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Wow, uh, Reason is kinda confusing. Does anybody know of any good Reason tutorials? I just hear such great things about the program that I want to really give it a fair shot, and since I have been looking to upgrade, I figure I should try each program to its fullest. :wink:


How is it confusing??? You create an instrument, either in the top menus, or by right clicking in the empty rack area, one appears, a sequencer track is autocreated for it, and all you have to do is hit record and start playing notes on your keyboard.

  • 3 weeks later...
How is it confusing??? You create an instrument, either in the top menus, or by right clicking in the empty rack area, one appears, a sequencer track is autocreated for it, and all you have to do is hit record and start playing notes on your keyboard.

I'm guessing LordMaestro doesn't have a keyboard. When I first tried out the demo, I didn't have a keyboard (I still don't), and I had no idea how to do anything. I saw all these different devices, none of which I knew how to create sound with or what they even did for that matter. Trust me, it was a really intimidating experience.

However, I'm willing to bet that LM here has used piano roll before in one of his previous programs. That being the case, look at the sequencing window. In the very upper-left corner of the window, there should be three horizontial bars: one red, one yellow, one blue. Clicking that button will allow you to enter Edit Mode.

In Edit Mode, you will see several different lanes: a Key Lane for entering and editing note values, and a Velocity Lane for editing the velocities of the respective notes, among other lanes. These lanes can be hidden/restored by the buttons located to the right of the Edit Mode button. Using the Key Lane, you can enter in notes piano roll style.

Keep in mind that these lanes only pertain to the selected track. For instance, if you had the Redrum drum machine track selected, you will only see note/velocity values that that particular Redrum unit will process. So make sure you have the track selected that has the instrument you want on it.

Hope that helps! If something I've said didn't make sense, lemme know and I'll try to clear things up.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. Someone on another board asked me to make a supersaw sound with Reason, and I figured it will be good knowledge anyways, so I went ahead and tried. Much to my surprise, I came up with something in about 10 minutes, mainly by accident.

Right Click, Save As (it's geocities, so if it doesn't work, wait a hour or so...)

It's not perfect, and it could use some EQ'ing, but it seems to have helped the person who asked, so maybe it'll help those that have had problems getting the sound they want.

Hey guys. Someone on another board asked me to make a supersaw sound with Reason, and I figured it will be good knowledge anyways, so I went ahead and tried. Much to my surprise, I came up with something in about 10 minutes, mainly by accident.

Right Click, Save As (it's geocities, so if it doesn't work, wait a hour or so...)

It's not perfect, and it could use some EQ'ing, but it seems to have helped the person who asked, so maybe it'll help those that have had problems getting the sound they want.

Whoa.. :o Awesome. I'm gonna have to copy some of that for my next trance mix. ;)
Hey guys. Someone on another board asked me to make a supersaw sound with Reason, and I figured it will be good knowledge anyways, so I went ahead and tried. Much to my surprise, I came up with something in about 10 minutes, mainly by accident.

Right Click, Save As (it's geocities, so if it doesn't work, wait a hour or so...)

It's not perfect, and it could use some EQ'ing, but it seems to have helped the person who asked, so maybe it'll help those that have had problems getting the sound they want.

That's very good! Its amazing how much the unison machine rawks. Bypass the unisons on there, and those synths sound so shitty. :D

  • 3 weeks later...

I may be some kind of retard or something, but how do u get the midi sounds into the different colored bars so i can rearrange them instead of being the stupid little note stupids... im really frustrated about this... also, how do you do a fade-out without manually using the master volume knob with the (green square thing around it).


I assume you mean you want to group stuff. You can highlight what you want to group, right click, then select 'group'. Or you can use the pencil tool and drag it over the area you want to group.

As for your other question, i'm not sure if you mean you do or don't want to do the 'green box around slider' method (this is called automation, btw). But, I think that's about the only method there is. You'll have to create a new track in the sequencer and set it to control the mixer that has the volume knob you want to automate. Then right click the knob and select edit automation. Draw your automation for the fadeout.

This stuff is all in the getting started manual that came with the software. You should check it first before asking people here. Good thing I'm killing time in the library between classes :)


I've been looking for how to do this for a long time and it doesn't seem to be anywhere that i look. How do you make that air hose sound, as in the end of the "Four Notes" song (Reason demo song) or in the middle of "Demonik Electronik" by Anoloq? Its such a cool sound. :)!!

I've been looking for how to do this for a long time and it doesn't seem to be anywhere that i look. How do you make that air hose sound, as in the end of the "Four Notes" song (Reason demo song) or in the middle of "Demonik Electronik" by Anoloq? Its such a cool sound. :)!!



Call up a Subtractor and mess around with the "Noise" settings right under the Oscillator section. Once you get the sound you're looking for, play with the Filter and Amp settings until the Attack and Release fit what you have in mind.


Ive had Reason 2.5 for a month now but, I cant get midi files to play in reason. I have all the settings right(i think) and my midi keyboard works fine. Any ideas?

Ive had Reason 2.5 for a month now but, I cant get midi files to play in reason. I have all the settings right(i think) and my midi keyboard works fine. Any ideas?

Can you get any other sounds working by starting a new project from scratch? If so, have you linked the midi track in the sequencer to a soundsource (nnxt, malstrom, subtractor, etc.)? That's all I can think of with this little information to go by.

Ive had Reason 2.5 for a month now but, I cant get midi files to play in reason. I have all the settings right(i think) and my midi keyboard works fine. Any ideas?

Can you get any other sounds working by starting a new project from scratch? If so, have you linked the midi track in the sequencer to a soundsource (nnxt, malstrom, subtractor, etc.)? That's all I can think of with this little information to go by.

Yes I can get all the other sounds to work. How you link the track to the diffrent racks?


Directly above the tracks in the sequencer window should be a label saying "Out". That column of dropdown menus in each sequencer track has options for all the instruments you've created.

If all you have are, say, three midi tracks and no instruments, create a Subtractor, for example, and use the Out menu to link the melody track to the Subtractor. Do the same for all the rest.

  • 2 weeks later...

what's up, how do i properly import .nsf files, .gbs & such files from Audio Overload to Reason 2.5 ? ––– In the past, I exported the .nsf file to a .wav file, then imported it in Reason 2.5 but all it did was play the song. My main interest is to chop the sounds of the .nsf files so as to have flexibility in remixing and making original songs. And one more question, Do you know of any freeware/shareware programs that can convert & chop such files in the above inquiry ?


If you truly want flexibility, sequence the notes yourself. If you need help doing that, try getting a midi of the song (from vgmusic.com, perhaps), and using that for help (or I suppose you could just import it... cheater!)

And as for the sound of it, you can either copy samples directly from the wav file (generated from the nsf), or you can make your own sounds with Reason's softsynth (so not only can you emulate the original sound this way, but you also have the flexibility of changing the synth to whatever you want.


I have a question; how can I make the Orkester marcato violins sound sharper? They sound sort of soft and warm, not edgy and bright like they should. Is there a particular way I should EQ or apply reverb to make them more substantial?


There isn't another violin instrument patch that sounds better for you?

Well, anyway. Have you tried altering the filter on it (in the sampler)? I would try a high-pass filter, maybe, to emphasize the higher freqs while cutting out the lower (warmer) ones. But perhaps more importantly, you'll probably want to increase the filter resonance... that usually makes things sound brighter.

Some compression or distortion may make your violins sound edgier.

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