StarZander Posted October 17, 2004 Posted October 17, 2004 I've played SH4 for like...30 minutes, max, because I just got it, but there's already something I don't understand.Dude's been locked in his room now, for 5 days. He has recurring nightmares, where his house is COVERED with rust, and blood, and faces on the walls. His phone don't work, his TV don't work, all he's got in his fridge is chocolate milk and white wine. So this guy's on the verge of insanity. He's gotta be. His got a 2 room apartment and nothing to do for 5 days straight. So he's sittin' here, the door's shackled shut, he looks out the peep hole, and BAM, hot neighbor girl, sittin' outside his door, talkin' to herself. What does he do? Just sits there. Nothin' big. Now, I'm thinkin', I've been locked in my apartment for 5 days, and it's turning into Suvivor: The Room, and I see someone outside, why don't I... BANG ON THE FRICKEN DOOR AND GET SOME ATTENTION. I mean SERIOUSLY? What kind of person would just SIT THERE and watcha rescue attempt walk away? He tried this in the game. He bangs and shouts with all his might, but they can't hear him, even though they're just outside his door. Quote
Ramaniscence Posted October 17, 2004 Posted October 17, 2004 I've played SH4 for like...30 minutes, max, because I just got it, but there's already something I don't understand.Dude's been locked in his room now, for 5 days. He has recurring nightmares, where his house is COVERED with rust, and blood, and faces on the walls. His phone don't work, his TV don't work, all he's got in his fridge is chocolate milk and white wine. So this guy's on the verge of insanity. He's gotta be. His got a 2 room apartment and nothing to do for 5 days straight. So he's sittin' here, the door's shackled shut, he looks out the peep hole, and BAM, hot neighbor girl, sittin' outside his door, talkin' to herself. What does he do? Just sits there. Nothin' big. Now, I'm thinkin', I've been locked in my apartment for 5 days, and it's turning into Suvivor: The Room, and I see someone outside, why don't I... BANG ON THE FRICKEN DOOR AND GET SOME ATTENTION. I mean SERIOUSLY? What kind of person would just SIT THERE and watcha rescue attempt walk away? He tried this in the game. He bangs and shouts with all his might, but they can't hear him, even though they're just outside his door. Hmmm, he didn't try it then, I guess I either missed it, or haven't gotten to that part. Quote
Eccles Posted October 17, 2004 Posted October 17, 2004 Yeah, if you look through the peephole it shows him trying to bang on the door and shouting for help... Quote
ifirit Posted October 19, 2004 Posted October 19, 2004 Here's one that's been bugging me.In the opening video (the one you see before you even begin to play the game) you see a ghost floating about in a room with a table/chair set. Later on you find that this is an actual ghost in an actual room in the fact, it is the room in which you find your first sword of obedience. What I'd like to know is why do they show this ghost? He serves no purpose to the game at all...he's just another regular run of the mill ghost... Silent Hill 4 Spoilers Actually, if you look carefully, that ghost in that scene is Victim 1 (or 01121). Though, Victim 10 (the victim DDE is refering to) seemingly doesn't have much influence on the game, Victim 1 is quite important and has quite a substantial role in Walter Sullivan's life. They showed Victim 1 in beginning as a representation of the idea that you will be haunted by ghosts. What I would have liked to have seen is more usage of the distortion that they used on Victim 1 in the opening (specifically in the scene mentioned by DDE), where the victim's arms and legs get stretched out and pulled in the opposite direction. That would have made some of the ghosts a lot more unnerving. Again, since this game was completed hastily and did not incorporate all the information that the developers wanted, it is important to work in conjunction with the website and the supplemental materials provided to really understand the nature of the game. Please check out to learn more about the victims. Quote
Eccles Posted October 20, 2004 Posted October 20, 2004 Actually, if you look carefully, that ghost in that scene is... I would have looked, but I was too busy going "UH OH IT HAVE BEGUN TO MOVE!" and running as fast as my badly animated legs would carry me. Quote
ifirit Posted October 22, 2004 Posted October 22, 2004 It seems that nobody is really interested in discussing SH4 theories and plotlines. I've had dozens floating through my head. So, I'm just wondering, does anybody else have any ideas, or do you not care? Right now, I've got theories about the portals, the concept of Nowhere, connections to all the previous games, monster appearances, so on and so forth. Anyway, it feels like things have become rather stagnant around the SH circuit, with little new info, media and material floating around. I guess things are approaching that saturation threshold. Well, to keep things lively, I'll provide a... Silent Hill Movie Update: According to Roger Avary, as he wrote in his online journal, the Silent Hill Movie script has been completed. There have been two reviews by Christophe Gans