Ramaniscence Posted October 31, 2008 Posted October 31, 2008 Well Seems Medivh was given the xfers, at least...I don't think it's so big a deal though since 1. yes the server seems stable now, and 2. Illidan never had a queue time That's the main reason we didn't get a transfer. Only servers that have a pretty large queue get transfer. Illidan just had...problems. Also: I managed to get into Black Temple today, kind of ridiculous. That's why I love this server <3 PvP servers tend to have the best PvE progression as well. Good luck getting this one to leave. Tuesday she gets to turn in Nefarion's head. Wednesday she gets a a chest, gloves, a dagger, and a trinket out of Black Temple. Thursday she gets pants and an off-hand fist out of Hyjal.... All I got were some T6 shoulders, fancy pants, and (previously) healing boots. If this keeps up. She'll be in Sunwell before WotLK hits -____- Again: From Mercs/Blues to 6 pieces of BT/Hyjal gear IN 2 DAYS. Only on Illidan Quote
Vilecat Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 Daaayum. And here I'm striving to get my druid a better wep so she can finally heal most of the Heroics fine and maybe go balance/resto hybrid or something when the expansion comes out. Sadly I think my lock will take no time to gear and will proly get her full T7 before any of my toons on Aga get an epic form a raid or heroic (edit: ok maybe not the heroic part but still) 5h for a pugged Kara run. That's an average for a group with half the people being in there for the first time. Wipes only on the new boss and during Prince because of the infernals (many spawned because of the slow dps) and we didn't kill Illhoof or Nightbane. /sad panda Quote
Scrobble Posted November 3, 2008 Posted November 3, 2008 it's been kind of like that everywhere, rama. some people are getting pretty loose with PUGs, since all the bosses got neutered Quote
Opterion Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 it's been kind of like that everywhere, rama. some people are getting pretty loose with PUGs, since all the bosses got neutered Kara run on me newly respecced enhancement sham where we never wiped once. Sure I died five times, but I was the only one to Got a couple great things, like...THE ARCANITE RIPPER RAWR!!! Quote
Vilecat Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 I've been wondering if I should bother to do the same as my priest or druid with this toon for end-game gearing. For my priest it was lotsa instances with the tailor crafting, and my druid was more PvP with a few lucky runs in instances (healing staff, moonglade pants AND scarab trinket all in the same reg BM run at lv69). For TBC I know that locks could do fine in PvP gear for PvE. Also, anyone would be interested in maybe lolarena when I get to 80? I really need to get better at it. 3s sounds not too overwhelming. I've never done 5s, since both my priest and druid weren't all that great for that bracket on my battlegroup. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 I've been wondering if I should bother to do the same as my priest or druid with this toon for end-game gearing. For my priest it was lotsa instances with the tailor crafting, and my druid was more PvP with a few lucky runs in instances (healing staff, moonglade pants AND scarab trinket all in the same reg BM run at lv69). For TBC I know that locks could do fine in PvP gear for PvE.Also, anyone would be interested in maybe lolarena when I get to 80? I really need to get better at it. 3s sounds not too overwhelming. I've never done 5s, since both my priest and druid weren't all that great for that bracket on my battlegroup. 5s are terrible. It's a hugantic cluster fuck. Me and starla have a pretty decent 2s team when we both have our shit together and we don't get matched up with people in full brutal in the 1350 bracket (yayyyy Rampage). I'm SO down for a drain team come 80, though. Quote
Eulogic Posted November 4, 2008 Posted November 4, 2008 Illidan, eh? Maybe I could roll or transfer a character there. It does satisfy my two requirements of being Horde and PVP. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted November 13, 2008 Posted November 13, 2008 SOMEONE should update the first post with this: http://www.wowarmory.com/guild-info.xml?r=Illidan&n=Disciples+of+the+Mix&p=1 And maybe some armory links to the people NOT in the guild. Just sayin'...that's what I'D do. Quote
wiredzombie Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I'm strongly considering Illidan at this point...but idk Some of my friends, are on Lightbringer But I think I'll just play on Illidan Seems better there Quote
Opterion Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 ....Yeah... Shaman = #1 priority now. I'll be back when I'm 80 Quote
Vilecat Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 And I dinged 70 yesterday. And I have yet to get in a group for any new instance because everyone and their mom has T5+ apparently. And there were lv68 DK already yesterday night (at least 2) and prolly some lv80 also. I saw a lv75 lock this morning and a bunch of 75+ are running around. It's really nice what they did to lesser the lag, I love it. I just hate those "kill this dude" quests because there's always 3 people waiting for the respawn too. Quote
wiredzombie Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 yeah, so i havent gotten to start on illidian yet so i've started on lightbringer does anybody on OCR play on lightbringer? Quote
starla Posted November 23, 2008 Author Posted November 23, 2008 yeah, so i havent gotten to start on illidian yetso i've started on lightbringer does anybody on OCR play on lightbringer? http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=474742&postcount=2731 No one I know from OCR plays there. Most of us are on Illidan, and the queue times have been pretty low/nonexistent the last couple days. Let me know when you roll so I can hook you up. Quote
wiredzombie Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=474742&postcount=2731No one I know from OCR plays there. Most of us are on Illidan, and the queue times have been pretty low/nonexistent the last couple days. Let me know when you roll so I can hook you up. ok, so i just got into Illidan lvl 5 priest human Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 Why!? Everyone on Illidan is horde! Quote
