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Warning: Silent Hill 1 & 3 SpoilersI think people should find most interesting about the documentary is that in the opening you hear a sound effect that was editted out of the final version of the game. This sound was the baby's cry as Heather leaves the area; it's what makes her turn around.

That's interesting, because when I wrote that transcription over at gamefaqs, I took that sound effect as being added by the documentary production team to accent the theme of the show; as they do hint throughout the documentary as to the true identity of the main character.

By the way, what's new in you neighborhood? Working on any new projects that you might like to share with the community? I know you're still working on Broken Notes: Sanatorium, but how's that project coming along?

Well, working on Sanatorium mostly. We're trying lots of differnet things in this one. Plus, it will be alot longer, we're already looking at a minimum of 3 discs, but it may go longer (!).

I'm writing, producing and sound designing a full length original SH audio drama that the team will score, which will take up a disc by itself. So it's great fun to work on (just like the previous albums).

On other projects, I'm working on new content for my site, mastering my music into Dolby Digital 5.1 ac3 files.

Oh, and making SH inspired machinima with that new game "The Movies". It's fun :)


Thanks a ton for looking up that info for me, even though honestly I was only curious :)

Also wanted to post this - it was in another post here, but then again it deserves to be in this one too.


It's that PLAY! symphony thing that's supposed to be making a very large tour sometime during the next year or so, and the symphony will be playing musical tracks from Silent Hill as part of the presentation :)


It sounds like fun, but they're either going to play Not Tomorrow, True or Promise (Reprise), the three most over-used tracks from the games. Also, the producers of PLAY! may probably pick them because they are the three easiest songs to transcribe to orchestra, which I feel would hardly lend to adding arrangement to the songs.

It sounds like fun, but they're either going to play Not Tomorrow, True or Promise (Reprise), the three most over-used tracks from the games. Also, the producers of PLAY! may probably pick them because they are the three easiest songs to transcribe to orchestra, which I feel would hardly lend to adding arrangement to the songs.

Man, I'd love if they did a live stage version of an industrial theme! I can see it now: metal drums, old misc factory parts that barley work, and some guy running around throwing and clanking pipes.

  • 2 weeks later...

I wanted to take the opportunity right now to let you guys know that some major changes have occurred at Konami's headquarters that will affect every aspect of the company including items involved with Silent Hill.

Konami Corporation Restructures it's Subsidiaries:

Over the last two years, Konami has been merging all of it subsidiaries together to form the Konami Group of Companies. It's goal was to help synchronize the corporation in order to allow it to expand in the global market. Thus, the Konami branches for gaming, toys, books, online materials, and other media will now be solely produced by a single company. This means that Konami Computer Entertainment of Tokyo, Inc. (KCET), Konami Computer Entertainment of Japan, Inc., (KCEJ) and Konami Computer Entertainment Studios, Inc. (KCES) have all combined into a single company operating under the Konami Corporation. The subsidiary company will now be called Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KDE). Also, Konami Computer Entertainment of America, Inc., Konami Computer Entertainment of Europe, Inc. and Konami Computer Entertainment of Asia, Inc. have all merged together under a single subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Each division will retain its location, but will now operate in synch with Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Inc. Also, and most importantly, the headquarters for Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Inc. are now based in Los Angeles, California, USA. KDE also recently completed building a manufacturing facility in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA which will significantly improved Konami's production and distribution capabilities.

This is very exciting news to fans in the United States of America, because the US will now be the focus of Konami's game development and distribution. So, when it comes to information on new releases, fans in the US will be able to receive it first. This is very exciting news indeed! In addition, all news released about Konami and it's products will now be released in English, no translation needed. (Woo-hoo!) You see, Konami is looking to increase it's brand awareness not only in the US, but globally. So, Konami wants to try to establish the kind of market that encourages consumption of its products the way it is able to in Japan. Considering the gaming world, this is a huge step into bringing the gaming world into the mainstream. Konami hopes to make gaming as universal as watching television or going to the movies. It is looking to not only remove the stigma of gaming, but to make every age group as excited about its products as the younger generation.