and Nicholas Boukhrief. So, a final "first draft" has been written. Avary still complains about some of the little details of the script, but it's good that they are taking so much time to consider the story and make sure it is good. Now that the script is finished, this allows Davis Films to proceed with the pre-production of the film. And Avary inadvertantly released the shooting schedule start, which will be in February, 2005. This suggests a release date by around this time next year. (w00t!) So, things are looking rather good for the Silent Hill Movie. Although, the details of the script have not been mentioned, I think that the story will be entirely new, and not a remake of the first game. I'm not sure how you feel about it, but I'm relieved. This will be more interesting than just a remake. Also, as an added bonus, Roger Avary recorded many parts of his trip to Paris to write the Silent Hill script and is compiling a documentary for the DVD. From what he has written in his journal, it should be interesting, none the less. Quote
The_Waiter Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 Alright, I'm going to be honest, feel free to stop me if this has already been done (I only read about the first 6 pages of the forum, couldn't go through all 42 ) Something that I have seen no one really note about the SH games is the usage of the alternate worlds, or rather, the subtle change of alternate world usage. In SH1, Harry often felt the change of the world around him from misty Silent Hill to Nightmare Silent Hill, also accompanied by bloody rain. It happened often, and as soon as it began the gamer is immediately like CRAP. In SH2, James rarely runs into this nightmare world, (I think he does only once, maybe twice, haven't played the game in a few months -- I know right after the hospital where ***SPOILER*** Maria is killed the first time by Pyramid Head, ***END SPOILER*** And I think in the hotel later. However, though these two are both kind of like SHAZAM! reality shifts, but it IS obvious that the world is gradually getting darker entirely towards the end (the prison, etc. etc.)Not only this, but I think he only actually experiences the change from misty Silent Hill to dark Silent Hill in the hospital. IN SH3, in my opinion, everything was completely changed in regards to the dark world. Also, Heather/Cheryl/Alessa never experienced the reality shifts. It wasn't so much the entire realities changing, but more certain rooms were really dark and sketch, other ones weren't. The same thing applies to SH2 where the game more gradually goes into the dark reality in entirety... SH4 I'm leaving out of this because it's a significantly different game for more reasons than just the reality shift, and I'm not saying the other games were the same; more just that SH1 had a gamer feeling one way while playing it, I guess a more suspenseful feel to the game, especially because the periods of nightmare silent hill lasted longer and longer as the game went on. SH2 and SH3 had a similar feeling in regards to the reality shifts. It's honestly only the dark world in SH1 and the ones in SH2 that freak me out, otherwise they seemed kind of tame in comparison. So what do you guys think? Agree, Disagree? Quote
StarZander Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 Alright, I'm going to be honest, feel free to stop me if this has already been done (I only read about the first 6 pages of the forum, couldn't go through all 42 ) Something that I have seen no one really note about the SH games is the usage of the alternate worlds, or rather, the subtle change of alternate world usage. In SH1, Harry often felt the change of the world around him from misty Silent Hill to Nightmare Silent Hill, also accompanied by bloody rain. It happened often, and as soon as it began the gamer is immediately like CRAP. In SH2, James rarely runs into this nightmare world, (I think he does only once, maybe twice, haven't played the game in a few months -- I know right after the hospital where ***SPOILER*** Maria is killed the first time by Pyramid Head, ***END SPOILER*** And I think in the hotel later. However, though these two are both kind of like SHAZAM! reality shifts, but it IS obvious that the world is gradually getting darker entirely towards the end (the prison, etc. etc.)Not only this, but I think he only actually experiences the change from misty Silent Hill to dark Silent Hill in the hospital. IN SH3, in my opinion, everything was completely changed in regards to the dark world. Also, Heather/Cheryl/Alessa never experienced the reality shifts. It wasn't so much the entire realities changing, but more certain rooms were really dark and sketch, other ones weren't. The same thing applies to SH2 where the game more gradually goes into the dark reality in entirety... SH4 I'm leaving out of this because it's a significantly different game for more reasons than just the reality shift, and I'm not saying the other games were the same; more just that SH1 had a gamer feeling one way while playing it, I guess a more suspenseful feel to the game, especially because the periods of nightmare silent hill lasted longer and longer as the game went on. SH2 and SH3 had a similar feeling in regards to the reality shifts. It's honestly only the dark world in SH1 and the ones in SH2 that freak me out, otherwise they seemed kind of tame in comparison. So what do you guys think? Agree, Disagree? Well, this is probably something everyones notices, but we haven't talked about it very much. I'm not so sure what there is to say about it, but the realitychanges in SH4 were practically non-existant. It totally lacked darkness! It was just weird and sucky all the way. Quote
