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and I was wondering if you guys could give me any help on figuring out how much I should be willing to pay. We have no set price, so we're trying to do a bit of research to find out how much it's all worth. Here's what he's got:


Xbox 360 (of course)

2 20G hard drives

2 headsets

5 controllers (1 wired)

4 faceplates


Medal of Honor

CoD 2, 3, 4, 5

Force Unleashed

Brothers in Arms


Spider man 3

King Kong


Battlefield 2

Battlefield bad company


Farcry 2


He's also including a Gold XBox live membership that doesn't expire until summer sometime. The cords (Including component and HDMI) are all also present.

Overall, I've got a couple questions:

1) how much is all this worth(individually and together. For example, I may not want to buy all the games, or controllers.)

2) What games should I look at getting on top of these, including downloadable ones?

3) Is it possible for me to

a. create a new profile for myself and use the XBox live membership for that profile,

b. reformat the entire thing but still use the membership

c. have to use his profile?

I greatly appreciate the help.


Most of the games aren't worth entirely too much, it looks like only CoD 5, Bad Company, Farcry 2 and GRID may be worth anything substantial, though the others can probably go for around $20 new depending on the title. CoD 4 may still be $30+

Used controllers are worth about $30-40 depending on condition.

Headsets and faceplates arent' worth anything much at all, unless they are collector's faceplates. Headsets only matter if they're wireless.

Hard drives are dropping in price because 60GB is the new standard. Why are there two anyways? If you plan to download much, sell them and upgrade to a 60 or 120GB.

System value depends. Is it an older model? Refurbed? Any problems with it? Does it have an HDMI port?

As for the LIVE membership, the paid membership is locked to the profile it was used on. You can always pay to change the gamertag to smething that YOU want, but you can't transfer the membership.

Not sure how the formatting goes... as far as I konw, you would just format and then recover the gamertag and it's all good.

As for game recommendations, what games do you like? Fallout 3 is my front runner for best game on the system. Rock Band is a must. If you're into RPGs, grab Lost Odyssey (dropped to $30 recently) and Tales of Vesperia. Mass Effect dropped to $20 as well. Gears of War series is fun and I LOVE Burnout Paradise.

Did you guys settle on a price or is that what this thread is for? I'd say $400 would be a good price considering everythign is used. I'm just throwing that figure out there though, so don't take my quote as gospel.


No, we haven't settled on any kind of price yet; that's what I was hoping to do here.

There's two hard drives because just this fall he bought a second unit in case his old one died, which it did, a few months later(RRoD). I'm not sure if he got that one new or not, but since you can get a new, basic XBox Arcade for $200, I was thinking that the console itself should be worth about $130? And yes, it's got HDMI ports (I believe...) Also, what would the 20gig hard drives be worth?

So I would have to use his gamertag if I wanted to use that membership, huh? That's too bad, I was hoping I could just wipe the memory and start fresh. Is it possible to rename yourself and remove game saves and achievements?

As for games, I'm pretty open-minded, but I'm trying to stay away from the more bloody and violent ones (Like GTA4 or Gears of War); Lost odyssey and Mass Effect look really interesting. Is Last Remnant also for 360?


Last Wemnant is exclusive to 360, not sure if it's any good, haven't had a chance to try it yet.

Infinite Undiscovery is incredibly underwhelming, but if you can find it cheap, it's not too bad.

Lost Odyssey is the shit. Big time awesome.

You can rename the gamertag, but all the achievements are still going to be there. You can delete whatever saves you want since they're all stored locally on your hard drive, but you can't delete achievements or game history.

If you're concerned about it, just pick up an Xbox Live membership.

Just so you know, you can use a Silver Xbox Live Membership and still be able to download stuff and browse the marketplace and keep track of achievements. The Gold Membership's main benefit is playing against other people online. If you don't plan on playing multiplayer online, you don't really need a gold membership. Even still, you can find cheap bundles out there that offer the membership, arcade titles and other stuff. I think there's a bundle out now for $70 that includes a year membership, the Xbox Chat Pad and a game (dont' remember which one). There's plenty of options if you want the gold membership.

Again, that $400 figure is just something I threw out there. Ithink it'd be a fair price for everythign you're getting, but feel free to talk it over with him.

As for the hard drive, I sold a 20GB a few months back for like $50 on eBay, but again, with 60GB being the new standard, they're probably worth more around $30 or so. Not sure. Check eBay for price estimates (check the completed listings)

As for games, I'm pretty open-minded, but I'm trying to stay away from the more bloody and violent ones (Like GTA4 or Gears of War); Lost odyssey and Mass Effect look really interesting. Is Last Remnant also for 360?

Mass Effect plays quite a bit like a shooter but it's certainly not the best thing about the game. If you liked Bioware's previous RPGs, you'll like Mass Effect.

I'm playing through The Last Remnant myself. It's... decent. I've read a lot of reviews because I was really interested in the game and many of them say a lot of bad things about the game. There are certainly problems with the game, but if you're the kind of guy who really likes epic RPGs, then you'll likely be able to look past these problems. Honestly, I think the worst problem with The Last Remnant is its stuttering framerate during combat, but that's something I can personally overlook.

Also: how old is the current unit he's planning on selling to you and has there been any problems with it?

But, so far, I'd agree with Joe_cam's estimate of $400. Extra controllers and headsets are rather expensive in my case.

Oh! What about a wireless Internet adapter?


Also: how old is the current unit he's planning on selling to you and has there been any problems with it?

Oh! What about a wireless Internet adapter?

