Nulion Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Those new comics there that ifirit and Tom were discussing *do* look awfully good...Really seems like they improve with each one they release I'll definitely have to pick one up and have a look...after all, I'm always into anything SH-related, hehe...That's why they just can't keep me away from this thread! And Malaki, about Homecoming... Don't worry, no spoilers Honestly, I *really* enjoy it. I know there might be some who argue against me here, but I think that, after Origins seemed to borrow the identities of every other game in the series for each of its varying areas, Homecoming comes back to kind of create a "feel" of its own. It feels very different from all the other games in the series, and oddly enough, even with the borrowed assets and designs from the movie, it feels very different from the movie, too. That's definitely a plus in my book. The story is really great so far, and I know a lot of people criticize it for not being as deep (As it is more straightforward), it's still a good storyline. I like the characters, even if their models (All aside from Alex, essentially) and lip-synching is actually worse than it is on the PS2 Silent Hill games..but oddly enough, I don't mind; it's easy to look past. The combat is wonky at first and difficult to get used to...but when you do learn the ropes, it actually is pretty cool; not to mention, it keeps you on edge, since the monsters and things you fight always have the edge on you. It keeps things tense, although not *as* tense as the older games. I'll admit some of the areas in the game aren't as scary or imposing as the areas in the earlier games, even if the world design is really a detailed thing of beauty; I kinda thought it looked sparse at first, but that's really only because of the fog. Look through the fog, and examine the world around you, and it's impressive how much detail they packed into the different areas. The first half of the game is probably the game's weakest point...although really, I still enjoyed it. It's just that the second half of the game is where most of the plot actually lies, which now that I think about it, is a lot like other games in the series, so that's fine with me. And the second half is even better than the first So yeah, all in all, the game is really enjoyable....About the only knocks I would give it are that the character models and lip-synch animation could be a lot better, and the fact that almost all of the puzzles are almost stunningly easy. Didn't spend more than 5 minutes at most trying to solve them, and most of the puzzles are kinda "solved" for you, just by exploring the area. Let's put it this way; this game is *way* better than Silent Hill 4, and even Origins. At least, in my go get it Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted October 11, 2008 Posted October 11, 2008 Ok then I guess I'll be picking it up over the course of next week along with the rest of my haul. Quote
ifirit Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 Ooh. Me want.Anyway. Silent Hill Homecomings. Any impressions? gave the game a score of 7.7/10. - Story: 6.9 - Gameplay: 7.4 - Design: 7.7 - Presentation: 8.8 (WARNING: Contains Silent Hill: Homecoming Spoilers)'s X-PLAY gave the game a score of 4 out of 5. GameCinemaHD gave the game a very short review and a score of 8.5/10. Official XBOX Magazine gave the game a score of 6.5/10 Overall, this gives us an average score of 76.75%, which is only slightly better than SH4: The Room's average score of 75%. Looks like I'll be skipping this game. I'll just watch the cutscenes on youtube. Silent Hill: Homecoming Update: Free MP3 Tracks from Silent Hill: Homecoming Original Soundtrack: Although, the announcement of the official Silent Hill: Homecoming Original Soundtrack has yet to be officially made*[1], Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. has released MP3 tracks of five songs on its official North American website. While these tracks are not available for direct download, users of Mozilla FoxFire can use the download manager to extract the .mp3 files from the widget once they have completely loaded. Konami originally posted the four vocal tracks ("One More Soul to the Call," "Elle Theme," "Alex Theme," & "The Sacred Line") from the soundtrack upon the launch of the official site and its widget. Later, on September 30, 2008, they posted a new song "Wintery Mist," an instrumental piece very reminisent of tracks from the SH3 soundtrack. For those that don't have Mozilla Foxfire, or can't use the download manager, you can obtain copies from one of the various Silent Hill fan sites below. Silent Hill: Lost Memories (English Branch) Nightmarish Dream *[1] Footnote: The article states that the Original Soundtrack will be released at the end of September, however, this is a translation error, which was referring to the game and not the soundtrack. The release of the soundtrack