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is a pretty cool Xbox Live Indie Game. Instead of controlling one ship at a time, you can control over 30 ships at a time. Pretty cool, especially since it's only a buck.

OOOoooo looks neat

Edit: I can't believe there wasn't more talk of the

in this thread it has to be one of my favorite shmups of all time (i like to call it the tetris of shmups)

the first one is my favorite 360 game period.(my highscore is 2.9 mil at the moment) I've had this game for three years and I still play it every other day.

Double Edit: no one mentioned

either WTF

Also Maco i will play aegis wing with you :) (actually it's been free for a while) and yeah it's total bullcrap that it isn't available in europe D:(

Triple edit(lol): Also

was just released for XBLA and PSN (Though I'm not %100 on the PSN release can't find concrete evidence of it existing on PSN over the net from what i understand it seems to still be TBA on PSN sorry ps3 owners that sucks if its true :(
OOOoooo looks neat

Edit: I can't believe there wasn't more talk of the

in this thread it has to be one of my favorite shmups of all time (i like to call it the tetris of shmups)

the first one is my favorite 360 game period.(my highscore is 2.9 mil at the moment) I've had this game for three years and I still play it every other day.

Double Edit: no one mentioned

either WTF

Have you read every single page on this thread or just skipped up to the more recent ones. I believe Einhander as well as geometry wars had been mentioned before; if they were not mentioned before, my mistake.

Have you read every single page on this thread or just skipped up to the more recent ones. I believe Einhander as well as geometry wars had been mentioned before; if they were not mentioned before, my mistake.

ehhh i kinda skimmed

and yea geometry wars was mentioned(briefly by coop) but not really talked about

as for Einhander i might have missed it

Edit: Upon actually reading all of the posts no Einhander

Also my complaints weren't serious I'm not mad about Einhander or anything

  • 4 weeks later...

What type of directional input do you all use? Obviously you're limited in the 16-bit and older games, but now there's analog and even stick input in addition to that of d-pad. Asking because I haven't found a consensus after a(n albeit quick) web search and I'd like to learn it the best way now so I don't have to un/re-learn it later. I've been screwing around on Ikaruga (GC) with both analog and d-pad and I can't tell which is better, and I'm supposing it could be hard to tell the difference until you invest a lot of time on each style - time that could be better spent focusing on one.

If the answer is that a stick or a non-console analog input is best, what brand/model would you recommend?

Might be that there is no answer to any of that but curiosity has the best of me. As always, advice is appreciated and utilized.

On the PC front Double Spoiler, a shoot'em up "photography game" (Much like "Shoot the Bullet") had been out for a while as well.

Have you played that or Shoot the Bullet? The mechanics seem rather unsatisfying, requiring patience and finesse (per the usual) but instead of unleashing a maelstrom of bullets you just sit there and click. Is it better than it looks? Because it looks like Touhou does Fatal Frame, which just seems off.

Also, if I can pick your brain, is it better to start with newer or middle-age Touhou? That is, would it be better/just as well to start with one that can run smoothly on 256k (Pent4 2.4GHz [old]) or wait a while until the new compy is had along with the ability to play one of the newer ones? Don't suppose a definitive answer is possible - being a loaded question and coming down greatly to personal preference, I assume - but insight/commentary is helpful (that paragraph you wrote linking vids of each game some months ago in that one thread was hilarious but not particularly helpful to me!). Especially since I don't even know where to start with reviews (usually use metacritic and gamefaqs but there isn't enough to go on there).

Coop: thanks a ton for listing all those. After scanning through multiple youtubes of each, I can say - with little doubt - that it is none of those (and also none of the other popular SNES ones I found here). So chances are it doesn't exist and I'm now verified crazy.

I did, however, find a copy of Taito Legends 2 and am loving G-Darius. That is, loving it since I came to appreciate the whacked-out bgm. Thanks again for that tip.

After scanning through multiple youtubes of each, I can say - with little doubt - that it is none of those (and also none of the other popular SNES ones I found here). So chances are it doesn't exist and I'm now verified crazy.

I did, however, find a copy of Taito Legends 2 and am loving G-Darius. That is, loving it since I came to appreciate the whacked-out bgm. Thanks again for that tip.

We always figured you were crazy, now this just proves it ;-)

As for TL2, glad I could help. Don't forget, there's a PC version as well, with four games the PS2 version didn't have... Bubble Symphony, Cadash, Pop'n and Pop and RayForce (the shmup prequel to Raystorm). They're arcade ROMs that you can quite literally drop right into MAME and play on that emulator (just zip up the folders and that's it... they're even already named properly for MAME). It's $4.99 new at Gamestop, so...


Thanks AnSo, I'll look into that one.

Hmmm... maybe for RayForce. Noted, and if I dig on RayStorm I'll pick it up. Still have a lot of catching up to do on what I already own, though!

Have you played that or Shoot the Bullet? The mechanics seem rather unsatisfying, requiring patience and finesse (per the usual) but instead of unleashing a maelstrom of bullets you just sit there and click. Is it better than it looks? Because it looks like Touhou does Fatal Frame, which just seems off.