These are good points, I need to find out....


If he's mentioned it's been freezing up at all, it may be close to a RRoD. But have no fear, the unit is covered for THREE YEARS from the manufacture date (check the label on the unit for that date).

But thats a bridge to cross if you get there.

At the very least, chances are you can take some of those games and either sell or trade them for stuff you want, or maybe now would be a good time to talk to you fine folks about the wonders of a site called GOOZEX. :D

I'm adding that to my sig now...


I can't help with most of your questions but I will say that Spider-Man 3 and Superman aren't worth the plastic the DVD's are made of. If he's giving them to you with the console then fine, but don't go out of your way to buy them off of him.


Here's what I can tell you. These are approximate GameStop trade-in values. I haven't looked any of it up, so you are free to verify the resale prices at the website, but a reasonable price is probably somewhere between the trade value and the resale.

Xbox 360 (of course) - about $120

2 20G hard drives - $20/each

2 headsets - $5

5 controllers (1 wired) - $15/each for wireless, $10 for wired

4 faceplates - n/a, normal value about $5-10 depending on rarity


Medal of Honor - unsure

CoD 2, 3, 4, 5 - $2 - $30

Force Unleashed - $15

Brothers in Arms - unsure

PGR3 - $5

Spider man 3 - $5

King Kong - $2

Kameo - $2

Battlefield 2 - $10

Battlefield bad company - $15

Superman - $8

Farcry 2 - unsure

Grid - unsure, probably about $20

Xbox Live Gold - $25 ($50 for the year, so $25 for half a year)

Miscellaneous cables - $15-25

I make no representation that these prices are correct. They are based on 5.5 years with GameStop, so I am assuming many are pretty accurate (I'm usually good at guessing trade-in values when someone asks). Can't really help you with the other stuff.

If you were to take everything, I'd probably recommend offering somewhere between $300-$350 assuming all of it is in good condition. To put it into perspective, a 360, even a really efficient one, often doesn't live too long, so if his is pretty old, I'd offer less and negotiate the price from there.


Great, thanks for the help. I think I'm going to buy the system, 2 controllers, both hard drives, a headset, CoD 4 and Kameo for around $250 - $270. Does this sound about right?

Great, thanks for the help. I think I'm going to buy the system, 2 controllers, both hard drives, a headset, CoD 4 and Kameo for around $250 - $270. Does this sound about right?

That sounds awesome. Enjoy your 360 :nicework:



So how does online work for the 360? I know it doesn't use friend codes, so how would I be able to play online with specific people?

Here's what I'm thinking: I'll use the blank hard drive (And if it has been used, I'll format it) for my own personal data and use my friend's one to play online until the XBox live membership expires.

Does the new Dashboard thing include some kind of startup manual? I don't have any experience with it. The old one was pretty simple...


Xbox Live works with "gamertags" (read: usernames). You set your gamertag when you first activate the account, and that the name that follows you for the life of that account. If someone wants to add you as a friend, they can either type in your gamertag through the "add a friend" menu or they can select your account through an in-game menu (most games have a menu of people you're currently playing with or have recently played with) and just add them as a friend from there. Once someone's on your friends list, you can see what game they're playing if they're online, and get pop-up messages showing when they log on and off and stuff. Playing-with-friends is handled differently in each game, but generally speaking you can just choose to join them in a game (if possible) or you can set up a "party" of people who always move through the various games together, always playing with the same people.


So how does online work for the 360? I know it doesn't use friend codes, so how would I be able to play online with specific people?

Here's what I'm thinking: I'll use the blank hard drive (And if it has been used, I'll format it) for my own personal data and use my friend's one to play online until the XBox live membership expires.

Does the new Dashboard thing include some kind of startup manual? I don't have any experience with it. The old one was pretty simple...

online works like this, if you have an open ethernet cable coming from your router just plug it in the back of the system, and you'll be good to go (usually) If you're using wireless, you need the wireless adapter for the xbox (around $100 new)

As for the actual online expierence, when subscribing you choose a Gamertag. much like the handle you chose for these forum's. most likely your friend has a Gamertag already. all you have to dothen is decide whether that his Gamertag is what you want. if not, you can change the Gamertag for around 10 bucks or 1200 microsoft points or whatever.

Gamertags are specific to each person and so with most games you can just jump in and play with random people. you can see all of their names and look at there profiles that they made for their Gamertag and avatar if they made one.

If you like playing with the people you find, you can request to be friends with them, and then whenever they are online, you'll see what game they are playing. If you get someones gamertag from other than on Xbox live, you can just type it in the Find Friend thing and it'll connect you with whoever you're looking for so you can request to be a friend.

For Example. Mine is FuriousFure. so if you wanted to find me, just go to add friend. type in that and it would ask if you wanted to send a friend request. it's a very, very streamlined and polished system. you get what you pay for, that's for sure.


I would seriously just make your own Gamertag and get your own Live membership. Swapping hard drives for online and offline, remembering two tags and everything else just seems like too much trouble for 6 months of online. If you want your own unique tag with a fresh slate when it comes to achievements, just make a new gamertag and forget his exists. It's only a few months. If his membership was paid until like fall 2010, that'd be one thing, but I say it's just not worth the hassle.


Yeah, that does sound like a hassle...

Can you save a profile and all it's achievements onto a memory card or something, or is there another way to recover it? Maybe including game saves?


Soooo, I got the XBox, and I've been playing a bit of CoD 4 and TFU. I'm wondering what downloadable content and games I should look into. I played the demo of Braid, and I'm interested... Is it worth it?

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