will be made once the game is released in Japan at the end of 2008. (Personal Note: I expect that the soundtrack will be only announced in Japan again sometime in December just like the SH0 soundtrack) One More Soul to the Call Enoughwith lies; Tell me one more time... My blood, your line... Is this you inside...? (Death) to the living; The flame has no living heart, In the order of life they know you (There) as you saw it; your plan a real shot in the dark, came a little too late. It's over! Calling the children, Conception and dying, Silent but screaming! Damage done to the flesh what they said in the name of the Damage done to the heart is the start of the end. Damage done to my soul, I know, it goes with my Damage done to my life cursing loud at the chaos! You're here... You're gone... It's not fair, I'm lost... Your god... Your fear... Was it worth the price...? (Pray) for the children you've lost along the way; Still remember the names and faces. (Cold) and abandoned, they cry, their fate put in your hands; When it's over, they come to haunt you! Wasted Confusion, Deadly Illusion, Nightmare, Intrusion! One more soul to the call for all in silence comes Two more souls to the call for all and in time Three more souls to the call they bond unknowing that Four more souls to the call won't be all and you know it! Sacrafice, Wasted life, Destiny Redefines; Someone chooses you, Lucky one, Close your eyes, your family knows you're here! Calling the children, Conception and dying, Silent but screaming! Damage done to the flesh what they said in the name of the Damage done to the heart is the start of the end. Damage done to my soul, I know, it goes with my Damage done to my life cursing loud at the chaos! One more soul to the call for all in silence comes Two more souls to the call for all and in time Three more souls to the call they bond unknowing that Four more souls to the call won't be all and you know it! Elle Theme Where have you been? You are a different man. You disappeared, and just like that, you're here. So, did your time away from here renew your soul to make you strong for your return? I thought you knew... It feels good just holding you... She's gone, I fear; I think there's something wrong. Have you seen her? She's been away too long... So, look around this dismal place; Some things have changed. What can't be rooted? I'm glad you're here. I see you're well. And welcome home, Embrace your hell. In a town, hungry for the lonely, lost, innocent child, forbidden life taken in a moment. Life, too late for saving... ...or just in time. In my mind, faces keep returning; I still see her smile. And in the dark, fear that I am fearing dies once in a while. And as the moon leads me through the madness, there, standing alone, I feel a breath coming from the shadows; Streets, almost alive. I heard a sound. (I heard a sound!) I hear a voice. (Your voice?!) ____ is why making a choice (Why? You have no choice.) That is I never know. I need to know... I need to know... (You never know, no-oh.) And all the roads lead me back to my home. Is she gone? Are you real? (No, no, oh!) Are you here? Can I trust who you say that you are? Or who I am now? (And who am I now?) Too late for me knowing... ... or just in time. Alex Theme It started long before me.I never saw it coming. The distance, The promise, A state of isolation. And in my darkest nightmare, things that I can't remember... The answer is drowning. This pain will last forever. My father, his duty, his orders, my brother, the promise, the breaking; Rejection, Deception, Reflection, Conception; The missing, the torture, the madness, the sadness; Can this be? Or is it? The shadow cast before me, a walk inside your circle. Protect me. Correct me. You've got your orders, soldier. Inside my head is humming. Sometimes, I hear them coming. The power, believing the hate I hate believing Where is this? It can't be... Who are you? I know you. You wouldn't... ...or would you? Don't fight me! Ignite me! My trigger, your finger, your darkness, I know it. Come forward! I've seen it. I mean it! You power is over; I've come to change the order. My training is perfect. I'm back, again. Your promise is broken; I drank your sacred water. My mission is holy. I'm back. My father, his duty, his orders, my brother, the promise, the breaking; Rejection, Deception, Reflection's Conception; the missing, the torture, the madness, the sadness; Can this be? Your power is over; I've come to change the order. My training is perfect. I'm back, again. Your promise is broken; I drank your sacred water. My mission is holy. I'm back. (The hate I hate believing) The hate I hate believing (I never saw it coming) I never saw it coming (The hate I hate believing) The hate I hate believing (I never saw it coming) I never saw it coming You have your orders, soldier. Quote
