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I can help with teh bassline. I dunno what exactly you are looking for, but I know how to hold down teh groove. :D

I really like some of the ideas though. The bass does rather... not work for what the rest is doing IMO. It gets kinda weird around 2:00.... Hmm

Nice start. :D

K, which sequencing program do you use? FL or?


Ah, here's another by you. Well, I know the source tune fine but I'd still recommend posting it, anyhow - it's good to be able to compare the source and the mix at the same time.

Well, it's pretty good, right now, although it needs to be tightened up before it can be called 'done'. Mainly, the reverb that you add to it, while necessary, also throws the beat off for the different instruments. Don't take away the reverb, of course, just adjust the sequences so the effect is less noticeable.

As for the change at 2:00, personally, I kind of like it, except I expect the chords to resolve differently. It needs the change, and it sounds interesting, but the entire progression altogether is a little bit odd from 2:00 - 2:10, in particular from the first chord to the second. 2:11 - 2:22 is the same.The drums are neat, although sometimes they sound unintentionally off. I'd tweak those.

The entire mix as a whole isn't bad at all, really. It's quite listenable. Unfortunately, as a whole it sticks a little close to the source, and the texture is pretty static. Have some fun with what you have here - variety is the spice of life :)


Not touching my chord prog or drums for now Gario sry :P


You guys will certainly like ze update nonetheless. Enjoy.

Hmmm you know a solo Zyko-ish electric guitar might be a nice addition >< any1 up for doing a live guitar part too :P?

And Gario here's your midi file as you've requested. PLEASE listen to the midi and compare it to my remix - you'll see that there is a HUGE difference between them. The chord structures are the only real conservative part to it :S - even then I use some original chords.


Starts off great. Not like your usual messes. :P

Unfortunately, it gets messier later on, both the melody and the drums. The track loses direction quite quickly too. Towards the end when the piano comes in, it feels more directed, but before then it was messy. The soundscape is nice, but the drums feel out of place, wrong sound imo.

Different from your usual stuff, suffers some of the same problems. Direction is the biggest problem here, followed by messy drums and an ill fitting drum sound. Says I, anyway. Nice to see you do something different, I think I like this more than your other wips. Good work, keep at it, bro.


Like the famous saying goes: no source link, no source comment. Never take anything for granted. ;)

Yup, the start is definitely very nice. I like how the drums come in with that filter. I like the drum sound! Extremely nice beat and fills in the drum intro. Great eerie feeling with the melody and drums.

That first melody + drums gets a bit too complicated to follow rhythmically around 01:22. A stuttering, bad fill at 01:22-01:25. You're doing some time signature tricks I presume, but you're not pulling it off. I like the idea, see if you can simplify it a little. Start the melody which starts at 01:24 on a regular first beat of the drum beat, start a new bar with the drums and melody both on the same "one" right there. That's my suggestion, anyway.

I think the drums sound a bit fuller in v2, or am I imagining?


Like the famous saying goes: no source link, no source comment. Never take anything for granted. ;)

Yup, the start is definitely very nice. I like how the drums come in with that filter. I like the drum sound! Extremely nice beat and fills in the drum intro. Great eerie feeling with the melody and drums.

That first melody + drums gets a bit too complicated to follow rhythmically around 01:22. A stuttering, bad fill at 01:22-01:25. You're doing some time signature tricks I presume, but you're not pulling it off. I like the idea, see if you can simplify it a little. Start the melody which starts at 01:24 on a regular first beat of the drum beat, start a new bar with the drums and melody both on the same "one" right there. That's my suggestion, anyway.

I think the drums sound a bit fuller in v2, or am I imagining?


it's because Rozo didn't like my snare sound. So thats prob why they sound kinda weak. I thought that a lighter sound would do it, but maybe i just need some completely different snare samples ><

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