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* Contact Info

o ReMixer name: Long Dao

o Real name: Long Dao

o Email address: LongeBane@gmail.com

o Website: http://www.studiodao.com

* ReMix Info

o Name of game(s) ReMixed: Chrono Cross

o Name of ReMix: Another World

o Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: At the Dream's Shore ~ Another World (2)

o Comments: My friend Dustin Jones provided the lyrics and vocals and I worked with that. It's a wonderful tune, with a lovely melody. Regarding the song, he said the lyrics accurately portrays how he feels about it. Very touching and dreamy!

Oh, I dream of the shore

Of another world

Oh, maybe there I'll find

What I'm searching for

Oh, if my dreams are real

On the other side

Oh, and when my search

Comes to its end

There is still another world

For me to dream in

Oh, I know you'll say

That I'm running away

But it's alright

if I never wake


http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Chrono_Cross_psf.rar - 107 "Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World"

Looked like the volume got a bit out of control at :37, but it wasn't a big deal. Dustin's voice was kind of an acquired taste at first, since the airy vocals seemed like a big contrast with the squeaky clean guitar, but it had a cool haunting vibe to it and seemed to sit OK in soundscape once it got going. I was feeling the lyrics, and the instrumental arrangement was also excellent, creatively adapted for guitar.

I'd trim off that last hand movement at 3:53 so that it doesn't interfere with the resolution. Other than that, I honestly don't have much else to say. Solid collab, guys. Hope y'all team up again.



Not really feeling the vocals here; I don't like the big airiness to the sound and there's so little of them that it seems tacked on.

Regardless, they're not so bad that they kill the piece, and they're performed nicely. The guitar stuff is pretty great.



What track are you listening to? The sampled guitars are way cheesy and sloppily sequenced. There's no excuse for that kind of spasticity when you're sequencing the part. The problem with the vocals is that...well, they are EQed/recorded thin. Not a lot of midrange. I'd give it more body from maybe 300-1000 hz. Aside from that, it's sounding a bit sparse on the whole. Again, back to the vocals, serious de-essing required. Did you record this through a computer mic?



I feel a little like Jesse here, like we're not all listening to the same track. The arrangement was quite good, don't get me wrong, but I thought the guitars sounded very fake. The runs at 0:36 or 2:05, for example - they just sound odd to me. That sort of stuff is difficult to sequence realistically. I also thought the quality of the instruments was a problem, though it's possible with a wider reverb sound or less focus on the guitars, it might have worked. The track came across as dry and sparse.

The vocals didn't fit into the soundscape, and like Jesse said, they were either badly recorded or badly EQed. I did like the addition of Dustin's vocals as a concept.

Sorry if I came down on this hard, Long. It's a strong arrangement, but with all the focus on the guitars, I think it would be hard to sequence it and have it sound realistic enough. I'd strongly recommend getting someone to play the parts, if you can, like Pot Hocket or one of the acoustic guitar whizzes on the site.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

This is a pretty source, and I guess this piece lures mixers who endeavor to add lyrics.

I really liked the arrangement - thought it was very nicely done. I even liked the guitar, and while it may be a little bit spastic here or therelike Jesse said, I'm not sure it bothered me as much as it did him :lol:

The vox are not bad - your friend has a pretty nice voice, but the dealbreaker is the quality of the recording. Pretty LQ output for an otherwise pretty decent track. Sounds like the mic is too far away, and it honestly sounds like it wasn't even recorded on a condenser mic. The reverb doesn't mesh well with the distance issue, either. Hate to have to scratch a mix based on something as daunting as recording vox usually is, but well, that's part of the bar.

Wouldn't mind a resubmit.



fantastic concept here albeit poorly executed.

the guitars. what gives? as vig pointed out, they're awfully sloppy for sequenced guitar... i understand the desire to humanize an otherwise mechanical part but you don't have to emulate a human who doesn't know how to play well... it is far too all over the place.

vocals are a great idea and i think your friend has some skills but a) they are very brief and as a result awkward, B) you need a compressor very badly... there are points when you suddenly fade into the backroom... and c) the eq on them is terrible, you need more meat

all in all, it can be great but it needs a ton of work. maybe get a good, real guitarist to play for you and work on those vocal parts, a bit. if you're not using a good mic, try and see if you know somebody who has one... the microphone does half the trick. you can't "fix" what you aren't capturing to begin with... that's the rule of thumb

very resubmitable...

but for now

NOresub w/ changes

  • 3 weeks later...

I really don't agree with all the negative opinions on the guitars. They're definitely not perfect, but have you ever tried just playing a guitar sample? It's very hard to get it to sound realistic with any normal playing techniques. The sequencing here, from the inclusion of the fret noise to the actual strummed chords and humanization of timing, is definitely great. I've sequenced enough guitar to know a GOOD mockup when I hear one ;) Are they perfect? No, but I think we've definitely accepted remixes with sequenced guitar worse than this (eg. Ryo Lion.) I agree that a live player would be ideal - someone like Pot Hocket could nail this.

The vocals are my main issue here. The performance is solid but the recording needs a lot of work. It just sounds 'cheap' when it's so exposed. If there were more instrumental layers it wouldn't really be an issue, but since this is essentially just a handful of parts, the flaws of the recording show up much more. The reverb sounds kinda mono for some reason, as does the delay. A wider sound would have been preferable, IMO, though I'm not sure whether a tighter reverb sound or a more expansive one is.

I did like the actual arrangement and interpretation quite a bit: very creative stuff. The only weak part there was towards the end where the guitar drops out to expose the vocals. I thought the way the guitar slowed down and stopped just didn't work. Vocal recording aside, vocal harmonies wouldn't hurt here either, even if it was just one additional part to thicken things up.

Cool concept, just rough around the edges. Go for a resub, ideally with a live player and re-recorded vocals (though the latter is more important to me.)

NO, resubmit

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