What this translates to, for Silent Hill fans, is a more direct access to future Silent Hill products and merchandise in the US. (The resulting trickle-effect will allow fans in other regions access to these products as well.) That means the US will now have access to some of the really cool and rare items that have previously been exclusive to Japan. Therefore, I cannot stress the importance of next year's Konami Gamer's Day (2006). Usually held in January in San Fransico, California (last year at the Sony Metreon entertainment complex), this event is used to inform the public of any and all games Konami plans to release for that year. Therefore, if we're going to hear any new information about Silent Hill 5, you will definitely want to be at that event. And since Konami's gaming division is now headquartered in Los Angeles, chances are that it will be held there. Besides, with so many new games and sequels coming out for the next generation of consoles, you'll want to be there anyway, i.e. Metal Gear Solid 4, Rumble Roses XX, DanceDanceRevolution, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. Also, since Konami has also bought out Hudson Soft Co., Ltd., new titles and sequels from their lineup of games could be expected as well.

SO GO TO KONAMI'S GAMER'S DAY 2006 TO GET COOL FREE STUFF! (In case you do plan to go to KGD2006, make sure to stop by San Bruno located directly across from the San Fransico International Airport [seriously, as soon as you get out of the airport parking lot, you're in San Bruno]. Try to see if you can get a coffee at Never Too Latte.)

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. - Main Website

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. - Corporate History

Konami's Regional Corporate Structure

Konami Press Releases - Konami to Merge with Subsidiaries

Konami Press Releases - Announcement of Group Restructuring

Konami Press Releases - Konami Opens New Gaming Production Facility in Las Vegas

Konami Press Releases - Konami will accept a third party allotment of new shares of Hudson

Konami Press Releases - Konami Establishes New Computer & Video Games Operation Based in Los Angeles, California

Konami News Release - Konami's Silent Hill 4: The Room Ships Nationwide (Not really anything new, but I like the way it states the Series Information at the bottom.)

Silent Hill 4 Kyodan - "Impenetrable Rain of Yoshiwara (Special Chapter)":

We recently talked about the special drama (kyodan) disc that came with the Silent Hill 4: The Room soundtrack. As you know, it's a ghost story told by Teisui Ichiryusai, but released only in Japan was a special chapter of the kyodan. Bundled with the game and soundtrack, the Silent Hill 4: The Room Bundled Edition featured additional promotional items such as an exclusive poster and additonal disc containing the kyodan "Special Chapter." I had been looking for a copy for almost a year now, and stumbled across it on a Russian website, Hometown.

I don't know if the "Special Chapter" is an epilogue or additional story from the original 12 track story, or if it is merely a promotional item taking selections from the kyodan to promote the soundtrack, but it is something that is not featured on either parts of the soundtrack. Get this rare item before it becomes another "lost memory."

Hometown's Silent Hill 4 Music Page - Impenetrable Rain of Yoshiwara (Special Chapter) (Scroll down past the official soundtracks to access the "Special Chapter" mp3.)

Impenetrable Rain of Yoshiwara (Special Chapter) - MegaUpload Mirror (I provided a temporary mirror in case Hometown's site becomes unavailable.)

Silent Hill Remixes - More Fan Remixes:

I was looking into something different, but came across some really cool fan remixes of the music from the Silent Hill series. I couldn't believe how many good ones I found that people just don't know about. (Plus, I didn't realized how popular Silent Hill was in Russia.) So, rather than bore you with the details of how I discovered these, let's just get into the mixes, shall we?

Tears of Mankind:

This Russian-based, Gothic Metal band has officially released a few albums online. Their instrumentation is phenominal, although the vocals are somewhat irregular. (Think Cookie Monster singing in a Death Metal band. :?) Don't let that mislead you since the vocals work, but at the same time sound odd. You just have to listen to it to understand what I mean. (Personally, I would have preferred a better singer, but it doesn't really detract from the music overall.) Over the last few years, they've released several Gothic Metal remixes from Silent Hill, some good, some okay and some very good.

