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Anyone out there making your own music-making tools? Any Reaktor, Max/MSP, pd, SuperCollider, ChucK or even SynthEdit aficionados? VST Programmers? Circuit-benders? Anything you'd like to share?

I'm probably barking up the wrong tree, but I figure I'll share anyways. I've been doing programming and music independently for years but until recently I've never tried to put the two together. I had some extra time over the holidays so I decided to code a simple software synthesizer.

Now, I don't have the strong DSP theory or calculus background necessary to implement filters or band-limited impulse trains, but thankfully there is an awesome website http://musicdsp.org which I was able to adapt code from.

My synth speaks MIDI, so I was able to demonstrate it by running a 10+ year old GM file I wrote thru it:

It was a fun project and I'm eager to do more along these lines. I'm currently developing a basic *drum-machine. My goal is to make some music using nothing but software that I wrote. Should be fun to try, at least.

*And here it is:

Tracker-style sequencer with simple synths:


That is totally neat. If my G4 wasn't such a dinosaur I'd try something like it too.

I'd be happy already if I could make a simple MIDI plugin, something like this:


It shouldn't be rocket science to make, even with that UI, but it'd be awesome.


Wait, so that would process a midi message and then turn it into a chord, then send it back out? That'd be sweet! If you do make it, please share, and it doesn't look terribly difficult.

one day, when I find some of that "extra time" that I've been hearing so much about, I'd love to sit down and d.i.y. an fx plugin or two.

It's easy: Instead of enjoying the holidays and spending time with loved ones, just sit at your computer all alone reading about DSP programming.

In other news, I just realized how incredibly sad my life is. But seriously, I bet you certainly could make some interesting FX on your own. You've got the brains for it!

I'd be happy already if I could make a simple MIDI plugin, something like this:

(Interesting Mock-Up)

ooh, that's interesting. The only way I can think to do something like that with Live is several single-note keyboard splits, each split going to a Chord and then an Arpeggiator effect for the strum... which is way too cumbersome and complicated. Your UI mockup looks very intuitive.



Wow, thats really cool... and surprizingly something I was going to ask about very soon.

Right now im in this course at university called Real-Time Systems. One of our final projects is to make something out of an FPGA board. The standard thing is an mp3 player, but Im going to make a Synth out of it. Its going to take in midi through USB and output sound. Basically we get this board with a bunch of I/O (usb, sound, ps/2, serial, etc), and we have to write all the drivers and software for everything. This dsp site will be a GREAT resource, thanks alot :D


Had this for years, as I've crossed paths with it several times in my travels, but I want to wait til after college to get into it (especially now with Version 5). But I've seen the shit it can do:

Just downloaded this the other day. Is there much of a difference between it and chucK?

I've wondered about using tools like these for remixing.

At any rate, I haven't developed my own synths or anything like that, but I might start hanging out here, in which case it could happen. In the meantime, if you do anything with it let us know.

Just downloaded this the other day. Is there much of a difference between it and chucK?

SuperCollider? I haven't played enough with ChucK to really know the differences, though I would like to. The Audicle environment seems particularly interesting.

Speaking of on-the-fly programming... Before I started work on my synth I coded minimal sequencer data-structures in Python, which when loaded into the interactive-interpreter allowed me to do on-the-fly manipulation of the sequences. I wrote a basic OSC client to "play" the sequences in real-time to Reaktor ensembles.

Doing something like a ritardondo was as simple as writing a for-loop to decrement the tempo variable each iteration at a specified interval. My efforts were not sophisticated enough to be useful, but fun to play with nonetheless.

I've wondered about using tools like these for remixing.

Yeah, it seems unwieldy towards that end, but if you make any progress on that front do tell.



As long this thread exists let's post/talk about other stuff along these lines, since I totally geek out about it.

This one's kinda crazy; a performance by this media artist who came to my school sophomore year. Since I was just getting into the stuff at the time, I volunteered to be one of the singers. You can see me at 2:27, the bass/baritone singer. No, I don't understand what the hell was going on.

As long this thread exists let's post/talk about other stuff along these lines, since I totally geek out about it.

Hook up Voices of the Apocalypse, combine the trigger with an envelope, and you can have yourself some awesome Ligeti action going on there.

This is a project I found out about today - when this works, it'll beat the crap out of Unisyn and SoundDiver, so if you can code and have some older synths that listen to MIDI, give it a try: http://code.google.com/p/ctrlr/

As long this thread exists let's post/talk about other stuff along these lines, since I totally geek out about it.