Nulion Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 Honestly, I don't think the game deserves the low scores it's been receiving...C'mon, give it a chance! There's a lot of genuinely good stuff in Homecoming, and game review magazines, eager for perfection, can't look past a few flaws to see something that's actually really good and enjoyable. The thing with Silent Hill 4 is that, despite how much I really do try and love that game, there's simply too many things that annoy and/or frustrate the heck out of me whenever I try to play it. It's like the game is artificially inflated, bloated, and longer because of all the annoyances contained within...But with Homecoming, there's 100% certified none of that. (Well okay, maybe a few annoyances, but it's not nearly enough to make the game a chore to play) I can pretty safely say that Homecoming is a much more enjoyable and well-done game than Silent Hill 4 was. Go and get Homecoming; it's a lot better than the critics would have you believe. Maybe it isn't perfect, and 1/2/3 are definitely better games, but...I really like Homecoming, and don't want to see a Silent Hill guru such as yourself relegated to only watching the cutscenes, hehe. Look at it this way; every one of the Silent Hill games has had flaws that would be considered glaring and major by today's standards, or even the standards of yesteryear, such as subpar animations and general lack of player direction in Silent Hill 2, to major graphics clipping and bad voice acting in Silent Hill 1. This game, too, has its flaws...but there's good stuff hidden behind all the things critics don't like. Sorry, preachy mode off! Just go buy the danged thing and enjoy ...Thank you for the music and lyrics, by the way! Quote
ifirit Posted October 13, 2008 Posted October 13, 2008 The Sacred Line Is it methis time? Am I too far? Did I cross that line? Getting hard to tell... Different day and another wall, order shifts, tumbles down. Standing strong, with your sacred line; With your cold, sacred line. Jealous mind unfolds; I forgive all. Ring of gold, it shines; I refuse to fall. Standing still in this rocky boat, shakes my mind, takes its toll. Something lost is now found again. I return to my soul. This line that can't broken; This line never will be crossed again. In time, we'll be forgiven; This line affected by the innocent. Opposite of what you hear, dying is the least of fear. Can't give up! We have come too far to ever Turn away! We have fear to swallow. (And you) Can't let go! Be prepared for anything... There's something wrong! And the worst is yet to come. This line that can't broken; This line that never will be crossed again. In time, we'll be forgiven; This line affected by the innocent. This line that can't broken; This line that never will be crossed again. In time, we'll be forgiven; This line affected by the innocent. Murdered by another lie, when you cross the sacred line. Wintery Mist Bonus Tracks from Released for Free Download: The tracks, that has been offering as a bonus for purchasing the either console version of Silent Hill: Homecoming, are now being offered for free. The tracks are "The Sacred Line" (featuring Mary Elizabeth McGlynn), "Cold Blood" (an arranged version of "Alex Theme"), and "Witchcraft." You can download the file here. (.zip file / .mp3 files / 24.7 MB) Cold Blood Witchcraft Original Sound Version - Blod Archive - Amazon tantalizes Silent Hill fans with 3 track sampler from Homecoming Destructoid - Want three tracks from Silent Hill: Homecoming for free? N4G - Amazon tantalizes Silent Hill fans with 3 track sampler from Homecoming Quote
Bigfoot Posted October 14, 2008 Posted October 14, 2008 Yeah, I really don't understand why it has received such low scores. The game is amazing. Quote
Petara Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Agreed. Aside from the lack of an inverted camera option, I honestly thought it was great. Seriously though, I tried to play COD4 the other day and my aim was- well let's just say I'm still having some "up and down" troubles. Quote
Bigfoot Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I meant to take pics of this, but did anyone else notice on the Homecoming title screen where it says "press start" that Josh appears in some of the different screens? You can see him on the front porch of your house, and on the 3rd screen that displays the docks, you can see him in the background on the dock that leads up. edit: Here they are. Quote
Petara Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 How about the random writings on the prison cell walls? "I like Pizza" ? "Jafo is watching you" ?? Quote
Bigfoot Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I noticed those too, haha. I loved reading those. Quote
Petara Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 "Jeremy is the real sausage king of Chicago" FTW Quote
