Powerlord Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Welcome,Meh, just mute or ignore people that don't make it fun for you. Also be forewarned, I'm an asshole sometimes too :b What I've never understood is how people can have so little time in some classes. There is no way you can be good at this game without learning each class. What do you consider little? I only have 9.4 hours as Demo, but that's partly because I suck at it.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 What I've never understood is how people can have so little time in some classes. There is no way you can be good at this game without learning each class. not entirely true i learned a lot about a few of the classes when i played medic almost exclusively for about a month i would pay close attention to the person i was healing and how he handled things thats how i learned heavy demo and soldier
Vahn_Paktu Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Considering you have 246 hours as spy, yes I would say you need to play demo some more. (and hvy, pyro, medic, sol, sniper). My philosophy is being compent in every class so you can play what your team needs and know how to fight that class. Instead of being the 3rd spy or sniper on a team because that's all you can play. Atmuh, it's true you can learn from reading a book or watching a video or healing someone, but until you put it into practice it's hard to be good at it.
Powerlord Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Considering you have 246 hours as spy, yes I would say you need to play demo some more. (and hvy, pyro, medic, sol, sniper).My philosophy is being compent in every class so you can play what your team needs and know how to fight that class. Instead of being the 3rd spy or sniper on a team because that's all you can play. My philosophy is that this is a game and if I'm not having fun, then it's not worth my time.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 why is ctf still 4 caps and that crit boost still on especially after fireslash turned it off
Powerlord Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 why is ctf still 4 caps and that crit boost still on First, I personally killed the crit boost back when mach4 was still in rotation. I even double-checked it a few seconds ago: // CTF crit bonus makes CTF really unbalancedtf_ctf_bonus_time 0 Edit: I just noticed that tf_ctf_bonus_time is defined again farther down in the file. No idea when that got added... Should be fixed now. Second, I haven't really seen support for changing it to 3 caps.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 First, I personally killed the crit boost back when mach4 was still in rotation.I even double-checked it a few seconds ago: Edit: I just noticed that tf_ctf_bonus_time is defined again farther down in the file. No idea when that got added... Should be fixed now. Second, I haven't really seen support for changing it to 3 caps. well we were just on turbine and it was set to 10 so idk man and when i suggested it be set to 3 a few people said it was a decent idea and no one really said it wasnt if i remember correctly oh and another thing there are no admins with sm_rcon access or the rcon password and with that plugins cant be reloaded if theyre broken (although i doubt many of the admins would know how to do that) edit again ok heres the whitelist fireslash i rewrote a few things http://pastebin.com/m2a6138d and to all the reason i rewrote it is because it messed up a couple models from the touhou fortress pack (http://touhoufortress2.web.fc2.com/main.html) i honestly dont like touhou all that much but it makes the game look absolutely hilarious i mean look at this stuff oh boy another edit hey this is a little low imo do you think you can make it somewhere from 5-10 minutes (so if i run to the bathroom i dont get kicked D:) "mp_idlemaxtime" = "3" LETS EDIT IT AGAIN it seems that badlands is right after well do you think you can change that
Vahn_Paktu Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 My philosophy is that this is a game and if I'm not having fun, then it's not worth my time. I just so happen to find that being a helpful member of a team and winning to be fun.