Fair enough. It's kinda funny how once one gets past the trance and the bigbeats they find electronic music becomes very esoteric very quickly. Electronic music was always about the avant garde.

Anyway, my YouTube pal, frostedminipete made this crazy circuit-bent optically-sensitive thingamajig:

Also, I came across this late 70s demonstration earlier today: the fine lady you see here programmed the logic for her accompaniment in C and loaded into this monster:


It appears to be some sort of intelligent arpeggiator, like a 30 year old Karma. I like these sorts of self-accompanying performances.


I have been interested in computers for a long time now. Audio, not as long, but it's definitely a strong interest. Hell, that is why I am taking a Real-Time Systems class (and in the same semester as Operating Systems (no, not using OSes, but making/programming them) and AI): for the audio/dsp components of the class. I really cannot wait until the later labs when we are doing audio stuff (I think the final lab is something to do with synthesis of audio to sound like an orchestra or something).

Also note that this class is an elective, and HARD. Including myself, there are 4 students in the class. Apparently I like to tortune myself, as I am the 2nd student to take OS and Real-Time in the same semester (in recent memory of the professor, who actually has a damn good memory - he hadn't seen me in three and a half years and remembered my name), let alone adding AI in there too. ...that's how much I want to learn and do with audio.


hmm... lol did you read my comment? Im in real-time systems as well in my university (except there are like 22 people in my class).

Also, I just got my FPGA board last night.. and me and my friend spent 8 hours (untill 6 AM) programming drivers for the LED's, and Input Switches/buttons. I'll make a vid of it today :P

EDIT!: lol ok here is my video of my first Verilog HDL program on this beast.



i haven't really thought about making my own filters or synths (what would i do that hasn't already been done?), but i have thought about developing a sequencer/DAW. i definitely have some ideas for that... but it would just take waaaay too much time

(obnoxiously large photo)
I don't see how that device has anything in common as it is specific for deejaying; the monome has no defined use or purpose other than what you want it to be.
How much did it end up costing you? Do you think it was worth it?
I couldn't say, I got it as part of a trade a few months ago. In general I would say that since they are difficult to get ahold of, the prices for them tend to be overinflated.
And what do you use the AudioKontrol for most of the time?
The AudioKontrol is mainly my audio interface. Hadn't really made use of its controller features before.
And what's that device on the right?
It's a Metasonix TM-1, which as of November is no longer being made.
I don't see how that device has anything in common as it is specific for deejaying; the monome has no defined use or purpose other than what you want it to be.

Well, they're certainly not exactly the same, but thanks to Max/MSP I can also make the VCI fairly modular. Maybe not to the extent of the Monome (which is why I may get one someday), but given my resources I think it's a fairly decent thing to play around with for now.

That is totally neat. If my G4 wasn't such a dinosaur I'd try something like it too.

I'd be happy already if I could make a simple MIDI plugin, something like this:


It shouldn't be rocket science to make, even with that UI, but it'd be awesome.

Bro, you are probably looking forward to Max for Live in Live 8, eh?

EDIT: I should probably read through the thread before posting, eh?


Max for Live pretty much made my pants explode. Even though I don't use Live much at the moment (mainly because I'm not comfortable with it yet) this is reason enough to never leave my room.

Also, more experimental electronic music on OCR! Using a simple melody / chord structure you can vastly alter the timbre and soundscape to make an arrangement that is varied without having to be a showcase in western music theory tradition.

Also, more experimental electronic music on OCR! Using a simple melody / chord structure you can vastly alter the timbre and soundscape to make an arrangement that is varied without having to be a showcase in western music theory tradition.

I would love to, but it gets kind of hard to remix a melody into something experimental. You're a judge... imagine what a time you'd have with evaluating something like that.

I do have some grandiose, never-been-done plans for my entering remix, though.

I would love to, but it gets kind of hard to remix a melody into something experimental. You're a judge... imagine what a time you'd have with evaluating something like that.

I do have some grandiose, never-been-done plans for my entering remix, though.

I think it's rather the other way around! Experimental isn't always noise btw, and even if you want noise there are some cool drum only tracks you can arrange rhythmic patterns from. DrumUltimA made an all-percussion mix that passed so there's a lot of possibility AS LONG AS THE SOURCE IS IDENTIFIABLE AND DOMINANT MIND YOU :D

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