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I'm trying to get a version of FL on this computer.


- CD and Box fucking disappeared. Probably at my dad's house, but I wouldn't know where to look.

- There is absolutely no decent way to just ask someone on FL's website. In order to ask, I have to prove I'm a customer, and if I could do that, I wouldn't have this problem.

Possible Solution:

- I have a fully registered version of FL on the computer upstairs.


- Is there any information I can get off of that that would prove I'm a customer? Or, is there anyway I can take it off the computer upstairs and install it on this one?


Which version of FL do you have? Did you buy the lifetime updates?

Even with the boxed version (I originally bought FL4 boxed) and I'm pretty sure I still had to register it online in order to download the regkey that unlocks it from Demo mode.

If you haven't been on the flstudio.com website in a while, they've ported everything over to image-line.com now, so your old login information will be no good. Don't panic though, just email a mod or post in their forums that you can't access your account and that you need it moved over so you can download your regkeys. Someone should get back to you shortly about getting your account moved over.

Hope this helps. Also, if you haven't already, go ahead and shell out the $30 and buy the lifetime updates. It'll keep you from ever having to worry about this sort of thing ever again.


I'd love to shell out $30 for an update but I can't even get that far. I can't get on the forums or find anyone to email to ask. I bought FL4 boxed too, but I don't remember it asking me to register online.

Nutritious made an interesting suggestion that I use regedit to look for the registry key, download FL4 on this computer and try that, but what I'd really like to do is just get the support@ whatever email address just to talk to someone at Image Line or whoever they are now.


Try what halt said and look for your username. Also have you tried emailing yourself the password to your account? Although I'm not sure if that will work since they switched systems... go on the live chat help and see if they can help you out, they've been very helpful every time I've asked.

Easiest solution is if you remember the password to the email address you bought it with.

Just punch in your info at the spot for people who don't have their username and password http://support.image-line.com/login/login.php?r=/member/profile.php

Haha, bet you didn't expect it to be that easy eh?

If you don't remember it, live support is here (top right), and you don't need to prove ownership: http://affiliate.image-line.com/BDJJJAJ495

Sounds like a job for morally-justified copyright infringement.

Have you checked your favourite torrent site lately?

But then of course he'll have to send $30 to the orphans! :<


This is from the "lost reg code" thread:

<br />

1. Try clicking <a href="http://support.image-line.com/login/login.php" target="_blank" class="postlink">>HERE<</a> to see if you can 'auto-login' to your personal page.

<br />

2. Try the <a href="http://support.flstudio.com/r.php" target="_blank" class="postlink">>Password Recovery Feature<</a>. If you have registered using that email address, a new login link will be sent to you at that email address.

<br />

3. Try to recover the password from your registry using the diagnostic tool (see the last option on the programs action list) <a href="http://www.flstudio.com/diagnostic" target="_blank" class="postlink">>Download HERE<</a>. This can be entered at the login prompt above.

<br />

4. Still having trouble? Create a support ticket - <a href="http://support.image-line.com/ticketing/" target="_blank" class="postlink">>Click HERE<</a>

<br />

<br />

<span style="font-weight: bold">Note:</span> When you retrieve your login details please save them in at least 2 safe places, one safe place should include a paper copy of the information.


I created the support ticket, but I don't understand how getting the registry is going to help me out here. Are you saying I download another demo of FL Studio 4 and try to use the registry key on that? Thats the step I'm missing here.

Again, I apologize if this is frustrating. I'm frustrated with it too.


I'm not honestly sure what the diagnostic does, it either recovers your password and username for your account, or it gets you your reg key. If you can get a reg key, that might be proof enough that you own the program, so wait till your support ticket comes back and if they ask for it try doing that.

Make sure you run the diagnostic on the computer that has it installed and working. And don't worry, they'll probably work it out somehow, but seriously, save your passwords and stuff somewhere.

It never occured to me that I use the registry key as proof. /genuine.

Haha, if it was JUST this I would have thought you all the more sarcastic, haha. That's how come everyone seems meaner on the internet.

Well guess what, turns out my copy was illegal the whole time. Its no wonder I couldn't find anything on it. Explains the sample CD I got with it too.

Whatever, I'll get a part-time during the summer or something.

Damn man.. That sucks :(

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