Tears of Mankind - Tender Sugar (Gothic Metal)

Tears of Mankind - Theme of Laura (Gothic Metal) (Recommended)

Tears of Mankind - Please Love Me (Gothic Metal) (Highly Recommended)

Tears of Mankind - Room of Angel (Gothic Metal)

Tears of Mankind - Promise (Gothic Metal)

Tears of Mankind - Way Through A Fog (The Ode to The Silent Hill)

Silent Hill Underground:

While looking for additional music created by Silent Hill fans, I came across another Russian website dedicated to Silent Hill. In the fanwork section titled Underground, the music section contains a 72-track album of Silent Hill inspired music created by Lukasz Brzostek, in the same vein as Broken Notes or the Silent Hill Fan Soundtrack. The music has the same dark ambient tones as most other original fanworks, but I somehow feel that this album is much closer to capturing the essence of Akira Yamaoka's works than anyone else has.

Silent Hill Underground - Fan Soundtrack by Lukasz Brzostek

DJ Sadan:

From Siberia, Russia, DJ Sadan is a fairly newcomer to the Silent Hill scene and has not been known to visit the Silent Hill Forum on occasion, but is very much into the European Drum 'n Bass scene. This is one of his tributes to Akira Yamaoka. (You can also check out his music in the SH fan film The Peephole [based on SH4:TR], as he is confirmed to compose the score.) This song simply adds a drum loop and some additional synths/pads over the original melody of the Theme of Laura (Reprise), but what I find interesting is that it works really well. (Hey, if the Chrono Trigger Mixtape can be popular in its fanbase, this can, too.)

DJ Sadan - Theme of Laura(Sadan dnb mix)


This Germany-based, DnB producer has actually been published on CD in the European DnB scene and carries a lot of credibility among DJ's in Europe, so I was surprised to see that he also created a few Silent Hill fan remixes. I wasn't a hardcore DnB listener before listening to this, so I was skeptical of this after listening to DJ Sadan's mix. However, once I finished listening to this track, I couldn't help but to try to find a download of his remix and his other releases.

Comatron - Silent Hill (Remedy Recordings Mix) (Remix of True & Promise [Reprise]) Requires Real Player to Stream

Comatron - Secret Place (Link posted once I find a site that actually works)


Hailing from Victoria, Australia, bluetrain is a member of the Silent Hill Forum and new to the Silent Hill Remixing Community. However, he has definitely placed himself on my map with his mix, Promise [Absconder Mix], a trance remix of Promise from SH2. I recommend that you check this out at the very least. (I especially like the end, where Mary keeps repeating "You promised.")

bluetrain - Promise [Absconder Mix]

I'm very glad, and surprised, to have found these mixes and I hope you guys enjoy them as well. It's just too bad that there aren't any Americans on this list.

Man, I'd love if they did a live stage version of an industrial theme! I can see it now: metal drums, old misc factory parts that barley work, and some guy running around throwing and clanking pipes.

I was listening over the complete soundtrack from Silent Hill, and the song I would love to hear performed live is the music from the sewer that connects the Resort Area to the Amusement Park (Listed as "Sinking Horses" on Dustfungus' Complete Soundtrack, "Flesh and Blood" on Koebi's Complete Soundtrack and "Permeable" on yours.) That song plays increasingly scarier and scarier as you listen to it. And, I think that a live performance would simply act to increase the tension and anxiety, especially if they added the sound effects of Clawfingers bursting through the metal grating in a 3-D sound system (or ideally, with live performers that would enter the hall during the performance to scare the audience). :twisted: Fun times.


Silent Hill Film Update:

Bloody-Disgusting.com has just posted some new production stills from the upcoming film and announced that the official film website www.welcometosilenthill.com will open on Monday, December 5, 2005. A contest is scheduled to be underway on Opening Day for the best poster to promote the Silent Hill film. So, get your photoshops ready and start making some posters.

Bloody-Disgusting Article - Exclusive Pics from 'Silent Hill' + Make Your Own Poster

Silent Hill Production Stills #3 - Livejournal Mirror (nekokikichan from the Silent Hill Forum has graciously provided a mirror for the new set of images from the upcoming film. Thank you.)

I don't want to get your hopes up, but it's possible that a trailer (or teaser trailer) might be available for viewing once the site opens.

Silent Hill Underground:

While looking for additional music created by Silent Hill fans, I came across another Russian website dedicated to Silent Hill. In the fanwork section titled Underground, the music section contains a 72-track album of Silent Hill inspired music created by Lukasz Brzostek, in the same vein as Broken Notes or the Silent Hill Fan Soundtrack. The music has the same dark ambient ambient tones as most other original fanworks, but I somehow feel that this album is much closer to capturing the essence of Akira Yamaoka's works than anyone else has.