ifirit Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 Silent Hill: Homecoming Update: Zero Punctuation! Reviews Silent Hill: Homecoming: Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw posted his review of Silent Hill: Homecoming (console version) on Wednesday, October 22, 2008.*[1] The review discusses his views on the direction that the series current development trend has taken it. In general, the review discusses his reflections on the game in comparison to the rest of the series more so than actually reviewing the game itself, which is summurized as the same complaints that all other game reviews have had: poor response of dodge mechanic, low ammo, and the over-reliance on fan service to attract fans.*[2] The Escapist Magazine - Zero Punctuation! - Silent Hill: Homecoming *[1] Footnote: The sidebar comment states: "This week Yahtzee's ass remains safe while he reviews Silent Hill Homecoming." (Personal Note: That pretty much sums it up for me. In other words, this game does not reignite the spark that the series once had. It's changed and become a different incarnation.) *[2] Personal Note: I understand the note made about how almost all American writers have to include a love interest in their stories, but you have to remember that this is not the first game to include a love sub-plot; SH4: The Room had that going on with Henry and Eileen, though it was treated the way it should have been, with subtlety and with a change in the relationship due to the experiences throughout the game. (Also, the first game also had a sewer level; two, actually.) And honestly, I'm not opposed to the idea of a love interest in the Silent Hill universe, but like all love there, it should be unrequited, both passively and actively. It's the main story motivation in all the Team Silent games. Lastly, what's up with the ommission of the story loop in recent iterations? It's a major story element in all the games that is used to drive the characters to the desired conclusion. Not to mention, that the story loop is a rationalization on the game's part for the occassion where the player replays the game. It's a genius inclusion that made the original game abstract, which was taken to a new level of genius in the second game, and made staple in the third. Why exclude it now? Quote
Nulion Posted October 23, 2008 Posted October 23, 2008 Thanks for the update again I'm curious though...what did you mean by "story loop"? I hadn't watched the Yahtzee review yet, since even though those are usually funny, they're kinda depressing, so I don't know if the "story loop" thing was brought about from that review or not. But anyway, what exactly is it? EDIT: Watched the video, and...oddly enough, it wasn't depressing! Wheee! Funny stuff, especially the weird calls at the end, hehe. I still love Homecoming though, despite its very real flaws...and yeah, a lot of what he says is true...but ah well. Here's hoping they get the idea sometime soon. In the end, we can all be glad Silent Hill hasn't exactly ever had a miserable, lame, horrible, terrible game, like...oh...the Resident Evil series. Although I love Resident Evil, it hasn't exactly been a consistent series, unlike Silent Hill, which has consistently always been at the very worst a good, scary time. And unlike Resident Evil 4, Homecoming is actually still a damn scary game in places...(Although I've gotta hand it to the RE4 designers for the Regenerators; they actually were pretty freaky.) Buuut...yeah. Back to the topic at hand. Quote
ifirit Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Thanks for the update again I'm curious though...what did you mean by "story loop"? I hadn't watched the Yahtzee review yet, since even though those are usually funny, they're kinda depressing, so I don't know if the "story loop" thing was brought about from that review or not. But anyway, what exactly is it? A story loop is an arc that occurs in the story which causes the events at the end of that arc to lead back to the beginning of the story. For example, in the first game, if you achieve the Good+ Ending, the ending cutscene is the scene from the beginning of the game where Harry and his wife find Cheryl, with Harry's wife replaced by Cybil, indicating a repetition of the story's events. However, what reinforces this idea is the inclusion of Next Fear mode, where replaying the game doesn't begin with the introduction level in Harry's Jeep, but at the Cafe 5 to 2. It implies that the characters never really escape from Silent Hill and that everything replays from that moment on in an eternal cycle. (If you're familiar with the Siren games, you'll note that this is a common thread between Keiichiro Toyama's games.) Originally, before the other sequels were released, I had developed a theory based on the idea of the eternal cycle, being that replaying the game (regardless of ending) meant taking part in that struggle for the power of the god inside Alessa. Therefore, the only way to ever escape the game (in both the actual game and real life) was to willing choose to not play it. That the only way to end the struggle was to