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The potential of this kind of technology to destroy the human race is beyond all human understanding.

Calm down here, Mr. Asimov. All we're talking about is the ability to beam power from your wall to your TV. Not from San Francisco to LA.


Does anyone know how efficient this technology (energy is lost in the transmission or something like that) is or what the implications are (magnetic fields destroying electronics, etc) ? I don't know a lot about this sort of thing.

Look, all I'm trying to say is that Intel is going to usher in 1000 years of peace and harmony followed by 1000 years of war and famine. Not that big of a deal.

Don't kid yourself. We'll all have died in a horrible accident as we delve too far into the depths of a subsubsubnuclear hell within the first 1000 years, wireless power or no.

Don't kid yourself. We'll all have died in a horrible accident as we delve too far into the depths of a subsubsubnuclear hell within the first 1000 years, wireless power or no.

Damn, with that in mind, I have no need to worry.

Thanks mang. Now if only I would work on those critiques - the survival of my offspring and my offspring's offspring might not even make it to that subx3nuclear hell if I don't.

Think of all of the places in the world that don't have electricity right now because of the cost of wiring everything up: Third world countries could very feasibly get vastly improved healthcare systems. Hospitals could have the most advanced technology, even in the most remote locations. Production and everyday use of electric cars would become much more practical for everyone. Energy costs would plummet to the point of being nearly inconsequential. If we suddenly didn't need to rely on something as simple as an electric outlet to operate our high powered machines on a day to day basis, global society could quite possibly skyrocket into beautiful Utopian levels of World Harmony.

The potential of this kind of technology to advance the human race is beyond all human understanding.

And then think what would happen when someone entered the "world code" for the government's top secret EMP satellite weapon: Our dependence upon technology would have grown far past the point of no return. People would forget how to operate without all of our newfound luxuries. A third World War dubbed "The Energy Wars" would break out all across the globe as nations struggle for alternate energy sources. Cities would burn just for the heat and women and children would be eaten just for survival. If we suddenly had to rely on something as simple as our wits rather than technology just to survive on a day to day basis, global society could devolve into unthinkable Dystopian levels of Hell on Earth.

The potential of this kind of technology to destroy the human race is beyond all human understanding.

PS: I love writing science fiction. ;-)

LOL, that's some funny shit.

Though honestly I was more thinking of what our government might try to implement with such technology. Watching a police stand off ending with a mysterious ZAAAP from above out of nowhere. Could picture them trying to pull off some 'This technology will make the world a better place' crap like some science fiction version of Death Note.

Think of all of the places in the world that don't have electricity right now because of the cost of wiring everything up: Third world countries could very feasibly get vastly improved healthcare systems. Hospitals could have the most advanced technology, even in the most remote locations.

People with pacemakers have no place in this scifi article I see. :<


Why'd you have to bring that up? My mom just had a huge seizure and nearly died last week. They put a pacemaker in at the hospital.

I hope you feel terrible now.

Just kidding.

Except, everything I said was true. Including the almost dying part.

I hope you feel terrible.

Why'd you have to bring that up? My mom just had a huge seizure and nearly died last week. They put a pacemaker in at the hospital.

I hope you feel terrible now.

Just kidding.

Except, everything I said was true. Including the almost dying part.

I hope you feel terrible.


I was just saying!!! Theres no way magnetic feilds in hospitals would work!!! grrr

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