Owns. My. Face.

I've added a couple of mirrors up in my previous post, just in case any of the main links don't work. Enjoy.

Sorry to get off-topic now, but...

I need you to get on MSN, as soon as possible. There is something I want to show you.

I wanted to take the opportunity right now to let you guys know that some major changes have occurred at Konami's headquarters that will affect every aspect of the company including items involved with Silent Hill.

Konami Corporation Restructures it's Subsidiaries:

Over the last two years, Konami has been merging all of it subsidiaries together to form the Konami Group of Companies. It's goal was to help synchronize the corporation in order to allow it to expand in the global market. Thus, the Konami branches for gaming, toys, books, online materials, and other media will now be solely produced by a single company. This means that Konami Computer Entertainment of Tokyo, Inc. (KCET), Konami Computer Entertainment of Japan, Inc., (KCEJ) and Konami Computer Entertainment Studios, Inc. (KCES) have all combined into a single company operating under the Konami Corporation. The subsidiary company will now be called Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KDE). Also, Konami Computer Entertainment of America, Inc., Konami Computer Entertainment of Europe, Inc. and Konami Computer Entertainment of Asia, Inc. have all merged together under a single subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Each division will retain its location, but will now operate in synch with Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Inc. Also, and most importantly, the headquarters for Konami Digital Entertainment Co., Inc. are now based in Los Angeles, California, USA. KDE also recently completed building a manufacturing facility in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA which will significantly improved Konami's production and distribution capabilities.

This is very exciting news to fans in the United States of America, because the US will now be the focus of Konami's game development and distribution. So, when it comes to information on new releases, fans in the US will be able to receive it first. This is very exciting news indeed! In addition, all news released about Konami and it's products will now be released in English, no translation needed. (Woo-hoo!) You see, Konami is looking to increase it's brand awareness not only in the US, but globally. So, Konami wants to try to establish the kind of market that encourages consumption of its products the way it is able to in Japan. Considering the gaming world, this is a huge step into bringing the gaming world into the mainstream. Konami hopes to make gaming as universal as watching television or going to the movies. It is looking to not only remove the stigma of gaming, but to make every age group as excited about its products as the younger generation.

What this translates to, for Silent Hill fans, is a more direct access to future Silent Hill products and merchandise in the US. (The resulting trickle-effect will allow fans in other regions access to these products as well.) That means the US will now have access to some of the really cool and rare items that have previously been exclusive to Japan. Therefore, I cannot stress the importance of next year's Konami Gamer's Day (2006). Usually held in January in San Fransico, California (last year at the Sony Metreon entertainment complex), this event is used to inform the public of any and all games Konami plans to release for that year. Therefore, if we're going to hear any new information about Silent Hill 5, you will definitely want to be at that event. And since Konami's gaming division is now headquartered in Los Angeles, chances are that it will be held there. Besides, with so many new games and sequels coming out for the next generation of consoles, you'll want to be there anyway, i.e. Metal Gear Solid 4, Rumble Roses XX, DanceDanceRevolution, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, etc. Also, since Konami has also bought out Hudson Soft Co., Ltd., new titles and sequels from their lineup of games could be expected as well.

SO GO TO KONAMI'S GAMER'S DAY 2006 TO GET COOL FREE STUFF! (In case you do plan to go to KGD2006, make sure to stop by San Bruno located directly across from the San Fransico International Airport [seriously, as soon as you get out of the airport parking lot, you're in San Bruno]. Try to see if you can get a coffee at Never Too Latte.)

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. - Main Website

Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. - Corporate History

Konami's Regional Corporate Structure

Konami Press Releases - Konami to Merge with Subsidiaries

Konami Press Releases - Announcement of Group Restructuring

Konami Press Releases - Konami Opens New Gaming Production Facility in Las Vegas

Konami Press Releases - Konami will accept a third party allotment of new shares of Hudson

Konami Press Releases - Konami Establishes New Computer & Video Games Operation Based in Los Angeles, California

Konami News Release - Konami's Silent Hill 4: The Room Ships Nationwide (Not really anything new, but I like the way it states the Series Information at the bottom.)