starla Posted November 23, 2008 Author Posted November 23, 2008 Wiredzombie, We play horde on Illidan. The races you can choose from are Blood Elf, Orc, Troll, Undead and Tauren. Unfortunately we cannot group up with alliance humans because it is a PVP server, you cannot have characters of both factions on the same server, so you would likely have to delete your human and roll one of the above races to hang out with us. I understand if you want to play alliance though, but you were looking for people to play with and we play horde. Quote
wiredzombie Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 Wiredzombie,We play horde on Illidan. The races you can choose from are Blood Elf, Orc, Troll, Undead and Tauren. Unfortunately we cannot group up with alliance humans because it is a PVP server, you cannot have characters of both factions on the same server, so you would likely have to delete your human and roll one of the above races to hang out with us. I understand if you want to play alliance though, but you were looking for people to play with and we play horde. I'd rather switch to horde than have nobody to play with Quote
Vilecat Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 Ewww alliance [insert rant explaining why I can't stand playing them] Like a few, I'm surprised that with the amount of DK's around, there's still a lack of tanks when we try to get a group in Northrend. Healers are getting more and more rare. Makes me wish I played my priest again sometimes, but I can't deny how much I love watching my screen fill up with numbers when I have Shadowflame (like mage's Dragon Breath) with Seed of Corruption and Rain of Fire blowing everything up. Doesn't please all the tanks though My next toon will be a tank, but I don't know between pally and DK. it'll proly be DK since I might feel lazy on leveling yet another toon to 80, when I still have 2 70's waiting up on getting ready for end-game content. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted November 24, 2008 Posted November 24, 2008 ...but I can't deny how much I love watching my screen fill up with numbers when I have Shadowflame (like mage's Dragon Breath) with Seed of Corruption and Rain of Fire blowing everything up. Doesn't please all the tanks though lol, you should hear Matt on Vent when you're doing that stuff. "There's no way Valerie'll be able to pull aggro off me" "What is she just seeding everything?!" "Did she just do like a dragon breath wtf?!" Non-stop lawlz. PS: We got dedicated heals now. Just need Matt to spec prot now >_>. Quote
Opterion Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 My cousin's a frost mage, frequently gets 4k frostbolt crits. He's just dinged 75, I'm 74. I've respecced enhancement for leveling and because elemental sucks right now. Before I was normally 60-70% threat compared to him, now he can't get them off me I'll be back at some point, but at this time it's too much fun when he blizzards from my tank in SotA Quote
suzumebachi Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 lol, you should hear Matt on Vent when you're doing that stuff. "There's no way Valerie'll be able to pull aggro off me" "What is she just seeding everything?!" "Did she just do like a dragon breath wtf?!"Non-stop lawlz. PS: We got dedicated heals now. Just need Matt to spec prot now >_>. Or I could spec frost? XD Quote
Vilecat Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 lol, you should hear Matt on Vent when you're doing that stuff. "There's no way Valerie'll be able to pull aggro off me" "What is she just seeding everything?!" "Did she just do like a dragon breath wtf?!"Non-stop lawlz. PS: We got dedicated heals now. Just need Matt to spec prot now >_>. BAHAHAHA! Makes me wish I could hear you guys. This winter I'll be able to ;P Well, when there's more than 2 mobs and the tank doesn't suck, I like throwing one or 2 SoC. Shadowflame is a nice lv75 spell every lock gets that does a decent amount of dmg and has a dot effect too. Changes from your regular shadowbolt spam. I never had a toon with real aoe spells, haven't really played my druid for other things than healing since the patch that took away the CD on Hurricane and priest Holy Nova can't really count as an aoe. I'm having so much fun with lock that way it's dangerous. There's a huge lack of healers now, it's not even funny. Good that Blizz kinda fixed the tank problem, but now healers are nowhere to be found. Makes me wish I was playing my priest, that way I could run twice as much stuff. Someone in the LFG yesterday was looking for a healer for Naxx ^No need to go Frost to tank. Just grab 5/8/5 (or 5/13/5) then pick the spec you want. I've seen a few DK tanking as Blood. Frost has a lot of oshit buttons but you shouldn't really need those for tanking regular instances. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 I was wondering if you were accepting members although they won't be playing too much. I have been playing wow for years now, but on alliance side (andorhal, now ragnaros), and would like to be in this guild but I don't have any horde toons I could transfer (except for a lvl 29 hunter twink on burning blade). Anyways, I'll create a horde toon on illidan tonight and hit you up later. Illidan's kinda laggy for me tho. Quote
starla Posted November 25, 2008 Author Posted November 25, 2008 We are always accepting new members from the ocr community feel free to message an officer when one of us is on. Hate to hear about the lag, i understand if it's unplayable from your location though I'm in California pacific time and the server is based on central time. Regularly my ping is about 220, which is just fine with me. Quote
Vilecat Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 My reg ping varies between 72 and 85ms. When there's lag it's usually server side. It hasn't lasted very long nor happened often lately. I think tonight was because of Wintergrasp. The guild's very laid back (i.e. just for fun), I don't see many people often other than Starla, Rama, Dyne and Suzu. Quite a few people have mains on other servers too, which is why they won't spend as much time necessarly here. Quote
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