not be an active participant. As a previously long-time videogame fan, this concept just turned my world upside down and simultaneously pointed out the power and futility that videogames had the potential to become. Not many games actually make you put the context in that perspective. In Silent Hill 2, the story loop occurs during the Maria Ending where James chooses to be with Maria only to realize that Maria then becomes sick as well. This is a more succinct version of the loop in SH1 and thus is more poignant. It extended the concept from a context within a game story that was only connected to the real world via the medium (i.e. the videogame medium), to an actual message about the nature of human existance: that our actions when made out of weakness tend to repeat themselves over and over again. This inclusion is the step that takes the game from being entertainment to artform. In SH3, the story loop occurs whenever Heather dies and is then carried off by Vatiel. Playing off the game's presentation of visual metaphors, there are no words or dialogue spoken, nor any indication of a cycle explictly given, but because the game resumes playing from the Happy Burger afterwards suggests that a cycle took place. In other words, the story would repeat endlessly if at anytime Heather dies. While even more succinct than the previous two games, it reverts back to an idea that reality in the Silent Hill universe in multi-layered, that reality can fold back over itself, not only in a linear fashion, but in complex methods as well, as shown in SH4: The Room. So, when it becomes excluded in the American versions, it strips away that element of artistic integrity and the whole game is nothing more than entertainment made for mass consumption (abeit very pretty and well-designed entertainment). And that hurts. Quote
Bleck Posted October 27, 2008 Posted October 27, 2008 Screw the haters, I think Pyramid Head's appearance in this game was as good as it could have been without having to make the protagonist James Sunderland. Quote
Nulion Posted October 28, 2008 Posted October 28, 2008 Yeah, I still enjoy Pyramid Head as much as anybody else, hehe...but I can really see what you mean there, ifirit. And I would agree, too! It does seem like there is some sort of meta-meaning to the story that simply isn't there in Homecoming...although I honestly enjoy the game, and think it is a solid entry in the Silent Hill series, it does lack that odd ambiguity the other titles were smothered with, and is easier to figure out. The way you presented your ideas though, isn't something I'd ever considered on my own, but I actually recall reading that may have even been from one of your posts earlier in the thread. (Much earlier!) The stories have so many purposeful holes inserted into them, that can be filled with just about anything our minds can come up with. It's even conceivable that your theory is completely different from the intent of the designers, but that right there is a solid hallmark of serious artwork; each of us can come up to our own conclusions about what the work means, what it represents, and what value it has for our lives here in the real world. In THAT regard, Homecoming fails...and it's a shame. But in every other regard, at least where it counts as making a game enjoyable and engaging, Homecoming still succeeds, I think. To Double Helix's credit, I can hardly imagine how difficult it would be to insert such vague yet STRONG symbolism and interpretability (Is that even a word? o.O) into a game with the technical demands of today's consoles. Not only does one need to worry about basic playability, deadlines, bug testing and design, but one also needs to worry about the metaphorical aspects of what's being created; the aforementioned "holes" in the storyline that can be filled with anything our minds can grasp at. That has to be an incredibly tough, conscious effort on the part of the developers. Really makes you have even more respect for Team Silent... If only they were still developing the games though... Honestly ifirit, with the kinds of opinions and insights you've got going on around here, I wouldn't think it would be a bad idea to send a letter (An actual letter, hehe) to Double Helix with regards to the next Silent Hill game, and that "special something" that it needs. I can't imagine they would ignore a genuinely insightful and constructive letter, although there's always the chance they'd just toss it. But when you're dealing with something you enjoy, and you don't want to see fall into mediocrity, it can't hurt to try, can it? Quote
