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Your bass synth sounds like it's quacking when it's at normal speed. Aside from that, there's not much I like about this.

If you really want to make a Dungeon 9 techno song I suggest you start from scratch, since this seems beyond repair.

Sorry if you're offended by my bluntness.


I wouldn't say this is unsalvageable, but there are definitely some areas where the dissonance works and others where it does not. I do like the tempo changes, I think those are worth keeping. And the squealing strings at 0:40 sound like bats (a potential Ganon reference), so that's pretty nifty.

I assume you are going to lengthen it, so be sure to incorporate some other melodic source (or your own) at some point, or this won't stand a chance with the judges. Otherwise it's just a repetitive background track. I have limited time to critique here, so hopefully others will hit the spots that I missed.

Good luck.


I disagree with the repetition (listen to the original before reviewing this PLEASE). I think you've mixed it up well enough to keep it interesting. It is a catchy melody after all. I think what it needs is better mixing (I'm on headphones so pardon me when I say this): more bass. I want to hear some louder drums and some crazier drum sequencing. As for changing the melody, probably the best thing to do is to add some other synths in here, maybe cut out the melody and add some trippy solo of some sort (think DnB). I can actually see some potential here if you think your mixing skills are good enough. Come to think of it, I would love to hear a DnB version of this song. That would really make my day. =)

Please note: I actually listened to this song twice. That's a lot more than most WIP's (and even some remixes) I listen to on this site. I like what you got going here.


I agree that this is definitely something to work on, but its already halfway there. I like the

beat, but think that the drums should have more power to them. Also, maybe trying to pan

some of the instruments to create more of a stereo effect will help in the overall tone of the

song. The song does need to be lengthened a little bit, maybe adding a solo or something

of a different pace might help spice it up a bit.

All in all, i think its a great start. I would like to hear the end result. :)


This is great! I didn't know what to expect, except I've always hoped that someone would remix this tune. The first 30 seconds could use a little more variation (an intro too) but I love the rhythm after 0:52 and the percussion and synth which creep in. They add a lot of depth. A breakdown would be cool. Very nice!


Well, I never actually got as far as the final dungeon in the original Zelda, though I have heard the song via the NSF file.

I must say, I like how insidious you've made it sound with this song. Definitely fits for a location leading up to Ganon. Good work.


Bumped for the purpose of getting noticed, since editing my last post wouldn't get seen...

I've thought of a name for the song, in case you're taking suggestions.

"Heart of Ganon"

Just tossing that out there and all.

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