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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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there is a difference between 'wanting to play sniper' and 'wanting to play sniper who only uses the jarate and kukri'

essentially there is a big difference between losing because you do not have the right classes and losing because you have the right classes but people are fucking stupid and are trying to jarate people/battlemedic/only fire axe/boxing heavy/battlespy



This effectively summarizes all of my grievances with playing TF2 on pubs.

Someone not playing the game the way YOU want them to is NOT griefing, you ignorant little child.

It is when they're taking up valuable player spots and making your job harder than it should be.

You are extremely thick. I hope you understand that, at least.

It's atmuh. Get over it.


Bonzai pointed out to me that the rolls of the blutsauger and the needlegun have effectively been switched. While the needlegun had the offensive edge with the ability to crit, the blutsauger was complimentary for running away while leaching health in an effort to survive. Now that your regen rate is significantly hindered by the blutsauger (unless there's a foolish pyro running straight at you), you're more likely to be using the needlegun as a retreating weapon. And the blutsauger would be more effective for initiating a confrontation rather than recovering from one.

How in the bloody hell is it griefing? The Medigun is one, ONE, of the available weapons for the Medic class to use. Just because they do something you do not like does not make it griefing. Otherwise we'd get into a giant debate about stupid, similar situations such as "Oh man that pyro burnt me to death, HE'S GRIEFING ME."

There is no merit to your argument because the pyro is doing his fucking job by setting people on fire. The medic's job is to HEAL PEOPLE, that's why he's called a MEDIC, and if he doesn't do his fucking job, then he's only taking up a player spot and wasting everybody's time. Which, incidentally, is what griefing typically entails.

You might not like it, but if someone finds it fun, you need to just shut up and let that person have fun.

Everybody remember this the next time he gets spawncamped, and ignore the person that kills him in such a manner. Even though spawncamping is against the server rules, we should all just stfu and let the spawncamper have his "fun," right guys?

It is when they're taking up valuable player spots and making your job harder than it should be.

most pyrion posts make me wanna bash my head against a wall but

very well said

Everybody remember this the next time he gets spawncamped, and ignore the person that kills him in such a manner. Even though spawncamping is against the server rules, we should all just stfu and let the spawncamper have his "fun," right guys?

spawncamping is so much fun

There is no merit to your argument because the pyro is doing his fucking job by setting people on fire. The medic's job is to HEAL PEOPLE, that's why he's called a MEDIC, and if he doesn't do his fucking job, then he's only taking up a player spot and wasting everybody's time. Which, incidentally, is what griefing typically entails.

Everybody remember this the next time he gets spawncamped, and ignore the person that kills him in such a manner. Even though spawncamping is against the server rules, we should all just stfu and let the spawncamper have his "fun," right guys?

His argument has no merit because it was obviously facetious. To be frank, I'm a little concerned you weren't able to detect that.

If we're going to restrict the classes to performing their roles and ONLY performing their roles, the game becomes a bit ridiculous. The spy's job is to eliminate key targets; why give him a revolver, then? Clearly the knife is more efficient. Why give the medic anything but the medigun? Clearly he can just rely on his teammates for protection.

It makes me sad that both of you are trying to cram this wonderful, vastly entertaining game into a box that fits your perceptions of what it "should" be.

Winning can be fun, sure. But so are other things. I rather like being able to explore them in this community.


i dont know why i read this clefairy post but i did so

If we're going to restrict the classes to performing their roles and ONLY performing their roles, the game becomes a bit ridiculous. The spy's job is to eliminate key targets; why give him a revolver, then? Clearly the knife is more efficient. Why give the medic anything but the medigun? Clearly he can just rely on his teammates for protection.



I'm simply taking your argument to its logical extreme. Medics only heal, Demos only trap, Spies only stab, etc.

Incidentally, that TF2? It will die. People will get tired of it and move on.

This TF2 may also die. But I would give it much better odds.


by what i meant are you kidding thats pretty dumb

the spy's focus is to get behind enemy lines and take out people from that direction

backstabbing or shooting people is both the same

the medic has his melee weapon if he's stuck in close quarters with a spy and his syringe if he needs to defend himself as he retreats

Except, neither of those things are healing. Thus, by your logic, he shouldn't ever be doing them.

i was only addressing what his other weapons are for



So you admit it is not his only function. We're getting somewhere, I'm very pleased.

If I might cross-compare a bit. Does every Warrior in WoW spec Protection, so as to be the big strong meatshield for the squishies who go pewpew?

No. Not by a long shot. Every class can do more than their primary function; if players choose to emphasize these qualities at the expense of the primary function, that is entirely their choice. There's nothing you can do about that, short of Baha giving you admin. Last I checked there was about a snowball's chance in hell of that happening.

