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I just realized there was a competitions forum on this site. Hmm this due date is too early for me to work on anything this time around. When is the next competition scheduled for?

I usually get the next round up after the results from voting are released and the winner has chosen a new theme. So, maybe around Oct. 4 or so? In the meantime, feel free to listen to the entries for this round, when they come out, and vote on them.

I usually get the next round up after the results from voting are released and the winner has chosen a new theme. So, maybe around Oct. 4 or so? In the meantime, feel free to listen to the entries for this round, when they come out, and vote on them.

ok I'll check back every couple of days then


Just because I use a 1,2,3,5 double octave arpeggio does not mean I'm trying to rip off the crystal theme from FF... but then because it's so famous no one can get away with using it nowadays. It's not exactly the same as that progression either, I used a 1,2,3,5,6 and other variations so it's very different from the crystal theme's use of it. Plus I have entered as many times as you have, so I don't know why you would even think I would submit something from FF claiming I did it.


HA but I never said Crystal theme in my suspisions Mr Nocturne...that raises the eyebrow further, almost to the tearing point from my head.

C'mon man, you know better than to be so close to a common theme, whether or not it's slightly varied. That's what OCR remixes do, not original compos.

If you get first place on this one, I'm throwing down the towel...


Plagarism is a really big deal when it comes to this competition. It's so big a deal that I do not tolerate it at all if I catch it. That also means that saying that someone has plagarized is also a huge deal. This won't help the current situation, but, for now on, if you suspect someone of plagarizing, PM or e-mail me. Don't post it in the thread. This way, all claims can still be taken seriously without ruining the reputation of those who might be innocent. Also, if you claim plagarism, I expect a means of verification. I will not have witch hunts in CMC.

That said, now we have to deal with this one. First off, there are only so many notes in the world. Occasionally, pieces of music are going to sound similiar, whether by intention or by accident. However, unless actual plagarism has occurred - as according to law and the rules of this competition - similarity is not a reason for disciplinary action.

Blue.Nocturne, I'm sorry you've had to deal with this. I'd encourage you to keep the current piece in place. There is no precendent, at the moment, for swapping songs after they have been released. I'm naturally hesitant to create a precendent that I may regret later. However, if you feel there is no alternative, please PM me or IM me and we'll keep talking.

I dunno if its by accident or not, but Blue.Nocturne's track sounds remarkably close to a Final Fantasy song. :(


Trying to disqualify your opponents through indirect accusations of plagiarism? It seems that nobody can get away with arpeggiating chords with square synths without someone going "LOL FF7"

Way to go Uematsu, thanks for putting your stamp on such a ubiquitous approach to harmony :\ (kidding)

HA but I never said Crystal theme in my suspisions Mr Nocturne...that raises the eyebrow further, almost to the tearing point from my head.

You have to be kidding here

What -else- could you possibly be referring to other than the main theme of the most popular Final Fantasy, bar none

Look man, it's one thing that your remixes largely deviate from themes to better suit your cornucopia of idiosyncrasies, but why don't you actually try composing within the described ballpark instead of doing your own thing, which kinda sorta defeats the purpose of the CMC. That way you'd be killing two birds with one stone, by 1. expanding your artistic abilities to encapsulate more ideas (which is, arguably, the point of the CMC), and 2. being able to construct pieces that are in line with the CMC, so you can win without having to make inane accusations because you instead write music that's pretty much determined to be dark, hence your failure to win the previous CMC.


Okay... time-out...

No more witch hunts, please.

Blue.Nocturne's piece, after carefully comparing with source material is not in violation of the policies of this competition. HoboKa was concerned about it sounding similar, no more. That is the final decision on the matter.


votecast +1

Also: good job to everyone who entered. I seriously hope this little "witch hunt" episode doesn't hurt participation in the future, especially for you, Blue.Nocturne. I always enjoy listening to your entries.

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