Also, if I can pick your brain, is it better to start with newer or middle-age Touhou? That is, would it be better/just as well to start with one that can run smoothly on 256k (Pent4 2.4GHz [old]) or wait a while until the new compy is had along with the ability to play one of the newer ones? Don't suppose a definitive answer is possible - being a loaded question and coming down greatly to personal preference, I assume - but insight/commentary is helpful (that paragraph you wrote linking vids of each game some months ago in that one thread was hilarious but not particularly helpful to me!). Especially since I don't even know where to start with reviews (usually use metacritic and gamefaqs but there isn't enough to go on there)

Shoot the Bullet, while fun, was technically slapped together by ZUN to go along with something else I forget for an event. Where as Double Spoiler had more time and development put into it. I actually enjoyed both.

As for where to start, all up to you. If you want you can just start off with the PC-98 era games and go from there. I'd recommend T98-Next as the best PC-98 emulator for the PC-98 Touhou games. Does not necessarily require an incredibly powerful PC to run it but it helps.

As for the Windows games, any decent two to three year old PC ought to suffice, even as far back as six years should be fine to run all the games; so long as you have a decent graphics card as well. I say start with "

" only because it's the only one of the windows game where you don't have an indicator of where your hitbox is. In the later games when you use focus shots you'll see a small white orb indicating your hit box, starting at "Perfect Cherry Blossom". By then though you'll have a greater grasp at how the game play is.

There's in fact a fan-made EoSD graphics update that alters the boss sprites and some of the enemies as well to match up the graphics of the later games such as Subterranean Animism. It even throws in the option for you to put in a hit-box indicator if you want. I personally wouldn't use the hit box indicator 8)

Oh yeah I almost forgot, in regards to the windows era touhou games,


This kind of mistake seems prevalent enough that there's a doujin manga that comments on this kind of mistake


Dang. Thanks for all the advice.

Haha, up to me. Fair enough. I think I would prefer the hitbox (

), but I could probably do without it and learn it just as well the hard way. Since I assume they're just as good gameplay-wise as the PC98 games, I'll stick with the windows games since they look and sound better. I'll have to do some more looking before I decide which one to get (at least initially), but EoSD sounds like a good starting place. And my fault for not looking closer at the system reqs - I can't run much of anything past 2005 but it seems compy will be able to handle just about any of the Touhous and easily handle the less recent ones.

Hmmm... yep. I'll definitely be making that mistake. Without a doubt.

Ok the newb is done monopolizing the thread now.

  • 2 weeks later...

Okay yesterday while checking out the PSN shop I noticed there was a bundle of games that I would have NEVER imagine seeing being sold.

, and

I think it's rather interesting PSN is touching on doujin games but it makes me wonder what else would appear...

Oh yeah aside from the japanese voice overs, the text are all patched in English.

Ugh, terrible video link -- i hate HATE HATE getting to the end and screwing it up. For some reason this feels worst when playing Imperishable Night, as your time slowly ticks away during the last fight until you lose.

which video link? Sounds like you're referring to one of the earlier ones I posted like that Touhou heartbreak video.

  • 1 month later...

Okay so there's been a release and a few up coming console ports.


The Great Fairy Wars - TH12.8

Essentially it revolves around particularly notable fairy characters such as Cirno whom declares war on the other fairies. Basically it's a game where Cirno freezes bullets she's suppose to dodge. Not easy as it may sounds though thanks to certain bullets being flaming balls of fire are nearly impossible to freeze; exception seems to be when bombing.

Here are some gameplay vids

Game Play Vid 1

(gives more explanations)

Touhou 12.8? not 12.9? ZUN i am dissapoint.


Coming up exclusively for the 360~!

This November, the studio is porting Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu to the Xbox 360. The other two games are cute-em-ups (Muchi Muchi Pork, and Pink Sweets) and will be appearing on the same disc as a two-for-one kind of deal. It will be released next year in Japan. ~Kotaku

For Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu

(A Decepticon? in my shmup?! CAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVVVVVEEEEEEEE!!!)

The boss at 4:18... wow... I never would have expected that from CAVE and I fucking laughed hard.


Muchi Muchi Pork (yeah I have no clue)


Pink Sweets


Whoa! I don't know what's happening to me, but it seems like I'm getting hooked on Shmups. I always loved the games Axelay for SNES and Macross Scrambled Valkyrie for Super Famicom. They just had such unique atmospheres in my opinion. Axelay built off of the creepy atmosphere of R-type but they made it with machines instead of aliens and it really appealed to me. Scrambled Valkyrie had Yoko Kanno doing the music (I think) and just felt like it was the "loudest" thing I had ever played.

So with those games on my mind, I recently downloaded a game from the Japanese PS3 store called Gaiaseed. I reccomend it if you like R-Type or Axelay style shooters. It doesn't have the nicest graphics, especially on an HDTV but it has really good music that unfortunately gets drowned out by the explosions and a nice system where you don't die in a single hit. I'll warn you that there isn't much in the way of weapons though. You basically choose between lasers and a spread shot. It's kind of interesting because the spread shot is good for the small enemies in the levels, whereas the laser only shoots straight ahead but is much stronger, thus good for bosses. Each time you pick up the correct power up, your weapon gets bigger up to four levels. I've beaten it on normal mode and have gotten up to level 5 on hard mode and REALLY want to become a pro at the game.

Now I'm thinking that I want to download and master ALL the flying shooting games on PS3!

Gaiaseed Video:

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