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I really liked this show, but I could never get on the TV long enough to watch more than broken, out of order episodes. And I really dont want to pay for the DVDs... and I hate youtube... can somebody maybe help me out?

Well yes, because Nickelodeon gives the episodes out for free. It's legit, or atleast that's what I thought, once the episodes had aired on tv.

If this is confirmed, I'll gladly provide you with a link

If it's from the Nickelodeon website, you're in the clear to post a link. If it's from a 3rd party (torrent, etc), not so much. They're not waiving their rights to the IP at any rate, even if they have full episodes viewable from their site.


I would normally say "Google, motherfucker! Do you use it?" but I've been informed that no one realizes that I'm paraphrasing Pulp Fiction when I do so.

Also, if someone doesn't know that they can go to any search engine and look it up themselves, then they are either lazy or stupid. I don't think anyone here is stupid, so that leaves lazy. I'm not helping someone who is too lazy to spend the five seconds to find it themselves.

Finally got the hint did you? Took you long enough, you lazy tool.

haha yes. You know I used to get flustered when people ganged up on me on forums but now ive gotten used to it.

SO. Avatar, finale, probably going to be a flashback episode. And here you can see that I have definitely not read all the posts but I was off reading other things like say novels that were actually fun.

here you can see that I have definitely not read all the posts but I was off reading other things like say novels that were actually fun.

In other words you got all flustered on the internet forums and did something else. :lol:

Brickbuster90 did offer ya a good option though :)!!

As for the series... I some how see it as a sign that hollywood had been eyeing the animated scene for a good while... (no shit eh?)

Heard there's suppose to be a Transformers sequel, there are already threads about the Cowboy Bebop live action as well as the DB movie; not to mention the Avatar live action movie mentioned here.

Next thing you know, One-Piece live action versus Pirates of the Carribean threads will be all the rage some day. D:

I'd never watched Avatar up to now, but I watched most of the movie, and fucking loved it.

Soundtrack was brilliant.

You know, you totally ruin the entire series for yourself if you do that.

I have mixed feelings about the series ending. On one hand, it was a bitchin' way to end the series, on the other... I want more Avatar, and not the shitty Live Action movie that's supposedly coming out. From where the story ended, I can't imagine that there is any way to pull even one more book out of it...


I haven't seen the last few episodes or the ending movie stuff, but Avatar is likely one of those things that was meant to end the way it did and never have any continuation or sequel. If anything, the creators could either spawn a similar series off of Avatar or go a few hundred years into the future again with a new problem. Or, just never touch it again. I dunno...

I absolutely loved every episode of Avatar. It was just a refreshingly unique thing that always pulled me in.

I haven't seen the last few episodes or the ending movie stuff, but Avatar is likely one of those things that was meant to end the way it did and never have any continuation or sequel. If anything, the creators could either spawn a similar series off of Avatar or go a few hundred years into the future again with a new problem. Or, just never touch it again. I dunno...

I absolutely loved every episode of Avatar. It was just a refreshingly unique thing that always pulled me in.

I don't necessarily want them to continue it as it has been left off now, it's just that I absolutely fell in love with the storyline, the animation style, the concept behind the bending arts, the true martial arts upon which the bending styles are based, the creativity of the entire series, and the attitudes of each of the nations... I dunno... I REALLY like it... I'm happy how it ended, I just want more.

I haven't seen the last few episodes or the ending movie stuff, but Avatar is likely one of those things that was meant to end the way it did and never have any continuation or sequel. If anything, the creators could either spawn a similar series off of Avatar or go a few hundred years into the future again with a new problem. Or, just never touch it again. I dunno...

I absolutely loved every episode of Avatar. It was just a refreshingly unique thing that always pulled me in.

Not necessarily. There were two loose ends that haven't been tied up as of yet & I think they did that on purpose to leave it open for maybe a couple of extra eps.


I maybe sort of would like to see those said events portrayed in a new couple of episodes. Some questions left unanswered...the only thing I really don't want to see, honestly, is a sequel.

However, one thing which may be interesting to see would be stories of the past, such as Avatar Kioshi and the conquerer who was trying to form an empire.

There's going to be an Avatar MMO.

Might be interesting... but everyone will be all "why can't I be the Avatar!?(%" and shit.

But having a group raid or something with each element could be sort of fun... it all depends upon how they plan to make the powers interact with each other and the environment.

It says in the article that it would be a prequel...so it might be during Avatar Roku's time? Or maybe while Aang was frozen. This could be interesting. It sounds like it mostly focuses on pvp and character development at the moment, but I'm sure they will have more content than that planned.


The animated series, Avatar: The Last Airbender, has inspired M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender”, a live-action epic adventure from Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies which will debut in domestic theaters July 2010. Series’ creators Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko will serve as executive producers on the film.

If Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko will be exec producers for the movie, then it might be more promising that people give it credit for.

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