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No one's contesting the absolute brilliance of phantasia.

We just think you have nostalgia-based standards, which are retarded.

Tales of Legendia is superior in almost every way to Phantasia, including the soundtrack.

...though that's to be expected; the New Japan Philharmonic recorded the thing [insert omfg here].

heh you're such a dick.

I assure you my standards are 'fun-based' and not nostalgia based. I played the game again recently and the fun was still there. A good game lasts. The fact that I also enjoy more modern games as well (though made by different people) kinda blows that very shallow assumption out of the water.

If you can't accept the matter of a difference in taste, then there's just no hope for you.

There isn't a logical science that dictates what is better when it comes to art (I dare to use the word art when referring to games), it's purely subjective.

You can hide behind a collective pro-noun to re-enforce your absurd argument all you wish.

(PS I'm not about preface everything I say with 'In My Opinion' that part is the bit you get to assume.)

(PPS Part of the reason OCR even exists is because people recognize that some brilliantly composed music was unfortunately released on very low quality sound systems. Appreciative of the quality and complexity of these arrangements, fans turned to modern technology to update and develop music they loved to try and give it the bigger audience it deserved. An orchestra doesn't make good music, a composer does. You lose. Thanks for playing. Winners Don't Use Drugs (except those made by American Pharmaceuticals that the government wants people to spend money on). Insert Coin(s).)


Do people really hate Xenosaga that much? I'll be the first to admit it was nonsensical at more than one time in all 3 of the games but I still liked it :razz: .

All this love (and fiery passion!) for the Tales Series (only played Phantasia on an emulator briefly) has me wondering if I should be checking that out though.

...a bunch of stuff nobody agrees with...

I may not agree with you, but I like your style, regardless. Please keep posting on these forums. Even if you piss me off.

Intelligent disagreements +1.

ON TOPIC: I haven't heard anybody say anything about Ratchet and Clank games. Totally great action games that are fun for all ages. Kinda like the LEGO series, but with guns. Awesome guns.

relyance, go away. seriously.

i've got some of the ratchet games for my psp, and they're pretty fun. any one game specifically that stands out?

All solid, 2 being the best imo.

When you're at it, get the Jak and Daxter-games (at least the first one) and Sly Racoon (all three) for awesome non-J platforming.

Sly Racoon (all three) for awesome non-J platforming.

That's "Sly Cooper" in English. I've played the first one and it's pretty entertaining -- but beware of the fact that they have zero replay value. I replay games all the time and Sly Cooper has never done it for me for some reason. I've not touched it for years and then tossed it back in my PS2 for old times' sake and couldn't beat more than a level or so before my brain starts screaming "YOU'VE DONE THIS ALL BEFORE IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME WHY ARE YOU DOING IT AGAIN?". Pick it up in the <$10 bargain bin at Gamestop or something, but don't pay more than that.

Also, Psychonauts is awesome as fuck and there's a PS2 version. Pick it up if you didn't get it for Xbox.

Man, the Playstation 2 had a very wide range of game genres. I should go back and start buying up stuff when I start getting cash flow.

Best. Idea. Ever. I've recently done the same ( http://soundscape.escariot.net/games/page11.html ) and it's awesome. Just gotta get a component cable so I can play some games in HIGH DEFINIIITIOOON!

That's "Sly Cooper" in English. I've played the first one and it's pretty entertaining -- but beware of the fact that they have zero replay value. I replay games all the time and Sly Cooper has never done it for me for some reason. I've not touched it for years and then tossed it back in my PS2 for old times' sake and couldn't beat more than a level or so before my brain starts screaming "YOU'VE DONE THIS ALL BEFORE IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME WHY ARE YOU DOING IT AGAIN?". Pick it up in the <$10 bargain bin at Gamestop or something, but don't pay more than that.

Also, Psychonauts is awesome as fuck and there's a PS2 version. Pick it up if you didn't get it for Xbox.

Probably, only played them once :) Psychonauts is glitchy and slow on the PS2, get the Xbox version and play it on your 360 instead.

I've been considering doing this, but i'm also wondering if it's really worth it. I mean, how hi-def can the PS2 actually get? Is it just a gimmick or does it actually work?

Some games support 480p instead of 480i. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Progressive_Scan_PS2_Games

Probably not complete (nor expansive) but some games make it worth it, Beyond Good & Evil comes to mind. Sadly it's less supported in PAL releases but that's only bad for me.

Some games support 480p instead of 480i. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Progressive_Scan_PS2_Games

Probably not complete (nor expansive) but some games make it worth it, Beyond Good & Evil comes to mind. Sadly it's less supported in PAL releases but that's only bad for me.

hmmm, interesting...


if you have a friend and the spare cash for a guncon or two, get the Time Crisis games. Yeah, aligning the guncon can be a chore, but it's loads of fun!

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