Sentora Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 I dunno, the hospital and Chapel Alternate worlds creeped the shit out of me the first time. All that blood running down the walls...Especially that damned Mirror in the Hospital. *Spoiler* Did anyone else think that the image was going to walk out and ran the hell out of that room the first time they saw it? Quote
StarZander Posted October 24, 2004 Posted October 24, 2004 I dunno, the hospital and Chapel Alternate worlds creeped the shit out of me the first time. All that blood running down the walls...Especially that damned Mirror in the Hospital.*Spoiler* Did anyone else think that the image was going to walk out and ran the hell out of that room the first time they saw it? I really liked that room. At first I didn't notice the stuff happening in the sink and in the mirror, but I revisited that room later on to check if I missed something, and then I noticed it. So cool that your reflection freezes eventually, and it's all covered in... whatever. Too bad I died from it. Quote
ifirit Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 You know, we haven't discussed the alternate worlds in quite a long time. And truthfully, it's a rather difficult subject to handle, since the idea keeps changing after each game. Unfortunately, the interpretation of the alternate world depends on your interpretation of the actual world of Silent Hill. (I have some views on that that will differ from other people, so it doesn't make mine correct. Or even complete.) Anyway, the alternate world seen in the first game boils down to one of four things: Alessa's subconscious interpretation of Silent Hill; the alternate reality created by the power Alessa welds, the physical deconstruction of Silent Hill resulting from the growing power of the god inside Alessa; or the true form of the town awakened by influence of the cult. These four forms from the first game stem from the four interpretations of the reality of Silent Hill (Misty Silent Hill). A) The Silent Hill seen is not the real Silent Hill, only an interpretation created from Alessa's memories. Misty Silent Hill is the true form of Silent Hill, i.e. Silent Hill exists on the plane of reality that we call this world. C) Misty Silent Hill is the real world, but is directly affected by the alternate reality of Alternate Silent Hill. D) Misty Silent Hill is not the real world and not a memory, but a false interpretation of reality. (This is the most complex of the theories and would require a great deal of time to explain.) The first form says that Silent Hill is a world created by Alessa's (good) memories of the real Silent Hill. This might explain why there are so many inconsistancies in the Misty Silent Hill. Alessa's memory doesn't have the entire picture, only pieces and parts. Which explains why there are holes and chasms in the town. Thus, the Alternate Silent Hill is just the influence of Alessa's bad memories of Silent Hill. The visions of people being sacraficed. The dark and cold space of her hospital room. The fire that put her in that room in the first place. All the nightmares that haunted Alessa for many years, reborn into physical existance. The second form is more existential than the first because it suggests that there are actually alternate planes of reality. That Misty Silent Hill and Alternate Silent Hill exist on entirely separate planes of reality. Though it might only be that there are just two planes in existance, this theory still leaves open the idea that there are multiple, if not infinite dimensions of reality. Only that by being in Silent Hill, and present during the influences by the god, is Harry able to travel between those realities. This form is the only one that really can fit into an overall picture that ties the games together, though I feel it is the most generic form. The third is very similar to the second form, in that both ASH and MSH are on different planes of reality, but the two are connected together and as one changes, so does the other. This means that the alternate dimension is creating all the distrubances that are occuring in Silent Hill. That the monsters, ghost town, holes, and disturbing decor are all just influences of this Alternate Silent Hill. I don't really like this form either, but it connects to the second game better than any of the above. The forth form is the most complicated to explain, since it would just take a long time to explain. This theory stems from texts found in Silent Hill 2 about the town's history and religion, from the dogma stated in Silent Hill 3 and from small hints and influences in Silent Hill 1. What it suggests is that Alternate Silent Hill is the world created by the old gods of Lake Toluca. And that with the reawakening of the god inside Alessa, these old gods are becoming awaken as well, and that their "world" is beginning to appear in our own. This is something that I am piecing together and is still a work-in-progress, so it might have a lot of loose ends. Still, it's something to think about. While I could go on and post more about the other games, I'll leave that up to you guys to discuss, since I'm more interested in what other people think. Although, I will say that the entire game of Silent Hill 4 takes place in the Alternate World. There are some small details to help you understand why, but know that in that game, the definition of Alternate World changes dramatically. Quote