I'm sure you'll jump all over my example and call me a wowfag, but I really don't care. You're a bully, nothing more, and I conquered all my bullies a long time ago.

So you admit it is not his only function. We're getting somewhere, I'm very pleased.

man your posts just make me angry i remember why i never read them but if you read MINE i said this pages ago

if youre running away from someone trying to kill you and no one on your team is around and youre firing back to get out of there ok thats cool but if there is ANYONE on your team near you (snipers and spies dont count) and you elect to be an epic battlemedic instead of doing your best to keep that other guy alive you are a TERRIBLE medic and you will piss me off a LOT
If I might cross-compare a bit. Does every Warrior in WoW spec Protection, so as to be the big strong meatshield for the squishies who go pewpew?

No. Not by a long shot. Every class can do more than their primary function; if players choose to emphasize these qualities at the expense of the primary function, that is entirely their choice. There's nothing you can do about that, short of Baha giving you admin. Last I checked there was about a snowball's chance in hell of that happening.

I'm sure you'll jump all over my example and call me a wowfag, but I really don't care. You're a bully, nothing more, and I conquered all my bullies a long time ago.

soon as i saw wow i stopped reading


Getting mad at things you read on the Internet just seems to be something you do. Personally I find it perplexing and unnecessary, but hey, whatever floats your boat man.


I got yelled at yesterday for dancing at Brushfire while he was trying to snipe on 2fort.

Also, the first page could use an update to reflect current rotation and maps used. The info for donating is a bit misleading.

Anyone know if the server keeps recordings of any kind? I know some game servers record demos, but I'm not sure if TF2 does. I'd love to get some recordings of RED so I can figure out what he's doing that kills everyone ever.

Though to contribute to the current flame war, I actually have to say I agree with atmuh about most Valve maps. I find I enjoy them more than the customs. Perhaps it's because I'm not familiar with a lot of the customs quite yet, but I think it's easier to play on the default maps. It helps to alleviate some of the "Where did that pyro just come from" feeling, and makes it easier to place and spot sentries. For me, at least, but that's mostly because I'm terrible.

Usually as a medic I just try to heal whoever needs it most, and sometimes I get quite a few points that way. If I end up on atmuh's team, though, I think I'll have to test the new mechanics for the two needle guns. I hear the default needle gun actually is competitive, now.

I got yelled at yesterday for dancing at Brushfire while he was trying to snipe on 2fort.

congrats you griefed

Anyone know if the server keeps recordings of any kind? I know some game servers record demos, but I'm not sure if TF2 does. I'd love to get some recordings of RED so I can figure out what he's doing that kills everyone ever.

sourcetv can be enabled and have it autorecord all matches as demos its actually really neat if you guys want me to help out with that baha or powerlord lemme know

also if you wanna know how he kills people just play demoman

its really really easy

I hear the default needle gun actually is competitive, now.

i used the regular needlegun on a server earlier and even though i was on the losing side i only died once in an entire round of viaduct

thank you new regen rate


Given the comments that were actually about the mapcycle, I'll be changing it to this later, assuming there are no objections.















cp_furnace_b4 is sadly broken. Capping CP points doesn't add time to the clock (but they can still go into overtime). I left in sawmill as well since quite a few people enjoy this map.

I left in sawmill as well since quite a few people enjoy this map.

uh what

also you should replace 2fort with mach4 i have no idea why i just thought of this now

The spy's job is to eliminate key targets; why give him a revolver, then? Clearly the knife is more efficient.

in case he misses with the knife

Why give the medic anything but the medigun? Clearly he can just rely on his teammates for protection.

in case the people protecting him die

seriously people the idea that every class has a specific thing they are supposed to do is not really that complicated


A common misconception is that a medic's primary objective is to keep everyone else alive. But it's far more important for a medic to preserve himself, than to save any other class. In this respect, on the high priority list of every OTHER class, keeping the medic alive should be near the top.

Unfortunately, this priority is neglected much more often than a medic neglecting to heal someone.

also if you wanna know how he kills people just play demoman

its really really easy

Sombrero -

Demoman is a pretty easy class to learn. But RED is a very skilled demoman. You should spectate him now and then. You'll probably learn a lot.

Unfortunately, this priority is neglected much more often than a medic neglecting to heal someone.

this is true - people don't seem to realize that we can't get ubers if the medic doesn't stay alive

but then again if I see a medic running towards a pyro with the intent of ubersawing him then I'm not really going to try and save him


but then again if I see a medic running towards a pyro with the intent of ubersawing him then I'm not really going to try and save him

I hear ya.

Fireslash, if it isn't too late, can you change its so the 5 point Payload and 5 CP maps aren't all next to eachother?

There's a 5 point payload?

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