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Wild Arms: ARMed and DANGerous - History

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You're single-handedly grabbing all the best talent in the entire world ever.

Stop it.


I LOVE YOU STEVO! :P I'm just trying to deliver great music to this community...'cos after all I am just a n00b here right?

Whoa, good job Jade. Next thing you know, we'll have PrinceofDarkness, Snappleman, and Protricity, too...

Snappleman told me no... as he is busy trying to get a music career and wants nothing to do with OCR for a long time... but he said he'll think about it because he loves Wild ARMs. PoD told me he is interested later when his laptop is fully repaired and Protricity... well, I haven't asked him yet. Would he anyway?

Eh, anything's possible. He was on SoS, is ON the lufia project I think, and is on super dodge ball.

I think he's up to doing anything right now.

Yeah.. I knew about those projects, but I was just wondering if he would do Wild ARMs.

wow, just checked out the first post again...the majority of the post is bleeding now...so few tracks left unclaimed...and 5 rough WIP's now, that's awesome!

Oh... I guess I been lazy to change certain songs to purple...heh. Sorry. There's actually 7 rough wips and 3 substantial wips. hehe And if you haven't checked Binster's music yet, you should... like ASAP. He's amazing.

Protricity... well, I haven't asked him yet. Would he anyway?

Just get Monobrow on your project, and chances are Prot will follow along :-P That's the way it's been with both SoS and FF4 :-)

I'm really impressed at the star power you've hooked up for this project! I'm always amazed at how promising these new projects look just based on their tracklists! I hope this all pans out :-D

Nutritious: if I can't get ahold of some-other-guy, interested in giving some amazing orchestral stuff possibly to my track? I'm still writing, and I sent Jade the roughest of WHIPS last night, but first I'd even want to know if you're interested...

Also, WHIP WHIP WHIP! That's all Jade does now-a-days. I'm a little scared to go visit her and bLiNd now, lest I end up in some kinky game I wasn't prepared for. Jade, from now on, you should say "WHIPS AND FUZZY HANDCUFFS".

Hey man, sorry for the delayed response. I'll see what I can do. Things are super super busy right now: just started a new job this week and have a 12 day old at home. When bLiNd convinced me to grab a track, I did it with the disclaimer that it could be some time before I'm able to work on it at all.

Hey man, sorry for the delayed response. I'll see what I can do. Things are super super busy right now: just started a new job this week and have a 12 day old at home. When bLiNd convinced me to grab a track, I did it with the disclaimer that it could be some time before I'm able to work on it at all.

Yeah, that's fine. As long as you're on the project bro. If you can work on your track or help Stevo later, much appreciated.

...Also... add Wild ARMs to your signature man. :-o

Jade: I don't know how you get these people to respond so friggin' fast but it's magical. At this rate, roflcoptern00blulzARMs will be done before Spring.

LOL I e-mailed him last night and he said yes and also posts... Friggin' amazing. I'm such a big fan of Wintermute... I feel all girly now because I'm too much of a fangirl. >_<

Craziness. Congratulations. :P

Maybe I should have married bLiNd too. ;)

Well, I must say THANK YOU because you resurrected this silly ol' thread... BUT I cannot share my husband. You can go after Zircon now, see what pixietricks says. :P

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