Sentora Posted October 25, 2004 Posted October 25, 2004 That's an interesting theory, Ifirit. You never disappoint. Would that mean that Vatiel, who we discussed earlier in the thread as some sort of Gatekeeper of the worlds, would have an even darker connection to Alessa? That she is the 'Gate' he's been protecting? Or possibly Alessa is his successor and like him, is a gatekeeper as well? Just random thinking there. It would be pretty messed up to consider Alessa being a 'Gate' that the Gods enter into this world by being 'Born' Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Since the alt. reality of Silent Hill has been brought up; I was thinking about the sirens that go off when the reality shifts. I've only heard them in SH1 and 2, and although it might not be anything at all, I thought I'd bring it up. Quote
m1lesteg Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Ok, everyone. Apologies in advance for the foolish post among all these intellectual interpretations. I have had minimal Silent Hill experience. I played Silent Hill 1 way back when it first came out briefly, up until that crazy winged creature broke into, I believe, a restaurant. I played the SH4 demo through, and enjoyed it, not to mention it was incredibly freaky. It's been enough for me to want to go out and play a Silent Hill game through. My question is, which should I start with? I know logically I should play SH1, but let's assume I will only play one SH game ever and just want to play the "best" one. Which would you guys recommend picking up? Sorry if this has been brought up earlier, but 40+ pages is a bit much to read, especially when I won't get most of what is being said. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Ok, everyone. Apologies in advance for the foolish post among all these intellectual interpretations.I have had minimal Silent Hill experience. I played Silent Hill 1 way back when it first came out briefly, up until that crazy winged creature broke into, I believe, a restaurant. I played the SH4 demo through, and enjoyed it, not to mention it was incredibly freaky. It's been enough for me to want to go out and play a Silent Hill game through. My question is, which should I start with? I know logically I should play SH1, but let's assume I will only play one SH game ever and just want to play the "best" one. Which would you guys recommend picking up? Sorry if this has been brought up earlier, but 40+ pages is a bit much to read, especially when I won't get most of what is being said. I personaly would suggest SH2. It doens't have any real connections to the other games, and it's got a feel to it that the others don't... that and it's a Friggin' Tear Jerker. Quote
StarZander Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 Since the alt. reality of Silent Hill has been brought up; I was thinking about the sirens that go off when the reality shifts. I've only heard them in SH1 and 2, and although it might not be anything at all, I thought I'd bring it up. We've talked some about the sirens before aswell, and they are pretty significant, since Harry comments on them himself in the game. I don't think we had any ideas of where the sirens came from, but you always heard them during the transitions. From what I can tell aswell, they were only present in SH1 and 2. I wonder why they stopped... Ok, everyone. Apologies in advance for the foolish post among all these intellectual interpretations. I have had minimal Silent Hill experience. I played Silent Hill 1 way back when it first came out briefly, up until that crazy winged creature broke into, I believe, a restaurant. I played the SH4 demo through, and enjoyed it, not to mention it was incredibly freaky. It's been enough for me to want to go out and play a Silent Hill game through. My question is, which should I start with? I know logically I should play SH1, but let's assume I will only play one SH game ever and just want to play the "best" one. Which would you guys recommend picking up? Sorry if this has been brought up earlier, but 40+ pages is a bit much to read, especially when I won't get most of what is being said. Well, it's hard to say. Either SH1 or 2. SH1 and 3 are connected, and SH2 and 4 are connected. SH1 has lesser graphics (that you shouldn't care about, but I don't know what kind of person you are), and has a different kind of atmosphere than SH2. SH1 has a more straight-out story, that's exciting and at times confusing. Very good. SH2 has a story that leaves alot of questions unanswered at first, but then it all comes together beautifully, and I must say that SH2 is my personal favorite. But that's me. They area actually equally good, just in slightly different ways. Quote