Silent Hill 4 Kyodan - "Impenetrable Rain of Yoshiwara (Special Chapter)":

We recently talked about the special drama (kyodan) disc that came with the Silent Hill 4: The Room soundtrack. As you know, it's a ghost story told by Teisui Ichiryusai, but released only in Japan was a special chapter of the kyodan. Bundled with the game and soundtrack, the Silent Hill 4: The Room Bundled Edition featured additional promotional items such as an exclusive poster and additonal disc containing the kyodan "Special Chapter." I had been looking for a copy for almost a year now, and stumbled across it on a Russian website, Hometown.

I don't know if the "Special Chapter" is an epilogue or additional story from the original 12 track story, or if it is merely a promotional item taking selections from the kyodan to promote the soundtrack, but it is something that is not featured on either parts of the soundtrack. Get this rare item before it becomes another "lost memory."

Hometown's Silent Hill 4 Music Page - Impenetrable Rain of Yoshiwara (Special Chapter) (Scroll down past the official soundtracks to access the "Special Chapter" mp3.)

Impenetrable Rain of Yoshiwara (Special Chapter) - MegaUpload Mirror (I provided a temporary mirror in case Hometown's site becomes unavailable.)

Silent Hill Remixes - More Fan Remixes:

I was looking into something different, but came across some really cool fan remixes of the music from the Silent Hill series. I couldn't believe how many good ones I found that people just don't know about. (Plus, I didn't realized how popular Silent Hill was in Russia.) So, rather than bore you with the details of how I discovered these, let's just get into the mixes, shall we?

Tears of Mankind:

This Russian-based, Gothic Metal band has officially released a few albums online. Their instrumentation is phenominal, although the vocals are somewhat irregular. (Think Cookie Monster singing in a Death Metal band. :?) Don't let that mislead you since the vocals work, but at the same time sound odd. You just have to listen to it to understand what I mean. (Personally, I would have preferred a better singer, but it doesn't really detract from the music overall.) Over the last few years, they've released several Gothic Metal remixes from Silent Hill, some good, some okay and some very good.

Tears of Mankind - Tender Sugar (Gothic Metal)

Tears of Mankind - Theme of Laura (Gothic Metal) (Recommended)

Tears of Mankind - Please Love Me (Gothic Metal) (Highly Recommended)

Tears of Mankind - Room of Angel (Gothic Metal)

Tears of Mankind - Promise (Gothic Metal)

Tears of Mankind - Way Through A Fog (The Ode to The Silent Hill)

Silent Hill Underground:

While looking for additional music created by Silent Hill fans, I came across another Russian website dedicated to Silent Hill. In the fanwork section titled Underground, the music section contains a 72-track album of Silent Hill inspired music created by Lukasz Brzostek, in the same vein as Broken Notes or the Silent Hill Fan Soundtrack. The music has the same dark ambient tones as most other original fanworks, but I somehow feel that this album is much closer to capturing the essence of Akira Yamaoka's works than anyone else has.

Silent Hill Underground - Fan Soundtrack by Lukasz Brzostek

DJ Sadan:

From Siberia, Russia, DJ Sadan is a fairly newcomer to the Silent Hill scene and has not been known to visit the Silent Hill Forum on occasion, but is very much into the European Drum 'n Bass scene. This is one of his tributes to Akira Yamaoka. (You can also check out his music in the SH fan film The Peephole [based on SH4:TR], as he is confirmed to compose the score.) This song simply adds a drum loop and some additional synths/pads over the original melody of the Theme of Laura (Reprise), but what I find interesting is that it works really well. (Hey, if the Chrono Trigger Mixtape can be popular in its fanbase, this can, too.)

DJ Sadan - Theme of Laura(Sadan dnb mix)


This Germany-based, DnB producer has actually been published on CD in the European DnB scene and carries a lot of credibility among DJ's in Europe, so I was surprised to see that he also created a few Silent Hill fan remixes. I wasn't a hardcore DnB listener before listening to this, so I was skeptical of this after listening to DJ Sadan's mix. However, once I finished listening to this track, I couldn't help but to try to find a download of his remix and his other releases.

