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The Shinra Electric Company is the BBEOrganization of FF7 but it is also just a company. Granted it is a Gibsonian "Megacorporation" having its hands in everything from lightbulbs to Real Estate (Beachfront and residential) to Medical Technology to freaking arheological digs. But, I wondered something earlier today:

What kind of a Slogan to you give to a Company like that?

How would you advirtise that company at all?

That's why I'm here right now.

This thread is not a competition(otherwise, it would be in the competition forums), it is just one of those threads that's supposed to go on for a while about a rather inane (But fun) topic in the form of a list.

How would you advirtise the Shinra Electric Company?

What would be your Shinra Slogan?

Feel free to add your non Shinra ones if you want ,but label them as such.

(Note: I only use 4pt for this to better reflect 'Advirtising" language)

I'll start:

Shinra Electric: Lighting the way one home at a time...

SOLDIER: The Right People for the job, always...

Shinra Motors: Now with displays in the Shinra Tower lobby...


Shinra: We're named after a genius kid in a breathing apparatus. Who eventually figured out how to utilize the farplane's energy. Which is what we now call the Lifestream. So yeah.

Also: We're not evil. We just like our monopoly. On everything.

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