Liontamer Posted November 16, 2008 Posted November 16, 2008 ReMixer name: AJiLe Real name: Andrew Lawler UserID: 25958 Source: 'Kraid's Lair' from Super Metroid This is my first submission (!) so I'm pretty excited. I've been reading and listening to ocremix for a long time and I really respect you guys. 'Kraid Begins' is an orchestral take on the classic theme, inspired by thoughts about the guardian's origins. I mean, he just woke up one day and decided to be Mother Brain's #2? I think not. Henchmen like that are made, not born. Thank you for your time, Andrew -------------------------------------------------------------- Don't recall Kraid's theme ever being in Super Metroid, but correct me if I'm wrong. - Track 5 ("Kraid's Chamber") That intro definitely grabbed my attention; I was feeling it. The brass from :51-1:30 sounded pretty fake, and some of the string articulations on the string at 1:08 sounded a bit exposed as well. The texture sounded stronger afterward though, as the quiet nature of 1:32's section sounded a bit more cohesive and didn't expose some of the samples as much. The drum at 2:14 probably needed more meat on it. Same with the cymbals at 2:18. The textures from 2:26-onward were again on the thin side while going for a more grandiose energy towards the finish. I think once you appropriately fleshed out those sounds for a richer texture and better dynamic contrast with the quieter sections, as seems intended in your composition, then this would completely click. Overall, this might have what it takes to pass, with the arrangement carrying it, but I'm not quite sold on it. It's not that the soundscape needs to be louder/fiercer, but I thought this needed a little bit more meat on the bones here for the more grandiose sections. Once that's in place, I'd be with this all the way. Touch this up, Andrew; I like what's in place so far, and it's a great first sub with good interpretation. NO (borderline/refine/resubmit)
anosou Posted November 20, 2008 Posted November 20, 2008 Very nice take on this theme. I'm sad we didn't hear more of that strange intro textures though! I think the arrangement here is fantastic, just let me get that out of the system. Nice use of triplets and overall great melodic intepretation. You threw in some chord-changes, interesting rhythms and great dynamic variation! The ending was quite good too. The orchestra is a bit empty, it's not a full symphony if you get what I mean, and could use some additional instruments or doubling to sound full though. I didn't think the brass at 0:51 was bad, however the "harder" brass articulations sounded so-so but passable. Most instruments sound okay, the strings could've sounded better at times but for the most part it was good. Pizzicato sound at 2:03 was "slappy" compared to the overall sound of the strings, better at 2:10. Overall, I think the arrangement is just good enough to outweigh the slight production issues I had. Take the criticism to heart though, even if this passes, and improve in the sound department for your next submission! Because damn, there should be more submissions from you. Great first sub! YES(borderline)
Palpable Posted November 21, 2008 Posted November 21, 2008 Totally with Mattias on the arrangement. Great atmosphere here, orchestral but with some wonderful textures in the intro. I like the shifts between the quieter parts and the grandiose sections. You did a lot with with a source that is fairly static. All criticisms I have are on the production side. 1:17-1:30 and 2:50-3:00 are weak, as they expose your samples too much. Something sounded off about that low brass and the strings. Not a dealbreaker though, because they are short sections and they don't sound terrible. The strings coming in at 2:14, while sounding fabulous from an arrangement standpoint, also sounded too close, like there was one string player playing too close to the microphone. Not a huge knock on your song, but these details add up. The most grandiose sections are the weakest ones, which hurts. But I'm willing to give this one to you. It just passes my bar given the strength of the arrangement. Hope you send us more, and takes our criticisms to heart on the next song you do. YES (borderline)
Vig Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 This is one of my favorite soundtracks, and I really like your treatment. I'm sort of with larry though that it needs a bit more meat. This so far feels like a trailer for a larger piece. The dynamics are great, but it could use a more decisive climax. Please please keep developing, cause this track can be awesome, and you clearly have some great writing skills. AMIRITE? NO
big giant circles Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 Lawlercopter? Ohh, this mix is baller. Or should I say Bawler. Alright, enough of my terrible puns, or whatever they are. NO seriously, this is freaking awesome! I'm being a bit selfish here, I'm pretty much only rejecting this now for the reason Vig did, in that while this is really awesome, It could be awesome-er-er. Touch up the couple places Larry's mentioned (especially the brass at :53--maybe add some ambiance, ya know, reverb etc), and maybe try what Vig said about tweaking the climax. Or to me, I felt that while the climax was good, it was so abruptly halted that it was kind of antagonistic to that climax. Man, for the love of all things musical, resubmit this or may your computer explode into tiny pieces.
DarkeSword Posted February 11, 2009 Posted February 11, 2009 Really interesting harmonic ideas. A great cinematic take on Kraid's theme. Samples are a little iffy in terms of humanization, but not so bad that it kills the piece. I think it's good to go! YES~
CHz Posted March 23, 2009 Posted March 23, 2009 This is all kinds of cool. Development is good, the climax could be bigger but I'm fine with where it does go. Great arrangement ideas. Production is the weak point as a few have said, but nothing too too bad except the big brass sections and the weirdly close solo strings at 2:15 and 2:26. There's definite room for improvement, but I'm fine with this one as is. YES
zircon Posted March 25, 2009 Posted March 25, 2009 The brass here isn't amazing, but it's definitely solid enough. If anything, my only serious production beef is that some of the swells might be getting limited too much. Otherwise, this is very well written and orchestrated. The arrangement and interpretation are quite good - there are clear dynamics, defined and interesting part-writing, and very enjoyable variations and additions to the source material. The samples aren't the very best they could be, but they're used REALLY well here. A definite YES ps. Do I hear "Impact: Steel" being used here?
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