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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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It's the same reason I used the Ambassador during the team-captain-spy-duel-match to start picking teams. If I would have won 100 bucks for winning, I would have picked the Revolver, sure. But I really didn't care.

well i only really ask because i was watching you on granary for pretty much the entire map and you were playing really well

you only dropped uber a couple times but there were a few times where you (rightly) retreated because your health was too low to risk continuing to push with your team but if you had that excellent regen buff you would have been able to push up with your team and win a few rounds a lot quicker

and on a nocrit server the ambassador is just as good a choice as the revolver

it all depends on your preference

I'll freely admit I have low standards, but from that list I like Harvest, Waste (CP/PL), Aerospace, Glacier, Furnace, Swiftwater, Frontier, Follower, Meridian, Cranetop, and Cashworks. I also want to try out Industrial, Borax, Halfacre, and Lighthouse, mostly because I've heard good things about them. (Speaking of which, Lighthouse was originally an Arena map, but I only see the KOTH version there.)

this is a pretty good list

i dont particularly like aerospace or cashworks though

also meridian causes waffle fire for the server

Meridian has custom particles? o_O Damn. I liked it, too...

What's wrong with Aerospace and Cashworks?

Cashworks is extremely poorly optimized.

I don't remember playing Aerospace before.


Ah. Knowing how many people here seem to like their FPS, I guess that's grounds for removal. (I guess this is a hazard of having a fairly high-end computer. You don't realize how hard your favorite maps impact other people. ._.)

We RTV'd Aerospace...I guess a week ago or so. It was pretty fun, although it never got past 5v5. Plenty of ways to get around, so I can see it being quite hard, if not impossible, to lock it down with a single sentry like lol2fort. You can bombard the intel room from the roof, for crying out loud. (This is a good thing, imo.)

Meridian has custom particles? o_O Damn. I liked it, too...

What's wrong with Aerospace and Cashworks?

yeah its really odd

i dont see any particles ANYWHERE i really looked hard! but for some reason upon mapchange everyone gets wafflefire

its unfortunate because its a pretty good map

as powerlord said, cashworks is poorly optimized but more importantly is that its pretty much impossible to defend

aerospace is pretty much just 2fort except it looks really pretty


You could probably argue that every CTF map ever is a reskinned 2Fort, lol. Even though I only ever saw one Engineer when we were there, I can't see Aerospace being easy to lock down with sentry farms out the wazoo. There are at least 3 distinct paths through the middle, for starters, and the bases are sufficiently mazelike where I don't think there's any one chokepoint that everyone has to go through.

Besides, if I can get up to the roof as a Demoman and plant stickies around a Sentry that's covering the intel, anyone can.

well i only really ask because i was watching you on granary for pretty much the entire map and you were playing really well

you only dropped uber a couple times but there were a few times where you (rightly) retreated because your health was too low to risk continuing to push with your team but if you had that excellent regen buff you would have been able to push up with your team and win a few rounds a lot quicker

and on a nocrit server the ambassador is just as good a choice as the revolver

it all depends on your preference

I'd need more practice with the Ambassador before I'd feel comfortable using it (again). Only had it out for achievements which I got long ago, and haven't played much spy since then. As for health regen, I can't say I even thought "hey, I could get extra regen", so I don't know if there were any instances where it would have made a big difference on Granary. I know it would have helped on Gpit, but I don't like Gpit that much.


well there were a couple instances where you were about at half health and generally how i go about things as a medic is if im at half health but its just my team around i have no problem going forward instead of retreating and it works out really well

i doubt i could even play with the blut now because im so used to 3-6 hp per second


if you dont trust your team in pubs yeah but in a small game like that you pretty much never attack (i dont think i saw dlux attack once)


Point. I'm just saying the Blutsauger has its place with a Medic that has reason to worry about defending himself.

Speaking of which, I don't think I've mentioned it before, but it's really nice having teammates who recognize the value of protecting their Medic. Not just in Monday's scrims, but in general. Even though I tend to run off at inopportune moments and die for no adequate reason...


Gonna have to agree with atmuh here. Syringe Gun's regen buff is much more valuable than the Bluts in a scrim setting. Keeping the medic alive is the main goal, and more continuous health regeneration helps out more in the long run. Whenever someone is around to heal who could save you, you should be healing them and only attacking as your very last resort.

Also, cool program I found. Organizes demos you record all nice and neat. Gives you the date, time, and map you played on for each demo. It's called the Source Engine Automatic Demo Saver and if you record a lot of demos, like I do, I'd highly recommend it.

Also, cool program I found. Organizes demos you record all nice and neat. Gives you the date, time, and map you played on for each demo. It's called the Source Engine Automatic Demo Saver and if you record a lot of demos, like I do, I'd highly recommend it.

sourcetv demos are organized the same way (what happened to adding those)


Feel like pointing out that I was pretty annoyed with how the game was going tonight.

Score got to 12 to 1 when a scramble was clearly needed even when it was at 3 to 1

And then someone switched to the winning team and it was totally ignored.

I've mostly been joining lately when there are admins so that kind of thing doesn't happen, but even though 2 were on, it still did.


Feel like pointing out that I was pretty annoyed with how the game was going tonight.

Score got to 12 to 1 when a scramble was clearly needed even when it was at 3 to 1

And then someone switched to the winning team and it was totally ignored.

I've mostly been joining lately when there are admins so that kind of thing doesn't happen, but even though 2 were on, it still did.





If none of the community members give a shit about making the community better, why should admins. Admins aren't supposed to babysit the regulars. They're supposed to regulate the pubbies in an effort to protect the interests of the community. When the community doesn't feel the need to correct their own problems who are admins serving? I ended up just leaving.

[That's pretty terrible atmuh/tiger]

Feel like pointing out that I was pretty annoyed with how the game was going tonight.

Score got to 12 to 1 when a scramble was clearly needed even when it was at 3 to 1

And then someone switched to the winning team and it was totally ignored.

I've mostly been joining lately when there are admins so that kind of thing doesn't happen, but even though 2 were on, it still did.


...and yet, people complain when I scramble. Captain Yahoo in particular bitches if there's a scramble when one side rolls the other in attack/defense maps.

We get it from both sides.

But yeah, I logged on just as it was leaving Gold Rush tonight and the score was ridiculous. And by leaving Gold Rush, I mean it went directly to the scorechart from the choose a team menu.

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