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Figured I'd stick this in here for anyone interested. Decided to resume my internet radio DJing hobby. Rejoice! Went all out this time around with a fairly high quality stream (96 kbps stereo) and even managed to get a quality mic input. After tonight, I'm likely gonna bump the stream up to 128 kbps, because I'm pretty sure my connection can handle it.

Anyway, stream is up right now, and I'm currently in the process of formulating a plan to make the stream a recurring thing. I mostly play electronic music of all kinds, whether professional, independent, or pulled right from video game soundtracks, but every now and then I throw some oddball tracks in there (rock, etc.). I take requests via AIM and #ocremix on ETG, so if you want to drop one by me, that's cool. I may or may not be able to honor it, but I'll do what I can.

Just head to:


If you don't want to use the browser embedded player, after you load the page you can open it up in Winamp or WMP (or whatever else).

Still working out the kinks, but it should come along nicely in the next few weeks. Welcoming feedback.

Current DJs:

Dain Olsen (Beatdrop)

Larry Oji (Liontamer)



Upcoming broadcast this Monday, as mentioned in the thread topic! Planning on doing a 6-hour marathon broadcast, and I'm hoping to have Skype set up properly to allow for call-ins and the like. Who knows what else will happen? I'll probably be getting progressively more intoxicated with alcohol as the show goes on, so I'm sure it'll be a fun time. Don't miss out!

More details about the Skype thing will follow.


i'll be honest, i am a huge beatdrop fan (you've got me added on myspace already) and this idea sounds awesome. part of it will conflict with my schedule tomorrow but i am going to try and get online to listen. best of luck!

i'll be honest, i am a huge beatdrop fan


Having heard your music style many times, I look forward towards listening to the radio show. One question: I'm assuming that when you click on the link you posted in the first post, the media player won't play anything since your aren't hosting the show, correct? I'm a teensie worried that i might be experiencing some kind of problem, thanks!


Yes, that's correct. Until I'm actually linked up to it and broadcasting, it shouldn't be playing anything at all.

Oh, and I'd like to make it clear to everyone that this isn't just some radio show where I do nothing but play my music. In fact, I'll be playing very very little of my music unless it's requested. This is mainly an outlet for me to introduce people to fantastic electronic music acts that they might not hear otherwise, as well as to give some sort of exposure for some of my inspirations.

Otherwise, tonight's the night! Gearing up for it by freeing up some hard drive space to rip a shit ton of my CDs so I'll have even more material to work with.


See, this is why I like Beatdrop so much. Damn it Dain, we need you to come to MAGFest and Otakon and meetups. Hell, let's have a Hawaiian meetup. That would be win.

Whaddya say?


Shiiiiiiiit! Sorry for those who've tuned in and heard NOTHING so far! I was getting really really tired earlier (I work 4 PM to 4 AM and I had just got off work) so I decided to try to sleep a little. Somehow managed to sleep through my REALLY LOUD POWER METAL ALARM.

Needless to say, broadcast will be in 5 minutes!


Thanks to everyone who tuned in. It was a pretty good show, despite the technical difficulties at the start, but once things got going they really got going.

I'm tenatively scheduling the next broadcast for Saturday night, probably at the same time as this one. Hopefully I won't doze off beforehand this time and I'll be able to prepare more to avoid connection problems.



I was able to listen to the show up until around 12:30-ish, at which point, I developed a major, throbbing headaching, probably no thanks to my killer neck cramp. That said, I really enjoyed what i heard on the show, and I look very forward to the next (And i hope I'll be able to stay on even later).

All hands to Beatdrop.


Alrighty, today's the day. Broadcast will occur at 8 PM EST. No news yet on call-ins. I might also simultaneously have my webcam up and running if anyone is interested in watching me putz around and do the radio dealie. The URL for the webcam is:


The cam will most likely be live roughly an hour before the show starts if you are really itching to watch me do what I do.

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