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Huh, looks like the old threads are gone.

I'm thinking of buying a PSP and a PS3, but I had some questions.

1) What are the top 10 games for these platforms?

2) What's the deal with PSP-3000 VS Slim?

3) Can the PS3 play PS1/PS2 games? If they aren't being made anymore, is it worth buying a used one that can?

4) Can you download PS1/PS2 games via the PSN? Can you play them on the PSP? Can you download the MGS games?

Muchos Gracias in Advancias

EDIT: -_-; Yes, I meant Metal Gear Solid.


1. uhhh

2. don't know

3. Pretty sure every PS3 can play PS1 games, PS2 games are done by emulation and I'm not sure about the newer ones.

4. There are some PS1 games available via PSN, yes. Yes, all PS1 games available on PSN are playable on both PS3 and PSP.

4b. What the hell is an MSG game? If you're asking about the Metal Gear Solid games, no Metal Gear games are available for download as far as I know.


Google works for a lot of this stuff.

The PSP 3000 has a new screen that has better colors, refresh rate and brightness, but has a bit of an issue where side-to-side motion creates some aliasing.

You might want to watch out for the PSP Go! coming out probably later this year. Details will be coming at E3.

No PS3s in stores play PS2 games anymore. The last one to do so was the 80gb one in the MGS4 pack last year. All PS3s play PS1 games.

Downloaded PS1 games from the store work on both PS3 and PSP. I don't think MGS is on the store, but you can check yourself. store.playstation.com/ They don't sell PS2 games.


As for game ownership on the PS3 it depends on what your taste, while not as large as the Wii/360 library it seems to suffer a lot less in terms of garbage shovelware in this regard.

personal choices:

Valkyrie Chronicles (recently they added new content for it)

Little Big Planet

Street Fighter 4

Sega Genesis Collection



Disgaea 3


Siren BC (only if you missed out the ps2 original but otherwise for shits and giggles)

FLOCK! (for that "slight" feeling of marble madness involving pigs and other animals)

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (why the fuck did xbox owners get the original 3 games in their snes iteration is beyond me :lol: nes versions were superior and on the Wii)

MGS4 (rental imo but hey that's up to ya)


PS3 has an interesting place in this generation of consoles.

PS3 can play PS1 games but not PS2

PS3 has very little in terms of exclusive titles (Little Big Planet, MGS4). Former exclusives like Final Fantasy, GTA, and Devil May Cry are now on XBox 360.

PS3 games consistently have less or no downloadable content. GTA IV and Fallout 3 come to mind specifically.

Playstation Network (PSN) always seems to be behind XBox LIVE in terms of usability and features.

PS3's Sixaxis is pretty cool and is actually helpful in some games instead of a constant gimmick like most Wii games.

PS3 uses normal SATA hard drives so you don't have to shell out $150 for a new "special Playststaion hard drive" like the 360.

PS3 has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi built in allowing use of all standard Bluetooth headsets and wireless routers.

PS3 has an internet browser, but I'm not sure how well it works. My friend's PS3 seemed able to handle most websites as well as some video, music, Java and Flash content.

Two words. BLU-RAY

I'm not hating on PS3. Its an excellent machine and the Blu-Ray is nice...if you have an HDTV. The library has most of the big titles that are also on 360 and PC, but the finer points of other consoles are missing from PS3.

PS3/360 point comparison

Mainly opinions from me here :L

Can't speak for GTA IV but Fallout was meant for just the PC :lol: Especially in regards to getting around some flaws within FO3 that can't be worked around on the 360.

Multiplatform games are a good thing, though that doesn't make the PS3 any less of a viable choice.

The PS3 SIXXAS trumps the M$ Controller because of a good d-pad. Microsoft's 360 controller's dpad is fucking horrible (imo)

Internet Browser on the PS3 is pretty good. While it feels like it's not as optimized to view youtube (if you look at ur account or any listing it shows all the youtube vids in one horizontal line rather than grid like on the PC. other then than it handles most if not all websites relatively well.

edited for easier reading...


As far as games for the PS3 are concerned:

If you like action/adventure games, Ratchet and Clank Future is great. Graphics and level design is one of its strong points imo and we need more games out like this one.

