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So, there's this radio station in the DFW area called "Live 105.3". It's all talk radio, and they recently grabbed a new midday show called "Ben and Skin".

They've also had a certain advertiser called "Frenkle and Frenkle -- The Dogs" for years and years. They're a lawyer duo that specializes in car wrecks that aren't your fault, divorce settlements, etc. They've decided that they want a new jingle, so they had the Ben and Skin show put it together. It's been running for a couple weeks now (the entry part at least) and I came back into town just as it was shutting down. So I put about an hour into a really crappy entry just so I could hear myself on the radio.

So here are the two clips I grabbed. The first one is where they are going through all 30 entries and they come across mine finally. It's pretty funny stuff. They pass it on to the next round even though they're adamant that it won't win.


So then the next day, they have Mark Frenkle in the studio (of Frenkle and Frenkle, duh), and he helps them whittle it down to 3 for the final on Friday (which is tomorrow). Here's the clip of them listening to my piece. And no, I didn't get moved ahead, but they talked long enough about it that it made it all worth that hour that I worked on it. :)


It was a great two days of listening that I enjoyed immensely. Really does something to ya to hear your stuff on the radio. It was intense .. I was actually nervous to hear them blast it because it was so stupid, and they would have been right for that ... but they really got a good laugh out of it.


Hey awesome! I always listen to Live 105.3 (specifically Russ Martin) but I listen up to Ben and Skin on my drive to and from class. :) That is awesome man. I was intrigued by their jingle contest and heard a few but I didn't know anyone from OCR was in there! haha. Good job man! That's really really funny. I love it. ha.

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