Powerlord Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 well we were just on turbine and it was set to 10 so idk manand when i suggested it be set to 3 a few people said it was a decent idea and no one really said it wasnt if i remember correctly Yeah, you must have read my post before I edited it... turns out it was defined twice, but the second one is the one that sticks (and was set to 10). Fixed that now. I've switched it to 3. We'll see if people complain about that or not. oh and another thing there are no admins with sm_rcon access or the rcon password and with that plugins cant be reloaded if theyre broken (although i doubt many of the admins would know how to do that) I don't have it memorized, but Fireslash and I can look it up, seeing as it's in the server.cfg. oh boy another edithey this is a little low imo do you think you can make it somewhere from 5-10 minutes (so if i run to the bathroom i dont get kicked D:) "mp_idlemaxtime" = "3" Weird, it wasn't set in the server config at all. I've bumped it up to 5 for now. We can tune it later. LETS EDIT IT AGAINit seems that badlands is right after well do you think you can change that OK, I've moved Badlands down to an area that didn't have any 5cp maps. I've also moved Gold Rush, as the two PL maps were almost right next to each other.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 I don't have it memorized, but Fireslash and I can look it up, seeing as it's in the server.cfg. well yeah but that doesnt help when youre ingame you should change it to something that you two can easily remember so you can rcon when the need arises
Powerlord Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 well yeah but that doesnt help when youre ingameyou should change it to something that you two can easily remember so you can rcon when the need arises We can't without changing the password in HLStatsX as well, and I don't think I have that password.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 We can't without changing the password in HLStatsX as well, and I don't think I have that password. bahamut should
FireSlash Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Note to admins:Please re-download admins.cfg before updating it. I now have to search back through the thread because the 4 people I added a few days ago are gone, and I didn't notice the file I was downloading was smaller than the old version. I suggest using winSCP for this purpose, as it has a nice interface for this. Double click the file and it downloads a fresh copy and opens it in notepad/whatever your default editor of choice is. Make your changes, save, and it uploads the new modified copy. I merged our whitelist with atmuh's, hopefully nothing explodes. If it does, I've made a backup of the old file, as well as comments in the current one as to how to reverse the changes. I've uploaded ctf_aerospace_b4 to the map folder. Feel free to check it out; however be aware that it's 114mb uncompressed, and around 50 compressed... so be prepared to grab a sandwich while you're switching maps also, powerlord, thanks for adding those reserved slots. I'm pretty good at procrastinating about these things
Powerlord Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 I suggest using winSCP for this purpose, as it has a nice interface for this. Double click the file and it downloads a fresh copy and opens it in notepad/whatever your default editor of choice is. Make your changes, save, and it uploads the new modified copy. FileZilla has something like this, too... although it's in the right-click menu (as View/Edit). Double-click defaults to transferring the file.
D-Lux Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 I asked about server achievements in game a few times, and no one went against the idea. Let's get the ball rolling with suggestions and I'll compile a list of the good ones. Yahoooooo: Get xx kills with the Blutsauger.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 no one went against the idea no one was for it either and really there is no need for more achievements because all achievements really do is make you focus less on your ACTUAL goal of accomplishing your team's objective and instead focus on some silly thing that you have to go out of your way to do Yahoooooo: Get xx kills with the Blutsauger. OH BOY MORE BATTLEMEDICS HAHA NO
Bleck Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Okay. I'll concede that a good demoman is overpowered against a pub full of noobs. You win. you're just bad at the game rambo pulls the most popular professional argument
miyako Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 it's almost as good as 'hahahahahaha' but not quite!
Rambo Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 rambo pulls the most popular professional argument Well, you're completely disillusioned if you think that a good demoman has any advantage at all against a good scout, a good soldier,or a good sniper. For the most part, he's at a disadvantage against a scout or a soldier, and the outcome is circumstantial against a sniper. On these grounds, you specifying that the demoman has to be good, only implies that everyone he's fighting has to be bad. So what the hell do you mean. EDIT: Actually. Please don't reply.
chivesontheweb Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Can I get an invite to the OCR Steam group and reserved slot privileges? Last night it broke my heart getting booted for the reserved slot so many times when all I wanted to do was play some TF2 and relax. Literally, my heart is broken now. It will never heal. If you need 'it' here 'it' is: http://steamcommunity.com/id/chivesontheweb Why is it that whenever you want to get better by playing a specific class everybody else on the team decides they want to play that class too? I start as the first and only Scout on a map and by the time I die we have three others. It's just how the world works.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Well, you're completely disillusioned if you think that a good demoman has any advantage at all against a good scout, a good soldier,or a good sniper. For the most part, he's at a disadvantage against a scout or a soldier, and the outcome is circumstantial against a sniper. On these grounds, you specifying that the demoman has to be good, only implies that everyone he's fighting has to be bad. So what the hell do you mean. EDIT: Actually. Please don't reply. why are you encouraging him
Rambo Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 why are you encouraging him Yeah I realized this after I posted. That's why I edited. Which I know won't stop him, but at least when he posts he'll know he's not getting one back. Common courtesy.
atmuh Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Yeah I realized this after I posted. That's why I edited. you can encourage me if you want tho
Bleck Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 Well, you're completely disillusioned if you think that a good demoman has any advantage at all against a good scout, a good soldier,or a good sniper. yeah because the only thing that is important is who dies first in a 1v1 situation it's not like there is ever a cart to push or a point to cap or intel to steal or anything when he posts he'll know he's not getting one back. in before this was a blatant lie
Rambo Posted September 26, 2009 Posted September 26, 2009 you can encourage me if you want tho lawl. Maybe later.
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