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Looking for a good Microphone...

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I'm looking for something with decent recording quality (i.e. could talk into without huge amounts of background static) for speaking, maybe a little singing. I'm aiming for the $50-100 range, but I'm willing to go a little bit over if necessary. To be more specific, my friend and I are recording a CD where we talk back and forth and introduce songs and stuff, kinda like DJs but with fewer commercials and more verbally beating each other up.

I have two questions:

A) Is my price range realistic for my goal?


B) If so, what would you recommend?

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I always recommend the Samson CO1U. No need for preamp or anything, just plug it into USB and go. I belive Pixie used this mic for a lot of her recording in the past.

Ah, yes. I believe that one is newer and also budget as well. That might be a better fit for you if that's what you're looking for.

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When you get a microphone, the room matters just as much as the quality of the mic, in my experience. You have to eliminate pretty much all the background noise, or at least most of it, or recording is going to be a son of a bitch.

$50-100 will get you the Shure SM57 [i would recommend the 58 for vox though], but not the preamp. You'll need to get a preamp if you want the thing to work right. The USB mics getting recommended here are a bit different because the computer supplies the mic with power via usb, so that'll be cheaper, though the sound quality probably won't be as good, unless they've started making decent USB mics recently. I wouldn't know anything about that.

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