced. Im doin the DJP. I cant see much that could be done to this. It's suprising really, when i listen to it, i can hear elements of all the stage themes, in particular, armadillo, kuwanger, and penguin. not in the melody but in the beat and the sounds used. chilling...



It's too obvious that the piano is there just as a cheap intro. You need to stretch that out a bit, maybe slow it down a little and don't hard limit your piano roll to 127 velocity.... ;)

Flanging synth at around 1:30 is annoying, you need to reduce the amount of the effect.

Beat is boring and too simple. Bass is dreadful :(

Breakdown at 2:40 is nice, but cheesy and cliche filtered synth makes me want to kill myself...


I <3 your feedback snapple, thanks for the feedback everyone. ill try to finish this soon, with a little more variation on the drums and add an outro. ill keep you posted.


I really like the surreal, almost nostalgic sound to it. Like a hazy memory or dream, that's just the feel I get from listening to it. Very atmospheric stuff.

But honestly, I prefer the simplicity of the sparkmandril4 version.

Keep up the good work :)

  • 2 years later...

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