If you like first-person shooters where the characters are constantly making gay jokes and talking about each other's mother instead of helping you fight off ten guys that are shooting rockets at you...Killzone 2. Its not all that bad though.

If you want a fighter game that will make you throw your new PS3 out of the window, run it over with a car, beat it with a hammer, then pee on it...Street Fighter 4. The last boss is fucking ridiculous. This is, without a doubt, the hardest fighting game I have ever played.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is a must!

If you want a fighter game that will make you throw your new PS3 out of the window, run it over with a car, beat it with a hammer, then pee on it...Street Fighter 4. The last boss is fucking ridiculous. This is, without a doubt, the hardest fighting game I have ever played.

LOL of the day. Thanks for typing that!

PS3 has very little in terms of exclusive titles (Little Big Planet, MGS4).

And Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. And Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. And Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and Killzone 2, and Resistance 2. Then there's Motorstorm and Motorstorm: Pacific Rift. There's the online-only Warhawk. For an exclusive RPG it has Folklore. An exclusive racing game, Formula One Championship Edition. Exclusive beat-em-up, Heavenly Sword. Lair, Valkyria Chronicles, SingStar and SOCOM: Confrontation.

Let's not forget downloadable exclusives like fl0w, Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty and Wipeout HD. Or upcoming exclusives, like Uncharted 2: Honour Among Theives, God of War III, or full Gran Turismo 5.

Sure it doesn't have as many exclusives as the 360, but it has plenty. I'd take these over Halo, Gears and those iffy Squareenix titles anyways (Last Remnant, I'm looking at you).


After playing my older brother's(whose motto is "who bought a PS3 for the games? It's all about the blu-ray") PS3 for awhile, , I can safely say I'm not a fan. Metal Gear Solid 4 is probably the real deal sealer, but it's probably headed to the 360 along with Valkyria Chronicles eventually.

I'd say it'd be great for a blu-ray player, but there are other cheap alternatives by now. Looking around for the first gen runs would be good if you wanted full hardware backwards compatibility with it.

As for the PSP, well I haven't touched mine in a good while although it'd be worth a used one for Crisis Core or something.

I wouldn't spend the money just yet.


Hmm, yeah, there aren't a whole lot of things to get for either system, but I'm trying to collect as many video game systems as I can, so I guess at some point...

Here's a question: Can you pop a PS1 game into the PS3, then send that onto the PSP? And, are there any PS3's that can play PS2 games? Like, older models, I mean.


From what I understand you can remotely play PSX games on your PSP via the PS3, and if you want full PS2 hardware backwards compatibility(IE fully works with every PS2 game) you'll need either the 20 or 60(I think) gig models that were the first gens. They later removed the actual PS2 guts from the PS3's second gen run and put in software emulation which apparently sucks, and the new SKUs have no backwards compatibility at all.

Hmm, yeah, there aren't a whole lot of things to get for either system, but I'm trying to collect as many video game systems as I can, so I guess at some point...

Here's a question: Can you pop a PS1 game into the PS3, then send that onto the PSP? And, are there any PS3's that can play PS2 games? Like, older models, I mean.

The only PS1 games you can play on PSP are ones you buy from the download store. All disc ones just run in the system and there isn't a way to transfer them.

THe second question I answered already. The first 20 and 60gb ones played PS2 games, and there was an 80gb version that plays almost all PS2 games, though there are now newer 80 gb versions that don't. It will be hard to track down new-in-box ps3s that plays PS2 games since they haven't been around for a year or so.

Metal Gear Solid 4 is probably the real deal sealer, but it's probably headed to the 360 along with Valkyria Chronicles eventually.

I just don't see VC coming at all on the 360. It's a great gem of a title but it's not as high profile as MGS4. However I do see the possibility of 360 owners getting a "complete" edition of the game if Sega ever does decided to make it available on the 360.


Well I admit it's just wishful speculation on my part mostly, but apparently the game was originally slated and was being developed for the 360. Sega decided to make the switch due to the low adoption rate of the system in Japan.

But it's Sega, they'll bring it over eventually.

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