ifirit Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 ...but I can really see what you mean there, ifirit.And I would agree, too! It does seem like there is some sort of meta-meaning to the story that simply isn't there in Homecoming...although I honestly enjoy the game, and think it is a solid entry in the Silent Hill series, it does lack that odd ambiguity the other titles were smothered with, and is easier to figure out. The way you presented your ideas though, isn't something I'd ever considered on my own, but I actually recall reading that may have even been from one of your posts earlier in the thread. (Much earlier!) The stories have so many purposeful holes inserted into them, that can be filled with just about anything our minds can come up with. It's even conceivable that your theory is completely different from the intent of the designers, but that right there is a solid hallmark of serious artwork; each of us can come up to our own conclusions about what the work means, what it represents, and what value it has for our lives here in the real world. In THAT regard, Homecoming fails...and it's a shame. That's the problem for me. There are plenty of other games out there that are fun, atmospheric, suspenseful, third-person action-adventure, but not many that try to rise above the competition by trying to be more than just a game. So, if a game isn't really trying to do that these days, I'm not really interested. I know that that's a high bar to set, but honestly, that's the bar that was set by Team Silent. But in every other regard, at least where it counts as making a game enjoyable and engaging, Homecoming still succeeds, I think.To Double Helix's credit, I can hardly imagine how difficult it would be to insert such vague yet STRONG symbolism and interpretability (Is that even a word? o.O) into a game with the technical demands of today's consoles. Not only does one need to worry about basic playability, deadlines, bug testing and design, but one also needs to worry about the metaphorical aspects of what's being created; the aforementioned "holes" in the storyline that can be filled with anything our minds can grasp at. I refer you to (particularly at 8:09 and again at 8:57)Honestly, that's what made Team Silent so great. Their writers and directors are years ahead of the rest of the development world, having given us steak on four separate occassions. As such, SHH is just a bone with a few scraps on it. Had they further developed the story further prior to creating the game structure, which ironically was what landed them the gig in the first place, the game could have fulfilled on its potential to really invigorate the series. It's not a bad story, but because it failed to really project the tragedy of having lost the entire town of Shepard's Glen, I can't really sympathize with the characters at the end. They try to make you emphasize with the town, with trying to associate names and faces, but in the end, nothing gets resolved and the scale of the loss in neither reflected in the small scale realization by Alex nor in the larger picture. (And it tried to rip off the Saw movies too much at the end.) They had three really strong, story elements that could have been flourished to produce a great story, but they were poorly developed throughout and simply trail off during the endings. [spoilers] A) The belief that Adam had of Alex having a loose grasp on reality/Alex's inability to grasp responsibility for his brother's accidental death. The incredibly strong family ties that motivated Alex, Elle and their families to search for their loved ones. C) The regret in realizing that the people that everyone was searching for had long since passed away and the deeply rooted, secret traditions lead even tightly-knit families to murder each other. [/spoilers] The game really had the potential to be the culmination of the entire Silent Hill franchise and exceed its predicessors. It could have really, really been something of great value, but the loss midway is a very big set-back. I guess there's some irony in all this. That has to be an incredibly tough, conscious effort on the part of the developers. Really makes you have even more respect for Team Silent...If only they were still developing the games though... Honestly ifirit, with the kinds of opinions and insights you've got going on around here, I wouldn't think it would be a bad idea to send a letter (An actual letter, hehe) to Double Helix with regards to the next Silent Hill game, and that "special something" that it needs. I can't imagine they would ignore a genuinely insightful and constructive letter, although there's always the chance they'd just toss it. But when you're dealing with something you enjoy, and you don't want to see fall into mediocrity, it can't hurt to try, can it? Yeah, maybe... Quote