Comatron - Silent Hill (Remedy Recordings Mix) (Remix of True & Promise [Reprise]) Requires Real Player to Stream

Comatron - Secret Place (Link posted once I find a site that actually works)


Hailing from Victoria, Australia, bluetrain is a member of the Silent Hill Forum and new to the Silent Hill Remixing Community. However, he has definitely placed himself on my map with his mix, Promise [Absconder Mix], a trance remix of Promise from SH2. I recommend that you check this out at the very least. (I especially like the end, where Mary keeps repeating "You promised.")

bluetrain - Promise [Absconder Mix]

I'm very glad, and surprised, to have found these mixes and I hope you guys enjoy them as well. It's just too bad that there aren't any Americans on this list.

Man, I'd love if they did a live stage version of an industrial theme! I can see it now: metal drums, old misc factory parts that barley work, and some guy running around throwing and clanking pipes.

I was listening over the complete soundtrack from Silent Hill, and the song I would love to hear performed live is the music from the sewer that connects the Resort Area to the Amusement Park (Listed as "Sinking Horses" on Dustfungus' Complete Soundtrack, "Flesh and Blood" on Koebi's Complete Soundtrack and "Permeable" on yours.) That song plays increasingly scarier and scarier as you listen to it. And, I think that a live performance would simply act to increase the tension and anxiety, especially if they added the sound effects of Clawfingers bursting through the metal grating in a 3-D sound system (or ideally, with live performers that would enter the hall during the performance to scare the audience). :twisted: Fun times.


Silent Hill Film Update:

Bloody-Disgusting.com has just posted some new production stills from the upcoming film and announced that the official film website www.welcometosilenthill.com will open on Monday, December 5, 2005. A contest is scheduled to be underway on Opening Day for the best poster to promote the Silent Hill film. So, get your photoshops ready and start making some posters.

Bloody-Disgusting Article - Exclusive Pics from 'Silent Hill' + Make Your Own Poster

Silent Hill Production Stills #3 - Livejournal Mirror (nekokikichan from the Silent Hill Forum has graciously provided a mirror for the new set of images from the upcoming film. Thank you.)

I don't want to get your hopes up, but it's possible that a trailer (or teaser trailer) might be available for viewing once the site opens.



Silent Hill Film Update:

As was reported by bloody-disgusting.com, the official website is having a contest for the best fan poster to promote the Silent Hill Film. Well, the contest has been extended to other sites by promoting some exclusivity. The Horror Channel has been given exclusive production photos for use in the Silent Hill film Poster Contest. Make sure to get these images, too.

The Horror Channel - Exclusive Silent Hill Pics for the Poster!

On a personal note, I was surprised that they made Dahlia more primal and savage in these pictures (which I assume is supposed to represent her image from the game, when Harry meets her), because Dahlia wasn't that unhygenic in the game. I feel like there is a lack of consistency in this, since Dahlia isn't actually crazy as people say she is (i.e. Lisa's mention of Dahlia [and even then raises doubts about the rumor, since the Lisa we see in SH1 isn't the real Lisa]); she's cryptic and that only gives the "perspection" of crazy to those you don't understand what that person is refering to. So, by showing Dahlia as an uncredible character in appearance, I feel like she is an uncredible person in the story, even though logically I know she isn't. That part really disappoints me.

However, I like Dahlia's appearance in her funeral dress, because that is much closer to the way she would have dressed in the game and because it helps to make her character more acceptable as being in charge of the creation of Alessa, which according to Silent Hill 4: The Room suggests that she achieves high status within the cult of Silent Hill after Alessa's second birth, i.e. Cheryl. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the pictures and make sure to check out the official website on Monday.


...Wow, that Tears of Mankind Room of Angel song was *really* good...Struck a chord with me, but the cookie monster vocals of the others were a shame.

Those movie pictures are sweet o.o Seeing that body strung up on the fence, a la Silent Hill 1, was just great - it looks SO much like the original, even if it does have kind of a fakey look to it. Count me as impressed I suppose :)


I just read somewhere what I personally may think is even more reasonable....The woman in the funeral veil is probably Dahlia. But as for the ragged, filthy woman, that might be Cristabella. (At least according to IMDb, which I know is a very shaky resource) But it would make more sense considering that the two women look so different from one another.