m1lesteg Posted October 26, 2004 Posted October 26, 2004 SH1 has lesser graphics (that you shouldn't care about, but I don't know what kind of person you are), and has a different kind of atmosphere than SH2. Just for the record, graphics aren't an issue for me, though I would imagine the improved graphics of the newer SH games makes for a scarier experience, just because that's what better graphics do...though I suppose a game like SH where you can't really tell what anything is anyway it wouldn't matter. I think I'll pick up SH2:Restless Dreams for XBox. It's like 5 bucks more than PS2 version, and the extras are worth it, right? Quote
ifirit Posted October 27, 2004 Posted October 27, 2004 I think I'll pick up SH2:Restless Dreams for XBox. It's like 5 bucks more than PS2 version, and the extras are worth it, right? If you are refering to the "Greatest Hits" version of SH2 on the PS2, then no. The two versions are exactly the same. If not, there is a PC version of SH2 that also has the special features in it. The X-Box version is not the only one with the extras. Silent Hill Spoilers Since the alt. reality of Silent Hill has been brought up; I was thinking about the sirens that go off when the reality shifts. I've only heard them in SH1 and 2, and although it might not be anything at all, I thought I'd bring it up. There is another misconception about the use of the air-raid sirens in Silent Hill. It's true that you do hear them in both SH1 and SH2, but in SH2, the sirens are not used in the transition between the Misty and Alternate realities. That siren only plays during the Red Pyramid Thing fight in the Blue Creek apartment building. With regard to Silent Hill 1, it is still debatable whether or not the sirens have any significant role. Personally, I believe the sirens have no effect on the story. Since ONLY Harry hears them (please note that this is plural), who's to say that they're only in his head? Since the sirens are a part of the Alternate reality, it depends on what version of the Alternate reality you believe in. If you look at the idea that suggests that the reality of Silent Hill is all in some person's head (this theory just being a more general form of the Alessa's Memories theory), then what you see, hear, feel and even think (as you see with Harry) can be affected by the person or by some external being. Keeping this into consideration, you may see the sirens as a warning that Cheryl is subconsciously sending her father (since as DDE says "Cheryl is Alessa, Alessa is Cheryl"). You may think it's just Harry subconsciously sending himself a warning that danger lies ahead. You might think that the sirens are the cries of Alessa as she births god a little more, whenever the Alternate reality appears. You may believe that the sound is the song of the "old gods" in Silent Hill. You might even believe that they are the influences of the UFO's from the fifth ending. Yeah, go ahead and believe whatever you want. If you believe in that, then fine. But you won't get away with what you did. When I find you...Anyway, in SH2, the sirens are used to drive away the Red Pyramid Thing, and allow James to continue his search for Mary. Whether of not you believe that all the events take place in James' mind, or if the are actually occuring, will affect the direction you take that interpretation in. I think that the "song of the old gods" playing as way to drive away the Red Pyramid Thing is a fun little diversion, but you might not get too far with it. Ultimately, dropping out the sirens from sequel games suggests to me that they don't really affect the story of the series and were just a scary little trick to make you wet your pants every time you heard it. This is my reasoning as to why I believe the sirens are not important. EDIT: Okay, so there are sirens in the long hallway from the Silent Hill Historical Society to the Toluca Lake Prison, but those are more fog horns than air-raid sirens. Quote
Lasakon Posted November 5, 2004 Posted November 5, 2004 It has now been confirmed the soundtrack to the movie will be made up entirely of Akira Yamaoka's soundtracks. Hopefully this doesn't change. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Okay, where to start where to start. First off, I started reading this thread from the beginning, got about 10 pages in and said screw it. Secondly, I was a Silent Hill virgin up until a couple days ago when I borrowed SH3 from my friend, and to put it in internet terms, it rockzors my sockzors. I've never experienced a survival horror game that was both fun to play (like Resident Evil) and freaky as hell (like Fatal Frame) and I must say SH does a damnn good job, especially because it deals with psychological fear, which scares me the most. I'm planning on buying SH2 and getting SH4 for my birthday; SH3 grew on me and impressed me a lot. I haven't been freaked out playing a game like this, well, ever really. I'd also like to add that I find the music AMAZING. I listened to the SH3 soundtrack that came with the game; I am quite pleased. I'm hoping to pick up the SH4 soundtrack, even if the only good song is the theme from the trailer. If the SH2 music is good, I'll prolly get that one too. In any case, a couple things I noticed today while playing SH3 (and forgive me if this has been brought up before; I didn't read the whole damn thread): *possible spoilers?