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i use my eyetoy as a webcam and yesterday it told me that usb bandwith was exceeded when it tried to turn on

the only other things i use through usb are mouse and keyboard

this is pretty dumb it worked 100% on my old crappy laptop but on my big new computa it doesnt work at all

ive tried all my usb ports



In the case of TL;DR...

Too many USB devices attached to one USB port on a PC, such as when using a USB hub, may result in the user receiving a Windows USB Out of Bandwidth error message.

First off, whats your system specs and second, why the hell are the keyboard and mouse using the usb ports in the first place..?

Edit* Third, are you using a high end gaming Mouse/Keyboard set..?

First off, whats your system specs and second, why the hell are the keyboard and mouse using the usb ports in the first place?

Because 90% of keyboards and mice made today use USB?


i use my mouse and keyboard because they were lying around my house

and they work really well so hooray i use them

mouse is some twenty dollar thing i got nothin special

keyboard is wireless thing dont make fun of me for using wireless accessories that will only prove that you are a dumb nerd it works and thats enough for me

i would certainly hope my comp is decent enough to run a couple of usb devices

2.4 ghz q6600 quad

4gb ram

that should be enough to be relevant to this topic


what all do you have plugged into the usb ports besides the mouse and keyboard

if you don't have anything else plugged in it could be your USB controller taking a shit

Because 90% of keyboards and mice made today use USB?

I'm the 10% that don't use USB connected Mice and Boards. The PS/2 Sockets are there for that and not only do the job nicely but frees up my USB ports as well as bandwidth.

Atmuh's PC shouldn't have this problem especially since I got around 6 or 8 devices connected to my PC and it's recieving data from them just fine....

If atmuh doesn't have anything else except for the mouse and board, considering they are wireless, they may be sapping away the bandwidth. If you (atmuh) can try finding PS/2 socket recievers for your wireless stuff, it may give you space for the eyetoy; and anything else for that matter.

Or as Effef said, your USB Controller could be taking a shit...

Having a USB mouse is definitely nice. However, USB keyboards are a bad idea. PS/2 is much more reliable, and has infinitely more legacy support.

Except in the off-chance your PS/2 keyboard is unplugged, plugging it back in could damage the motherboard (this applies to PS/2 mice as well), and you'll have to restart anyways for the system to re-recognize the device.

Except in the off-chance your PS/2 keyboard is unplugged, plugging it back in could damage the motherboard (this applies to PS/2 mice as well), and you'll have to restart anyways for the system to re-recognize the device.

That keyboard/mouse combo better be a wavebird hardhack to make you flail them enough to unplug them. :lol:

Schwaltzvald is a n00b, I use DIN5

I think I still have my old serial mouse sitting around someone, don't think it would be that hard to get working.

As for the topic, may sound stupid but have you tried plugging the webcam into another port? something on the from perhaps?

Oh and PS/2 is the suck, an all around crappy interface considering its short comings.

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