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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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I'm not sure if it's something with Sourcemod, but sometimes maps that only appear once in the map rotation end up coming up twice.

Some days it's Dustbowl, yesterday it was Egypt (played twice 5 maps apart).

Either that or some other admin is setting the nextmap when I'm not watching the chat box.

Here's the current rotation:
















Things I should change?

Bringing Junction and Egypt back into the rotation was great. But whoever complained about "too many custom maps" in the rotation really vanilla'd the server. I propose a change to the rotation that takes out two stock maps and puts in two custom maps each week, using 100% stock maps as the benchmark.

Week 1 Example: Take out Goldrush and Junction and put in Ironbowl and Pacman.

Week 2 Example: Take out Steel and Pipeline and put in Cashworks and DBHeights.

Everyone will bitch and moan that their favorite map isn't in the rotation one week, but it'll give the server some flavor. If you really want Steel on a week that it's not in there, then RTV for it.

I also propose getting rid of Hydro completely (or maybe having that be a candidate for the switch for a week). That map gets RTV'ed quicker than any other map.


Week 1 Example: Take out Goldrush and Junction and put in Ironbowl and Pacman.

Week 2 Example: Take out Steel and Pipeline and put in Cashworks and DBHeights.

Yesterday both pacman and cashworks were played. If enough people on the server want to play them, they can be nominated and RTVed. Otherwise it can drain the server.

Yesterday both pacman and cashworks were played. If enough people on the server want to play them, they can be nominated and RTVed. Otherwise it can drain the server.

Those were the first 4 custom maps I could remember off the top of my head. Also, I've never seen Pacman drain the server. 95% of pubbies love it.

Those were the first 4 custom maps I could remember off the top of my head. Also, I've never seen Pacman drain the server. 95% of pubbies love it.

Which is just the opposite of Cashworks, which drains the server every time it comes up.

For reference, Pacman Party (the one we usually play) is a 30.4 MB download, and Cashworks is a 40.7 MB download.

I think part of the problem with Cashworks in particular is that it doesn't run all that well on some computers.

You're all missing the point. We need some flavor, and 2 different maps each week isn't too much.

yeah but see the thing is that cashworks is a terrible terrible map

You're all missing the point. We need some flavor, and 2 different maps each week isn't too much.

I understand what you're saying, but the map rotation (I think) is the best it's been in a long time as far as keeping the server full, and not getting stale. There are no duplicate maps, and all of the customs that some people do enjoy playing are at the disposal to rtv, just like any other map.

If the players on the server do want a change, they'll RTV to a custom and everyone will be happy. If they don't want a change, and the custom map is in rotation, then they'll probably just leave.

I've been playing alot and there haven't been many RTVs at all. I think until that changes, the maps shouldn't?

I've been playing alot and there haven't been many RTVs at all. I think until that changes, the maps shouldn't?

this basically

I understand what you're saying, but the map rotation (I think) is the best it's been in a long time as far as keeping the server full, and not getting stale. There are no duplicate maps, and all of the customs that some people do enjoy playing are at the disposal to rtv, just like any other map.

If the players on the server do want a change, they'll RTV to a custom and everyone will be happy. If they don't want a change, and the custom map is in rotation, then they'll probably just leave.

I've been playing alot and there haven't been many RTVs at all. I think until that changes, the maps shouldn't?

Speaking of which, I'd like to take a moment to remind people of the nominate command to make maps appear in the rtv list.

Granted, this is one of the "ads" in the advertisement plugin, so I'd hope you'd know about it by now. :P

i always nominate map 1

people don't seem to like it for some reason


Speaking of which, I should take achievementbox off of the list of maps that can be nominated.

Here's a link for some of you:

Old. :<

I would like to remove Hydro from the rotation, especially because it's right after of some of my least favorite maps. That map just feels like it needs to be redone. Just my two cents though.

I think it's beautiful. I'm glad to see egypt back!

EDIT: The idea of some scrims has been thrown around for a long time, and there's always interest, but never action. I'm thinking that we should compile a list of people interested, and based on how many numbers we get, designate so many "captains" who will take turns picking rosters amongst themselves. And then we'll start playing around in the ZUZ server. I'm guessing the biggest problem with this (as per usual) would be schedualing. So perhaps having more fluid teams would be better? Any suggestions and/or interest?

It wouldn't be serious. Just organized.

I'm interested. And I also agree that Hydro should be removed.

Old. :<

I would like to remove Hydro from the rotation, especially because it's right after of some of my least favorite maps. That map just feels like it needs to be redone. Just my two cents though.


Anyway, I was bored earlier, so I was thinking of Engineer upgrade items.

Now, from what I recall, the Engineer screen does not have the toolbox as one of the replaceable items, only his weapons. Therefore:

Class: Engineer

Item: Caltrops

Replaces: Pistol


This is an old Scout item from Team Fortress/Team Fortress Classic.

Throw them on the ground. Anyone running over them (including Scouts using Bonk) will slow to half their normal speed.

Class: Engineer

Item: Zap Trap

Replaces: Pistol


Throw on the ground. Any Spy that touches it will have his watch and sapper disabled for a short period of time.

Only one can be placed at a time.

8 second cooldown (like Jarate) before another can be placed; placing another causes the first to be destroyed.

Can be destroyed by weapons, similar to sticky bombs.

Very visible, so a Spy will have a chance to see it in advance. However, chances are you'll be able to throw another AT a Spy and he'll touch it.

Class: Engineer

Item: Monitoring Camera

Replaces: Pistol


Place on the ground somewhere. Right-click to see whatever the camera sees.

Caveat: Probably not useful enough to actually make it in the game.

Class: Engineer

Item: Omniwrench 9000

Replaces: Wrench


Attacks like a normal wrench.

Right-clicking while near a friendly building will cause you to attach your wrench to it. Running forward will make you run around the building clockwise, causing the building to upgrade by 25 (out of 200) for each revolution. Uses no metal. Right-click again to detach. You can not use any other weapons while attached to a building.

Yes, this wrench would be dangerous to use on a sentry as it's shooting... there is a price to it, after all! That and you'd be vulnerable to enemy fire...

P.S. "Omniwrench 9000" is from Ratchet & Clank.

LOOOL when has this ever happened? :tomatoface:

Welllll this first one was from earlier today.


And despite the difference in these scores, this was a fairly even match. (Not Today) lol



Sure those weren't from two different days? I wasn't on today at all.

Sorry, I should edit that. The first one was from today. Second one a week or 2 back.


I was playing earlier, until people starting singing.

It made my ears hurt and I logged because of it.

Also, Goldrush's time could be shortened by about 10 minutes and still give both sides their chance. Right now, if one team gets stopped during map parts 1 or 2 and the other team manages to get part 3 quickly enough, it forces a 3rd round. I'm just assuming the 13 to 1 score pictured above was Goldrush, and it was the map that I quit part-way through because of the singing (I was on RED, when I quit the score was 10 to 1).

I'm just assuming the 13 to 1 score pictured above was Goldrush, and it was the map that I quit part-way through because of the singing (I was on RED, when I quit the score was 10 to 1).

That thar be the one. I muted everyone via Shift+click and mute.

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