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Man, I'd say bundle the best into an digital EP, have a visual artist remix the Origins album cover, and $ with all the dudes getting their cut, because most of these winners are sick. I thought the vocals in ChRoNiC's were mixed too low, so it was hard to fully appreciate the effects on 'em. But otherwise, ridiculously awesome. Even if you don't do it for $, get this organized as a formal package and release it yesterday.


congrats everyone.

the trance remix 'runner up' of kale is pretty poor imo when you put it next to a current trance release. and the vocals? rule no.1 of a vocal track = the vocals are the star, i can barely hear them.

and your winner for kale, well its barely different to the original - except its not as good as the original. mental choice for winner imo.

out of your 3 kale winners, the jose one is best imo. wicked take on the tune there!

anyway, loved working with your vocals jillian. good luck with everything in the future, i think you have a very unique and stunning voice!!

if anyone would like to hear my remix, grab it on the site! i'll keep it there for as long a jillian allows me to :razz:


cheers peeps, especially jillian.


hehe you're welcome.

don't get me wrong, the sound quality on it is superb, definately better than mine! (and definately better than the trance version) it's just so damn close to the original it's barely a remix imo. but then again, this style of music is not a genre im familiar with! (though jillian has definately got me inspired to become more familiar!) - all drum&bass probably sounds the same to someone who isn't familiar with dnb! so please don't be insulted if this is the case.

hehe you're welcome.

don't get me wrong, the sound quality on it is superb, definately better than mine! (and definately better than the trance version) it's just so damn close to the original it's barely a remix imo. but then again, this style of music is not a genre im familiar with! (though jillian has definately got me inspired to become more familiar!) - all drum&bass probably sounds the same to someone who isn't familiar with dnb! so please don't be insulted if this is the case.

haha, no worries :) I set out to make a remix, not a ReMix. Basically an enhanced electro version and not much more. Thanks for thinking it sounds superb though ;)


Bah, with my hiatus from posting I missed quite a bit, it seems.

I'm looking forward to listening to all of the winners/runners-up here. Glad the contest turned out to be a success! ...I think? ...it certainly looks like a success. KF

it's just so damn close to the original it's barely a remix imo. but then again, this style of music is not a genre im familiar with! (though jillian has definately got me inspired to become more familiar!) - all drum&bass probably sounds the same to someone who isn't familiar with dnb! so please don't be insulted if this is the case.

Actually, I am very familiar with the drum & bass genre. zircon (my boyfriend and roomie) has been working on an entire album of it, with a great deal of variety. I know they don't all sound the same... :-P Your entry was very strong, FixBeat, and Skrypnyk also came up with a great d&b track!

When I say it was a tough choice deciding on the winners, I mean it. Only 3 people were going to receive any prizes at all originally, and I tripled that list to 9 people. I didn't do that because I felt like being generous, but because the quality of entries was top notch throughout.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and tastes, but I don't much appreciate your attitude in the first post you made earlier. I stand by my decisions, and don't you think your fellow musicians deserve a little more respect than what you've demonstrated? Another Soundscape's remix was not "too close to the source" at all, and happened to be one of the most creatively excellent submissions overall. ChRoNic's mix was superb. (Besides, this isn't an ocremix contest. Never did I warn against submissions being too similar or too different from the source - just recognizable in some way. ^_~)


This goes for everyone: it is my hope that the experience of getting to play around with someone else's work for free should feel at least a little rewarding in and of itself. Whether or not you won something this time around, you should be proud of your remixes! Feel free to post them anywhere you'd like on the web (so long as it's not for profit and I am credited).


Good post right there.

Honestly though pixie, release an electro-remix album of Origins! Bring some or all of the winners onboard together with Andy and whoever. Profit or not for profit, it'll be awesome. :)

I would also have more time to work with a remix (and probably in other programs than Reason that handles audio rofl) and that would be fun :3

Honestly though pixie, release an electro-remix album of Origins! Bring some or all of the winners onboard together with Andy and whoever. Profit or not for profit, it'll be awesome. :)

I would also have more time to work with a remix (and probably in other programs than Reason that handles audio rofl) and that would be fun :3

The idea does have a certain appeal, doesn't it...? It'd be cool if there were remixes of more songs than just those three, of course. Andy has already done one of Shadows! Something I will seriously consider.

In the meantime, I'll definitely be linking to the winning remixes as downloads on my website. (Currently renovating some of the content, so those will probably appear this week.)

The idea does have a certain appeal, doesn't it...? It'd be cool if there were remixes of more songs than just those three, of course. Andy has already done one of Shadows! Something I will seriously consider.

In the meantime, I'll definitely be linking to the winning remixes as downloads on my website. (Currently renovating some of the content, so those will probably appear this week.)

Absolutely all songs, that was my point! Take remixers you think can handle it and start distrubting Origins to them and let the remixing begin :3

ah well, I think it's something that has to be done >:)

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