...But then, I have no idea who Cristabella is, or what she'd be doing in this movie in the first place. All I know about her is that she appeared in the Silent Hill: Dying Inside comics, right?


Ive got a couple of MP3's that might warrant posting if only for their "Oh, that's kinda quaint" charms.

The first is Laura reciting a prayer (If I should die before I wake...)

The second is Mary reading her last letter to Laura (My dearest Laura, I'm leaving this letter with Rachel...)

The third is the audio that was going to be on the videotape that James watches in his room.

As soon as I can get them uploaded (my new PC doesnt like my FTP software) then I'll post them.

I just read somewhere what I personally may think is even more reasonable....The woman in the funeral veil is probably Dahlia. But as for the ragged, filthy woman, that might be Cristabella. (At least according to IMDb, which I know is a very shaky resource) But it would make more sense considering that the two women look so different from one another.

...But then, I have no idea who Cristabella is, or what she'd be doing in this movie in the first place. All I know about her is that she appeared in the Silent Hill: Dying Inside comics, right?

Christabella is a 7-year-old girl that has black hair, wears a white dress (much like the ones worn during the Catholic ritual of First Communion), and swears way too much. That screenshot is clearly not a seven-year-old girl, so when you implied that, I said, "what the hell!?" (You can clearly see the insult to my intellect.) Besides, the story around Christabella and Dying Inside is not very closely related to the main story of Silent Hill.

I'm very disappointed in the Dying Inside series, partly by fault of Scott Ciencin, who seems to understand very little about the mythos of Silent Hill (at least anything related outside of SH2), and partly on Konami, who used programmers as the consultants for IDW rather than the producers, directors, or script writers (if you're gonna write a Silent Hill story you need to consult with Hiroyuki Owaku first). Also, that series not only misunderstands the games, it even references them incorrectly. ("Cheryl is gun-toting survivalist/cheerleader," my ass. Midwich has a gymnasium? Since when? And since when do the monsters from The Suffering cross-over to Silent Hill? Whatley? Could it be that you just misspelled "Walter?")

Great, now I'm in a bad mood.

Ive got a couple of MP3's that might warrant posting if only for their "Oh, that's kinda quaint" charms.

The first is Laura reciting a prayer (If I should die before I wake...)

The second is Mary reading her last letter to Laura (My dearest Laura, I'm leaving this letter with Rachel...)

The third is the audio that was going to be on the videotape that James watches in his room.

As soon as I can get them uploaded (my new PC doesnt like my FTP software) then I'll post them.

These have been posted here before and are still available on Silent Hill Media.


I apologize, I meant no insult at all :) It's really just me thinking out loud - that, and I'd never read the comics, so could never have known she was only a little girl. But based on what you mentioned and all those glaring flaws with the comic, I don't think I'll be spending my money on them.



I love DnB mixes of silent hill music..any more recommendations?

Silent Hill Remix: The Lesser Fan Remixes:

Well, I checked around again to see if I could find any good mixes around, and the result? No. But, I did find some interesting ones to consider. Take a listen. You'll at least get a small kick out of the way people have been attempting a rearrangement of Yamaoka's works.

cj. Rynio

Well, surprise, surprise, I found another dnb remix created by a Russian fan. This mix was created by cj. Rynio (weird name) who seems to have just started getting into the remixing scene, but does have a good grasp on the basics (and even a few tricks). Needless to say, his mix titled simply Silent Hill 4 remix remixes the main theme "Room of Angel" and turns it into a very unusual up-tempo, high-pitched DnB mix that might work better as the beat for a hip-hop piece than a DnB one. However, in it's defense, the way that the piece develops is fun and ultimately pays off in the end, making you wish the overall piece was better elaborated upon than it is. You'll notice that the lead doesn't have the same timbre as Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Melissa Williamson), and I find that the person who is singing in this piece to have a very lovely voice, making me wish I could hear the undistorted version.

cj. Rynio - Silent Hill 4 Remix (DnB remix of Room of Angel)

Talan & slipper:

This one really caught my ear after listening to it, because 1) it's a rap mix (gangsta rap to be exact) of Sickness Unto Foolish Death (and some Lost Carol) from Silent Hill 3 and 2) because I love the timbre of a deep, male Russian accent ("In Russia, song remixes you!"). Talan & slipper have really brought the flow and flava to the Silent Hill remixes in the same way DJ Crono did for his ReMixes. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll develop an overwhelming sense of love/hate for Europeans who rap.