Agent.Neo Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Silent Hill 3 (Limited Edition) Promotional Kit - Artwork Files: This is a treasure among Silent Hill media, as very few copies of Silent Hill 3: Limited Edition were ever released, and finding a reseller is impossible. So, ChoasKeeper, has graciously offered a link to the artwork from the Drawing Block/Drown in Black artbook that accompanied this promotional kit. Again, the artwork has been compressed using a .rar format, so unless you have a decompressor that can handle Rar Files you won't be able to see it. And again, I'll try to recompress this in .zip format and post a link before next week. Silent Hill 3: Limited Edition (Promotional Kit Artwork) - Rar Download (4.75 MB) / Zip Download (4.75 MB) I hope that you enjoy the files, and offer some feedback on what you like or dislike. Though, I know that a lot of this stuff is rare and high-sought-after, I filter certain things out that are Silent Hill related, but not necessarily of importance. So let me know what you think... I know this is a long shot, but does anybody still have this that can re-upload it?! I'm just dying to find it and it's looking hopeless! HELP!!! Quote
Agent.Neo Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 Silent Hill 3 (Limited Edition) Promotional Kit - Artwork Files: This is a treasure among Silent Hill media, as very few copies of Silent Hill 3: Limited Edition were ever released, and finding a reseller is impossible. So, ChoasKeeper, has graciously offered a link to the artwork from the Drawing Block/Drown in Black artbook that accompanied this promotional kit. Again, the artwork has been compressed using a .rar format, so unless you have a decompressor that can handle Rar Files you won't be able to see it. And again, I'll try to recompress this in .zip format and post a link before next week. Silent Hill 3: Limited Edition (Promotional Kit Artwork) - Rar Download (4.75 MB) / Zip Download (4.75 MB) I hope that you enjoy the files, and offer some feedback on what you like or dislike. Though, I know that a lot of this stuff is rare and high-sought-after, I filter certain things out that are Silent Hill related, but not necessarily of importance. So let me know what you think. I know this is a huge long-shot, but does anybody happen to have this? The links are both long since dead and I can't find anything on it anywhere else. Can someone please be so kind to re-upload this? PLEASE?! me... Quote
ifirit Posted December 24, 2008 Posted December 24, 2008 I can help. I've still got the files on my home PC, but unfortunately for you, I'm visiting my relatives for Christmas in California. You'll have to wait until I get back home before I can re-upload the files, which will be after New Year's. Just be patient. Quote
Agent.Neo Posted December 29, 2008 Posted December 29, 2008 I can help. I've still got the files on my home PC, but unfortunately for you, I'm visiting my relatives for Christmas in California. You'll have to wait until I get back home before I can re-upload the files, which will be after New Year's. Just be patient. You say you have all the files in their entirety? Thank you VERY much! I thought I was pretty much f--ked! I looked everywhere, including Torrent sites, rapidsearch, fileshunt, what-have-you and I could only find the ones that you already posted, which had been long since dead. I don't mind waiting to get it uploaded again, I just want 'em! Send me a link whenever you get back and know that I'm eternally grateful. Have fun on your trip, man. Also, do you have a MySpace account? My URL is: Quote
Petara Posted January 12, 2009 Posted January 12, 2009 For the love of God, when is the damned soundtrack going to be released!? Quote
Nekofrog Posted January 12, 2009 Posted January 12, 2009 I went to disc replay a couple weeks ago and bought Silent Hill 3 for $20. Came in a nearly untouched case (almost perfect condition), and had both the game cd (of course) but also included the soundtrack. I was certain that wouldn't have come with such an old used game, but FUCK, they're in immaculate condition. Glad to have them. Just need to muster up the will to buy 4, and my SH collection is complete. Quote
Nulion Posted January 12, 2009 Posted January 12, 2009 Silent Hill 3 for only $20? Not bad at all! I recall seeing it at Gamestop for $30, and of course the case was banged up, and no doubt the soundtrack wasn't a very nice find indeed Gotta say, SH3 was completely awesome...I don't really get why people knock on it so much. Was it because it was linear? Because the first half doesn't actually take place in Silent Hill itself? The return to the whole cult story? ...Who knows? Hehe, all I know is that I thoroughly enjoyed that one. I know over at my house, I actually have this tendency to attract a small audience who will actually sit and watch me play through the entire game. Done it with every one of the SH games so far, including Origins. The one I ended up playing the most though was SH3. I even remember once I had a crowd of people (Like 5 or 6) watching me play through the PC version of SH3 during a LAN party we held years back. ...ahh, memories Quote
Petara Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 I keep praying that if the second one is made, the story would revolve around James and his nightmare. Quote
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