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Hey, I was just wondering if anyone would just 'donate' a FL project they have done / are working on.

I don't want to steal anything, I want to use it to learn.

I don't care if it is a completed project or if it's something that you put together in five minutes. I learn by observing and fiddling...I can definitely fiddle but observing an empty fl project or a crappy one I made isn't too helpful...

I will only use it to observe. Not to modify and recreate my own thing...which I wouldn't do even if I could.


If you're willing to go grab a bunch of free VSTs I have a bunch of projects that I could probably share. =If I'm not lazy.=

In the meantime though, you could check out the past FLMC (Fruity Loops Music Competition) Submissions.

for instance, this one:


(end slight shameless self-promotion)

also, if you're doing anything relating to trance, Dragor's tutorials and example songs are an awesome resource. Awesome. They only use FL defaults too. did I mention they're awesome?


have you made anything of your own yet? It'd be easier for me to advise/direct you if I knew where you were at.


We should make a thread for sharing projects sometime, I have a bunch of CMC projects I could eventually share if I ever got around to hosting them, I love Fruity zip files for that, it makes it easy to share them even without them having the samples. Most of mine wouldn't have too many fancy tricks going on though.


yeah, it's always fun to look at other people's projects~

if you were feeling REALLY gutsy, you could start up another "flp mega collab" like that one that a bunch of people did way back when, passing the project back and forth. flpexp or something it was called. I still have the project and final render, heh. Who was in on that...Joker, Beatdrop, BGC i think, Prophecy, and a bunch of others probably. ah, that was fun to watch...



let me know if it doesn't work. It was made back in FL6 or something so that could -possibly- cause an issue or two with missing samples or such, but hopefully not.

it didn't really have an "official" ending, but things kinda just finished up on their own after nabrin did his section and ended it with the "I've come to put an end to this" sample.

this was really fun to listen to~

also I found this short mp3 clip in the folder where the project file was and I have no idea where it really came from (go figure).


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