Talan & slipper - Крик души (silent hill mix) (Recommended for fun)

Pronounced "krik dushi (silent hill mix)"

Mythril Nazgul:

WH-UT?! How did this one slip through the cracks? By request, Mythril Nazgul created a faux ReMix of Lost Carol in the style of an FFmusic Dj trance piece. I wouldn't call it a joke mix exactly, because it was trying to experiment with the timbre, style and harmony of the original piece, but none-the-less it still isn't anything to write home about.

"Lost Carol" - Silent Hill 3 trance request (Thread where song was requested)

Mythril Nazgul - Lost Carol (I made a mix Mix)


I'm not sure what to write here, because I basically came across only the link to the song with no description or information that explains anything behind the work. Well, the only things I can say about these two derivative works are that they take a very interesting idea and totally screw it up. These songs remix the Theme of Laura in acoustic rock with original vocals and melody. What really breaks this mix is the sound quality and lack of proper editing/mixing. (Be careful as if you listen to this too loudly, it clips like crazy.) Had the group taken the time to sit down with a sound editor and give the tracks the attention they deserved, this could have been incredibly awesome. So, with that said, enjoy the bastardization.

Soviet - The Silent Hill (featuring Charlene O Donnel)

Soviet - The Silent Hill (featuring Charlene O Donnel) [Megaupload Mirror]

Soviet - The Silent Hill (featuring Steph Kewell) (Steph Kewell is the vocalist for Twilight's Kiss)

Soviet - The Silent Hill (featuring Steph Kewell) [Megaupload Mirror]

mono lo-fi minimal:

mono lo-fi minimal, aka johnno k, hails from eastern Malaysia an is working on a tribute to Silent Hill in the form of remixing its works in an experimental rock/ambient hybrid. He has only released three tracks so far (and made only one downloadable), so there isn't a whole lot to listen to. The concept is nice, but again, this fails to really show anything of real value in terms of arrangement. Still cool to check out.

mono lo-fi minimal - A Silent Tribute (W.I.P) (scroll down some to view the Silent Hill material)

The Shade:

Last up is a remix of the original Silent Hill theme Silent Hill, inappropriately mislabeled as Hometown (yeah!). The Shade offers us a solo, heavy-metal guitar version of the theme with back-up by minimalistic drums. Had K.Praz not released his White Claudia Rock a very long time ago, which I believe is much better, I'd be more inclined to give this better spotlight. But, anyway...check out his Hitman 2: Silent Assassin arrangement if you'd like to hear a heavy-metal guitar mix of that game's music.

The Shade - Hometown (Solo Electric Guitar)

I hope you've enjoyed seeing the weaker side of the Silent Hill remixing community. Let's hope these guys work on their mixes and try to improve them more. Later.

EDIT: I know the music from Silent Hill 2 is way over used for remixes, but why not a few more, eh?

Deek Beeker, et. al. & Case Closed:

Primative Features, is joined by some friends, Deek Beeker, Los Tha Don, Death Threats and Forearm Fracture, for a little Silent Hill hip-hop action. They take the music from Theme of Laura (Reprise) and give it a little rap remix. Be prepared for mad rhymes and ill lyrics as they attempt to take Silent Hill to the streets. (Unfortunately, there is not an option to download this track.)

Primative Features - Silent Hill - (Requires SoundClick Account)


Electronica junkie, GeeVious, has been making music and video game remixes for quite some time and has developed a very unique style of his own. He takes us on a very strange electronic journey through the inner workings of True. I was almost not going to put this in the Lesser Fan Remixes section, because of the amount of arrangement that this piece utilizes, but it's sound production is not the best that it could be, which gives me greater doubts than reassurances. Still cool to listen to. (I love how it transforms the main melody into the "dial-tone" motif from the telephone call scene in SH1 that so many fans include in their works. Tres cool.)

GeeVious - "Silent Hill 2 - True (GVS's Nintindud RmX)" - (Requires SoundClick Account)

If you guys find any cool mixes, or want to plug your own, please do. I love to hear arrangements from the Silent Hill series.

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