* Douglas's car seems to be from California, seeing as the plates are the same design, and if I'm not mistaken, say California on them. Now while I thought this was pretty cool, I was shocked even more when I found out that there's a Toluca Lake in the town of Silent Hill. There's a town called Toluca Lake in California as well. While I know that Silent Hill has no exact location in the U.S. (as far as I know anyway), it's pretty interesting that there were 2 CA references within like 5 minutes of each other. Check it out. I might have to take a visit to Silent Hill. If I can find it on the map Quote
Monobrow Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 UE wrote: I'm planning on buying SH2 and getting SH4 for my birthday; SH3 grew on me and impressed me a lot. I haven't been freaked out playing a game like this, well, ever really. You should really try to play the first SH game as well, because 3 is a continuation of its story-line. SH will always be my favorite, although I love how psychological 2 is. But anyway, it is easy to get past the sub-par graphics (nowadays) in the original game in no time, and it still will probably scare you shitless. The details that went into that game, and all of the references to the entire horror genre are just plain amazing. So anyway, just thought I would mention the original...because it really is an essential game to play if you really want a great introduction into the world of Silent Hill. Quote
Monobrow Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 Here's a question for you...I don't know if this has been mentioned yet but... *SPOILERS* In SH2, everything in James' version of Silent Hill has to do with water...Of course, when reality shifts and we enter a slightly darker version of Silent Hill (alternate), it is of course, raining...Just like in SH1....But there is more. The lake, the Blue Creek apartments, the huge amounts of water damage everywhere, the well and flooding in the prison, the basement flooding in the hotel, the water hallways of the labyrinth...The "water" ending. Anyway, I just wondered what you all think the water means. And why is it exclusive only to James? Angela experiences fire, which is pretty damn cool as well...but anyway...It's pretty interesting... Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 UE wrote:I'm planning on buying SH2 and getting SH4 for my birthday; SH3 grew on me and impressed me a lot. I haven't been freaked out playing a game like this, well, ever really. You should really try to play the first SH game as well, because 3 is a continuation of its story-line. SH will always be my favorite, although I love how psychological 2 is. But anyway, it is easy to get past the sub-par graphics (nowadays) in the original game in no time, and it still will probably scare you shitless. The details that went into that game, and all of the references to the entire horror genre are just plain amazing. So anyway, just thought I would mention the original...because it really is an essential game to play if you really want a great introduction into the world of Silent Hill. Eh. I read the plot and all of its nuances, so I understand the story and everything. I might play it one day. Quote
StarZander Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 SH3 grew on me and impressed me a lot. Holy shit, what? SH3 is, easily, the worst of the series, in my opinion. Just wasn't nearly as fun to play, and it wasn't nearly as creepy-ambient as the others. I have to partially agree with this. SH3 was quite a disappointment to play, after playing the first two games. But the worst in the series is SH4. It's almost worse than the early Clock Tower games. But... yeah, I strongly suggest playing SH2, and SH1 if you're not a graphicswhore, because they have an atmosphere that is unbeatable. About all the water in SH2, I think we talked about it earlier in the thread... But I'm not entirely sure, but it's an interesting subject. Don't have time to discuss it at the moment though. Our good friend ifirit will probably be along soon, and add his magnificent two cents. Quote
Pallad Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 But the worst in the series is SH4. I don't understand all the hate toward SH4. Mind you, I haven't read through all of this thread, but I'm certain it's been discussed before--but I want to toss in my two cents. I had two primary gripes with SH4--and that was the lack of bosses, and the ghosts. Those two flaws, though, are relatively minor in my opinion, and certainly not enough to ruin the game for me. SH2 is the best in the series, without question, though I haven't gotten around to playing the first one yet--just because I haven't been able to get my hands on a copy. Apparently Jonesboro, Arkansas is the home of all the ten dollar copies of Silent Hill 1; they're all over the place. Quote
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